I'm sorry if I ask questions in this post that have already been answered. If they have, please answer them for me.
My father received an angry the email the other day. It wasn't directed at him, it was a more 'rally the troops' sort of email. Apparantly Australia is facing another ethnic invasion, similar to the 'yellow peril' of the earlier 20thC, or the fear of communist invasion with the 'Domino Theory.'
Only now, we have a new enemy, the invasion of one culture into another. Muslims invading our culture, challenging the way our society thinks and acts. When will this tyranny end? Who knows! We must fight this invasion, they must assimilate to us or be forced to leave.
My father actually beleives this bullshit.
This got me thinking - this isn't racism, this is something of a new breed of prejudism. It's not based on race or physical capacity, it's based on beliefs and culture, and the unwillingness to let go. This is based on culture, or memepools. But, as far as I know, we don't have a word that defines prejudism against other cultures/memepools, do we? I suggest we standardise a new word for this, something born from the word meme or culture. Memeism, or cultism[1].
Mainly my musings, but what does everyone think?
1.This word already exists it seems, but I think it applies better to my definiton
Well crap.
Maybe "xenophobia" or "religious intolerance".