[Debate] Abortion [Morals] (45)

1 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-07-03 01:13 ID:EQOfxK5F

This is another topic to test the debate option of posting in 4-ch. Feel free to make your own topic of anything that you want to debate about, but please remember to use the [Debate] tag and, if you want, another tag at the end (e.g. [Morals] for what the debate is based off of).

-No flaming or trolling. Emphasis on flaming. Keep the argument down to a mild level.

-Back up what you say. I know it's hard for this, but don't just say something like "God is fake". Tell WHY you think God is fake, and use science to back it up if you have to. If you want to say "God is real", then the same goes for you. If you are going to use sources, then make sure they are credible, not just from someones blog (unless they source on that, and THAT source is credible).

-Keep this as mature as possible. This is basically like repeating the first rule, but don't let your emotions/beliefs get in the way of your argument. It makes you and your whole case look childish.

Abortion. Is it murder? Is it ethical? Should mother's have to have and care for their child no matter what? Is it circumstantial? These are a few questions to start talking about.

STARTING ARGUMENT: Abortion is OK because it is just the killing of a fetus, or the 'blueprints' of the actual child.

19 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-07-12 01:20 ID:EQOfxK5F

How about this.

The woman can have an abortion if she wants because it is her child?

20 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-07-12 03:24 ID:yEQoL4hc


also the fathers lol

how about this

the woman can have an abortion if a team of economists and statisticians find that it is more cost efficient to abort the child than to birth it.

21 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-07-13 14:20 ID:N6sSsP6j


You're both failing to consider what it actually means for a child to "be someone's". >>20 seems to think it just means the child has genetic material from a person. >>19 doesn't say, but I might suggest that his argument could hold up pretty well if you considered the child as being a part of her body.

22 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-07-13 20:19 ID:RdyPvw6D


>part of her body.

feminist psychobabble.

I wish there were less of your kind here. It would open up the better discussions.

23 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-07-13 21:08 ID:yEQoL4hc

20 here, i'm not sure how you came to that conclusion from my post, since the latter part of it would fit pretty well with assuming the child "belonged to society", and i lolled after the first part.

24 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-07-14 15:16 ID:16b30fRL


Uh, dude? You have issues. I am speaking strictly biologically. The child is part of the mother's body until the umbilical cord is cut.


I wasn't speaking specifically about you, really. The idea that the child also belongs to the father it pretty common, so I took the facetiously presented opinion at face value for the sake of argument.

25 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-07-18 04:59 ID:Heaven

> psychobabble
> pseudointellectual
> junk science

What are three terms that fools use to reject arguments without discussion or debate?

26 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-07-24 15:46 ID:Heaven

1 psychobabble
2 pseudointellectual
3 junk science

And because of good reason.

27 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-07-31 08:58 ID:JslypzJ5

An interesting question I saw an article about on reddit:

If you believe abortion should be criminalized, what jail sentence do you propose for pregnant women who have or attempt to have abortions?

If you do not believe that pregnant women are complicit in the crime of abortion, only the practitioners, please explain your reasoning.

28 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-07-31 23:40 ID:Heaven

This isn't going to stump anyone when abolitionist would obviously choose the death penalty.

29 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-08-01 06:57 ID:yEQoL4hc


Yeah that's not a very interesting question at all.

30 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-08-06 14:37 ID:s2RchZig

I think it's a valid question. If abortion was made illegal because the fetus' are considered babies that merely haven't yet made an appearance, then women performing their own abortions could be convicted of slaughtering a baby. That is an extreme difference from being a non-crime.

31 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-08-06 15:41 ID:dJ2gee2w

Loophole: bellyflop onto pavement, causing miscarriage.

32 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-08-06 17:04 ID:yEQoL4hc


tripping is now a crime. walk right or walk behind bars. gravity jails.

33 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-08-10 06:02 ID:dJ2gee2w

I wear a tight-fitting corset and also continue my job as a theme park mascot, tempting adolescent troublemakers with my punchable belly.

34 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-08-10 19:05 ID:Heaven

Abortion is perfectly OK with me. In fact I think it should be used more often. The world's getting pretty over-populated anyway.

For example, if the mother doesn't have an abortion but doesn't want the kid and puts it up for adoption, it'll probably lead a shitty life with depression and mental problems from knowing its own parents abandoned it.

I think the chances of getting a good home are slim as well. It'd be merciful to not let it live at all.

TL;DR, I don't like babies. ┐(´ー`)┌

35 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-08-11 00:06 ID:Heaven

I disagree with >>34, but I sure do wish it was easier to do so.

36 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-09-04 17:34 ID:fbM6rOta

I believe what >>2 says is true but only upto a certain state. The fetus only starts to develop the main organs (i.e. heart) when it is 14 days old.

So therefore, i believe, that one can abort before the 14-days dead line. This is because you would only be killing a handful of cells (instead of a human being). However, after that, the fetus has developed brains... etc. therefore he or she (or if you want to call "it") has the human right to say if he or she wants to live. But since (what's the plaural of fetus?) can't talk, i believe it's wrong to take a life without the person agreeing to it.

37 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-09-30 20:07 ID:dJ2gee2w

Am I alone in not really caring about this issue, beyond entertainment value?

38 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-10-13 15:13 ID:CGs0am1l

I think whether abortion is okay or not all depends on what you regard as a 'human life'; is it a clump of human cells? a fully grown and birthed baby? a 14 day old fetus beginning to grow organs? a larger foetus beggining to have brain funtions? Myself, i regard it as a human life at around 3-4 months, which is when i beleive the soul takes up residence in the body.

I think it's fine for women to have abortions, as long as she is entirely certain she thinks it's ethical and what she really wants.
I thik it's important that there are strict regulations to ensure that the women in positive about wanting the abortion, and to ensure it happens early in the pregnancy.

Even if I personally thought abortion was wrong, I would still want it legal to prevent the horrors of illegal abortions- we don't wanna go back to the days of coat hangers, right?

39 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-10-24 15:20 ID:vlvJEBKT

If the parents are seriously considering abortion then the kid's gonna be fucked up either way. Parents who aren't willing to have a kid are stuck with one.

40 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-10-25 03:59 ID:dJ2gee2w

We could always go back to orphanages, chimney sweeps, and street kids with nimble fingers.

41 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-10-25 10:31 ID:pYiXMxHG

Good point. I reject my previous post.
Maybe they'll give them goddamn mexicans some job competition.

42 Name: Anon : 2007-10-25 14:10 ID:oGDR4JQC

Personally, I believe you are not fully human until you smile. So, you can pretty much kill kids up until their first smile.

43 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-10-26 02:36 ID:Heaven

Sucks to have facial paralysis...

44 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-11-05 12:21 ID:eZVmyGz8

if they dont kids, they should've think before they act. we're humans, we're not an animal... but i think its ok, as long the reason is right. i dont know what kind of reason is right, maybe financial (got 10 children already and dont want another 1) or health...

45 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-11-06 02:47 ID:Heaven

> we're humans, we're not an animal...


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