[environment] The Great Global Warming Swindle [politics] (445)

41 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-03-18 23:14 ID:Heaven


>i'm reserving judgment on that one until i see some real scientific evidence for or against it.

Okay this is going to be a little off topic, but how can you be on the fence about evolution? Evolution, on the micro scale is a fact. If evolution did not occur, then we would have eradicated disease a long time ago, because the bacteria that are responsible for the diarrhea which causes mortality in children, would have become extinct as our immune systems learned to recognize the surface protein markers of bacteria and eradicated them before they could infect us. We would only catch the rhinovirus and influenza once in our lives. Outside of the microscopic world this still applies. DDT was not just phased out of use because of environmental debate, but also, most pest insects, including mosquitoes, have developed a resistance to DDT. Our modern pyrethroid insecticides as well, are also becoming more and more ineffective as the insects' immune systems evolve to defeat synthetic chemicals.

In addition, we have observed human artificial selection. People have bred the wold into the hundred of breeds recognized by the AKC, and Darwin created his theory of evolution partly based on observations of pidgeon breeders who bred the birds into different forms. This part is undeniable fact.

The part that is debated, is whether a new species can be created by evolution, that is speciation. This is highly implicated. Japanese snails have been observed with varying chirality of their shells, making it easier for right shelled snails to mate with right shelled females, and the same for left-shelled snails. In addition, separate "species" of Hawaiian drosophila, or fruit flies, are capable of making viable offspring, but strong behavioral barriers prevent interbreeding. In both these cases, it fairly clearly demonstrates that barriers to interbreeding can indeed evolve without making a species extinct, high implicating speciation as being of evolutionary origin.

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