just bought a travelmate 8200, and its got a mobility radeon x1600 w/ hypermemory 256mb card. Problem is, whenever i'm doing something thats minimally graphics intensive, such as viewing a video or displaying folders n stuff, it makes a clicking noise. This noise occurs with higher frequency depending on te intensiveness of the graphics. But theres no noise when i play games such as hl2. I know its the videocard and not the hard drive causing it cause i disabled the videocard and ran on intengrated graphics, and the sound was gone. Any ideas what might be causing it?
"Unlike NVidia, ATI implements PWM (pulse-width modulation) on their graphics cards to control the fan speeds. The fan is controlled by continuously pulsing the power supply instead of providing a lower voltage as the NVidia cards do. As a result, when not spinning the fan at 100% it creates a clicking sound which some have criticized when creating a silent computer."
Wow, that's some shittily implemented PWM.