Evolution is a DIRTY LIE (136)

44 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2008-07-16 16:03 ID:Bd6y8aj4

The difference being that this "conjecture" is backed by genetic similarities between creature that are somehow related ( there are something like only about 2 chromosomes difference between humans and chimps.)This would give credence to said conjecture. this is why it is called a theory. it has not been proven but there is evidence to support its feasibility. creationism, on the other hand, has no credible evidence backing it. people simply look at the worlds complexity and refuse to accept that this world could have been a random outcome. they dont stop to consider that with all of the thousands of galaxies out there, there allso googols (yes, googl is a real number and that is how it is spelled) of stars, each with the capacity to have planets. this, in turn, amounts to endly possibilities of life in various states. this could easily be the one place with the right combination for life as we know it out of a massive trial and error randomness that we call the universe. could creationism be true? sure. is there ANY imperical vdence to back it? no. meanwhile, modern medicine is pretty much built on the back of the evolution theory as it is a cornerstone of modern biology. that alone is enough to give it credence (since, you know, medice works!). when was the last time someone dying of heart failure prayed to the "great engineer" and suddenly had a perfectly funtioning heart? because i know the third world heart transplant using a pig's heart would have worked. There is your imperical evidence. it works. now, if i try to use a galapagos turtle's heart, it will fail even though at the right age, said turtle's heart would be the right size. go figure.

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