Gaspar Noé Returns ... Sort Of (6)

1 Name: Couch Potato 2005-10-20 01:52 ID:QikgkQvq

Gaspar Noe, infamous for [insert proper adjective here] movies like Irreversible and I Stand Alone is back with a new film called "Innocence."

Well, actually, he is not director this time, but producer, and his collaborator Lucile Hadzihalilovic is in the director's chair.

Here's a synopsis courtesy of Village Voice

"At the center lies a huge girls' school, populated by only two teachers and a dozen or so prebuscent girls, each wearing age-coded hair ribbons, new students arriving in suddenly materialized coffins and with fading memories of their families and lives outside. There are no men and many rules. The school maintains a nurturing, if constricting, cloistered atmosphere, but there are glimpses of matters -- disappearances, deaths, violations -- we, like the students never full understand."

Village Voice says it's about puberty as 'subjugation rather than awakening' ... so magical girl tale gone in the opposite direction, or something like it, heh. Well, anyway, if it's anything like Noe's work than it will hit you over the head really hard, and subsequently gather a lot of controversy, especially the subject being what it is, and in the hands of a filmmaker such as he, or one of his friends.

2 Name: Couch Potato 2005-10-20 09:37 ID:Heaven

Gaspar Noé just loves to hammer his slightly deranged gender issues in the head and stomach of his audience. I don't really care much about his work, to be honest.

3 Name: Couch Potato 2005-10-21 11:04 ID:0GfwkoYW

Deranged gender issues? Please explain, i'm not familiar with this person.

4 Name: 2 2005-10-21 11:18 ID:Heaven

Here's an article I don't entirely agree with but highlights some stuff that may help illustrating what I meant:

5 Name: Couch Potato 2005-10-21 13:48 ID:QikgkQvq

Why do all his movies start with the letter I?

6 Name: dqn dqn dqn 2005-10-22 14:19 ID:Heaven

because he's very self-centered


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