Addicted to maths (36)

1 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2008-02-08 09:32 ID:XJCTHbR4

Being addicted to maths is the worst thing you could ever get addicted to. You start spacing out during the day thinking about maths. You don't realise that you spend several hours researching maths because you enter some kind of trance, so absorbed in your work that you forget to eat and you can't hear your concerned mum knocking on the door. Once you learn a certain amount, it becomes increasingly difficult to get the same satisfaction, so you try to compensate by doing it more, faster. The sad thing is, most of the time your work isn't proportional to how you achieve in school. The best paying job you can get by studying pure maths is a teacher, where you help others become addicted to maths. I hate being addicted to maths.

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