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All things science, philosophy, natural sciences, sociology and other related academic topics are all talked about. Debates and civil arguments are also welcome.
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1: Tiny chameleon with large genitalia may be the world's smallest reptile (2) 2: Black garlic: A critical review of its production, bioactivity, and application (1) 3: How do microorganisms poop without a butthole? (1) 4: Artificial melanin variant could be used for outer space radiation shielding (1) 5: Why do cocks lack cocks? (1) 6: The Terrifying Sex Organs of Male Turtles (1) 7: What is the meaning of life (8) 8: Pluto not a planet ;_; (46) 9: Evolution is a DIRTY LIE (136) 10: Psychology is a fake science (84) 11: Endocrine disrupting and Asthma-associated chemicals in hair products used by Black women (3) 12: Silicon based life, has anybody tried this? (5) 13: Alternate Shuttle Aces Early Test (5) 14: Here's how much money doctors actually make (2) 15: Let's think how to cure the 'baldness' (24) 16: Higgs field, Bose condensate, quantum fluctuations, inertia (31) 17: Would you break Number Code? (4) 18: Public debate on the (in)effectiveness of homeopathy (4) 19: When will they come out with a 256 bit OS or 1024 bit CPU? (78) 20: Bionic Eye helps the blind see low-res B&W video (8) 21: Good book for physics? (11) 22: Using a molecule as a basic transistor (4) 23: U F O (34) 24: theory (17) 25: We are living in a simulation (59) 26: Planetary Wind Speeds (10) 27: The science of economics (pro). (8) 28: Internet, teach me math (8) 29: Earth's Magnetic Field Polarity Reversal (11) 30: [Debate] The Problem of Evil [Religion] (79) 31: Should CERN Deactivate the Large Hadron Collider? (7) 32: There are no scientific threads on this page (11) 33: Randall Museum (1) 34: Curiosity has landed on Mars! (4) 35: The "Terminator" arm on a man who lost his right arm six years ago. (2) 36: Is the Universe Finite - or Infinite (You thoughts) (50) 37: What is a specific name of this fish? (2) 38: Maximum temperature? (2) 39: What do you think of this? The disadvantage of Smarts. (5) 40: What Makes People Go Psycho? (37)

Tiny chameleon with large genitalia may be the world's smallest reptile (2)

2 Name: !!MU/MFysn : 2021-02-25 00:15 ID:IgZwbOkS


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Black garlic: A critical review of its production, bioactivity, and application (1)

1 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2020-08-22 01:34 ID:nPGzHAhW

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How do microorganisms poop without a butthole? (1)

1 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2020-08-19 08:06 ID:R03ZasGZ

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Artificial melanin variant could be used for outer space radiation shielding (1)

1 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2020-08-19 00:46 ID:x5hm8qTz

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Why do cocks lack cocks? (1)

1 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2020-08-14 05:28 ID:jf0vKZ0X

Most male birds lack a penis, but why?

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The Terrifying Sex Organs of Male Turtles (1)

1 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2020-08-09 08:18 ID:iSlTy1HR

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What is the meaning of life (8)

1 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2016-10-14 09:25 ID:7ue8lWQv


2 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2016-10-14 09:26 ID:7ue8lWQv

Thats gay, mate

3 Post deleted.

4 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2017-01-20 15:45 ID:ZpOsFhEK

Life is meaningless.

5 Name: James Tiberius Kirk : 2017-01-27 03:04 ID:I2ET+xh/

Everybody knows the meaning of life is 42!

6 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2017-03-07 17:51 ID:97EUB4xW

dicks out for Harambe

7 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2018-11-01 05:37 ID:xva4i63r

I think >>6 is on to something.

8 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2020-07-22 07:50 ID:4vALw/9a

Practice kindness and tolerance, love yourself and never, ever refreeze food that has been defrosted.

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Pluto not a planet ;_; (46)

37 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-08-03 00:57 ID:Heaven


That was not an amusing post why did you make it

38 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-08-03 01:37 ID:Heaven

no, it's not. you're thinking of "no" as opposed to "no".

39 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-08-03 08:11 ID:Heaven

I can feel a "Post deleted by moderator." coming...

40 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-08-04 11:41 ID:Heaven


Can you now.

41 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-08-10 06:04 ID:Heaven

It's as if millions of voices suddenly cried out against censorship and were suddenly silenced.

42 Post deleted.

43 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2016-11-20 06:27 ID:sTLdiL1K

fuck you 2016 anon

44 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2017-10-02 22:01 ID:pLm27skz

Pluto is a dog.

45 Name: Sailor Mars : 2019-04-29 16:16 ID:AV9uDWap

If Pluto is not a planet then Phobos and Deimos should not be considered moons.

46 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2019-12-21 02:22 ID:RR138ldI

Good, Doom Slayer can nuke them from orbit

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Evolution is a DIRTY LIE (136)

1 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2008-05-16 15:43 ID:fM7LLXTR

> 1. The aim of this report is not to question or to fight a belief – the right to freedom of belief does not permit that. The aim is to warn against certain tendencies to pass off a belief as science. It is necessary to separate belief from science. It is not a matter of antagonism. Science and belief must be able to coexist. It is not a matter of opposing belief and science, but it is necessary to prevent belief from opposing science.

Stopped reading there.

