U F O (34)

1 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2011-03-15 03:15 ID:Cfe7sI2d

Hello, 4-ch.So, long story short. There's an UFO appearing in my neighbourhood almost every night.
Here's my twitter, you can read all the rest there. I will add more posts to twitter as soon as something interesting happens.
Also, I'm from southern Europe.

12 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2011-06-02 10:33 ID:n36AtPK5

The UFO scam summed up: see lights in the sky, discount all common sense, film it poorly, and profit! When you're in a world already oversaturated with self-published books and DVDs, the only profit left for the bottom feeders is attention and fame among the sad circle of losers who actually believe the lie.

>Similar footage appeared last month (on Youtube), filmed by another California UFO buff named Ed Grimsley. Like KevinMC360 (subject of the linked article), Grimsley randomly videotapes the night skies over California, looking for any lights he can't identify; also, like Grimsley, KevinMC360 is a "repeater," and regularly reports seeing spaceships flying above. And both men commit the classic paranormal fallacy of arguing from ignorance (also known as the argument from personal incredulity): "I don't understand X, therefore it's an anomaly."

The experts agree: they're videotaping distant airliners and calling them UFOs. Sound familiar OP?

13 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2011-06-08 09:55 ID:n36AtPK5

The UFOlogy recipe: Combine equal parts self-fulfilling prophesy, sensationalism, and then sift out all the science!

>A self-described "armchair astronaut" ... David Martines noticed a mysterious rectangular structure that appears to be on the Red Planet's surface while trolling the planetary surface using Google Mars...
>"[It's] a long, pixelated, white object ... It's over 700 feet long and 150 feet wide. It looks like it's a cylinder..."

Weird, definitely. I'm sure we won't jump to conclusions, though...

>"I call it Bio Station Alpha, because I'm just assuming that something lives in it or has lived in it."

Right. And what do the experts say?

>"It looks like a linear streak artifact produced by a cosmic ray," said Alfred McEwen, a planetary geologist at the Lunar and Planetary Lab at the University of Arizona and the director of the Planetary Imaging Research Laboratory.

Remember, this image was taken by an orbiter subject to all kinds of cosmic radiation. Yet again, a reasonable explanation that will no-doubt be entirely ignored by the UFO nuts.

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