I would like a new section with the heading PROBLEMS where people will post general troubles in life they are having.
/love/ and /general/ work fine for that kind of thing, to be honest.
i would like to see a philosophy section.
you could probably get away with it in /science/
singles and couples?
since sometimes people dont want to see how couples are doing (creating envy)??
just a thought
There is a couples thread in /love/, but I don't know if there's many couples there to begin with.
Yeah, maybe something like "Social life or lack thereof"
Seconding a PHILOSOPHY section. Also a religion board would be nice. Having discussions of Jesus's divinity or whatever in a philosophy board doesn't make sense, so please keep them seperate if you created either.
how about a fashion board?
i lol'd
I'd like to request a board specifically for YouTube links. I think there's one on 2ch now.
I second this. Maybe Religion and Philosophy can be combined to make one board?
Can't a YouTube thread be made in Internet Addicts Anonymous or DQN?
There's already a youtube/google video thread in Film & TV.
Maybe we should have an English board, to talk about English!
Or maybe that's the dumbest idea I've ever come up with.