I think an < hr > tag would be really sweet.
And a < code > tag please?
Thanks.. and sorry for my ignorance if any.
already do < code >
> hr
does the trick when necessary (and it never is)
> code
You probably know that you can already paste code with whitespace preserved in a monospace font by indenting it with 4 spaces, right?
Anyway, pre would be more useful (code won't preserve whitespace) - but posts that require both HTML and pre blocks are really rare anyway, and you can make 2 separate posts if necessary.
Yes, they do. But you should understand that the low-tech aspect of this sort of boards is not something most users are eager to see "fixed".
I agree that a <pre> tag would be very useful. I am sick of tabbing lines in a temp buffer to post monospace too. And what happened to multi-line monospace making backticks anyway? Now it only works on single lines.