There is NO evidence of evolution. It is a belief. Objective science doesn't support evolution no matter how many frauds and hoaxes are fabricated to support evolution. The truth always trickles out.

Life doesn't just happen. That alone totally defies the Laws of Science.

The Judeo Christian G-D, made it happen. G-d is the Author of all science. It is no coincidence that leading evolutionists are atheists. THAT is by design. These atheistic evolutionists do not find G-d acceptable in their premises. Their premise is that there is NO G-D.

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127 Post deleted.

128 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2016-11-02 16:56 ID:usdMZ3Fw

The Prophet Mohammad (pieces of shit be upon him)

129 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2017-08-19 18:29 ID:DHAQ3Sv+

I made a LINE stamp.
Please use it if you like i

130 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2019-04-30 00:15 ID:hU+DowoT

Nice bait anon

131 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2019-05-01 22:47 ID:Heaven

     | \
     |Д`)   Only dumb necroposters are here,
     |⊂     I can dance now!

     ♪  ☆
   ♪   / \    RANTA TAN
      ヽ(´Д`;)ノ   RANTA TAN
         (  へ)    RANTA RANTA
          く       TAN

   ♪    ☆
     ♪ / \   RANTA RANTA
      ヽ(;´Д`)ノ  RANTA TAN
         (へ  )    RANTA TANTA
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132 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2019-05-02 09:05 ID:cOLAlP7E

You fucked up, you're only supposed to RANTA TAN where no one can see you!

133 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2019-05-09 02:22 ID:Heaven

>>129-999 don't qualify as people.

134 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2019-09-16 14:44 ID:l/WUkjE4

>>133 same

135 Name: Ichirou Matsushita : 2019-09-30 14:40 ID:4b7bItXa

Please listen to me!Japan is doing terrorism with state power!
Japan is famous for sloppy management of electromagnetic wave.
Japanese society Has become serious thing behind the scenes.
Electromagnetic wave is secret globally.
But Japan can`t take a cooperative attitude In the field of electromagnetic wave use.
Because some of Japanese abusing it that state secret.
They slander Japan and Japanese people and other country(America and others), and attack and threaten people,suggest that murder,Threaten to kill,using electromagnetic wave all of them.
They are antisocial terrorists with state power.

But they feel at ease.
Cause Japanese government permit terrorism!
It seems like Japanese government don`t have the motivation to prevent terrorism!
Apparently many Japanese take part in crime and playing that abusing state secret.There is a possibility that they supporting to terrorists.
Do they have awareness that it is own country?

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136 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2020-04-24 00:43 ID:Heaven

I wish I knew how to dance.

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Psychology is a fake science (84)

1 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2008-05-15 17:04 ID:ZFLs2k2Q

So I was looking at my university's psychology course materials today and I realised that null hypothesis testing is abused to the point of meaninglessness by social scientists and that's one of the reasons why psychologists aren't real scientists.


75 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2010-11-06 17:12 ID:SYZdoX2r


What do you mean by "the Mathematics award"?

76 Name: A SMART KITTY KAT : 2010-11-19 12:09 ID:Uv8thh+9


77 Name: A real scientist : 2011-06-20 05:56 ID:xnTgJo2N

Psych is certainly a real science that is being attempted by fake scientists. A psychologist knows nothing about biology (they think they do because they took that class one time...). Everything we are is a function of our biology and that includes our behavior. That behavior is madadted in the brain which is controlled by electrochemical signals. A psychologist does not have the background to understand neurology. Neuropsychology is legitimate because real scientists are evaluating behavior based off biological principles.

78 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2011-06-26 11:59 ID:U6sc08Bq

To OP: is this a kind of IQ test? From basic logic point of view, your statement does noet even make sense. You bring no evidence. There's nothing in it supporting your obvious assumption that you're right.

79 Name: a : 2011-07-09 05:37 ID:LkzfS569



80 Name: Guest : 2012-09-08 12:25 ID:mJXPClQ8

The problem I have had with psychologists is that if you try to present evidence that another doctor has taken your blood, done DNA analysis, and concluded that you have say an intersexed DNA which is the cause of your "autism" (learningdisabilities+speaking irregulaties) .. the psychologists simply responds "people are born male or female" and dismisses the notion of biological cause->effect. That is what they are taught in school. Psychologists are NOT scientists in the slightest.

81 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2012-09-09 10:11 ID:F1PFwH2f

What is "intersexed DNA"? DNA does not have a sex. It's a macromolecule.
Are you referring to a chromosomal abnormality such as Klinefelter's syndrome?

82 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2012-09-09 15:42 ID:1vh8LsRX

Like meteorology and weather forecasts.

83 Post deleted.

84 Name: Ichirou Matsushita : 2019-04-26 06:04 ID:XLkA+Egy

Some of Japanese abuse psychology.
It`s "group stalking"(集団ストーカー)

Japanese government permit terrorism!
Japan is famous for sloppy management of electromagnetic wave.
Japanese society Has become serious thing behind the scenes.
Electromagnetic wave is secret globally.
But Japan can`t take a cooperative attitude In the field of electromagnetic wave use.
Because some of Japanese capitalists abusing it that secret.
They slander Japan and Japanese people and other country(America and others), and attack and threaten civilian,suggest that murder,Threaten to kill,using electromagnetic wave all of them.
They are antisocial terrorists with state power.
But they feel at ease.
Cause Japanese government permit them to do terrorism!

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