Why are japanase dvd so expensive?
Why do japanese ppl accept to pay such high price? Aren't they aware that japanese dvds are overpriced compared to other countries (korea, hk, usa, europe)?
Why don't they buy dvds from other country via internet? especially anime dvds and japanese movies which have japanese soundtrack?
Europe is Z2 like japan, so no need of zone free dvd player. especially anime dvd and japanese movies which have japanese soundtrack?
How do japanese react to overpriced dvd?
The same goes for japanese cd. Buying an imported audio cd (madonna or whatever) is even easier. You don't even need to know the language.
In Europe, where price is about the same as in USA, you can buy american dvd in retail stores (brick and mortar); you don't even need to shop in the internet. Isn't there stores in Japan where you can buy cheaper imported dvds or cds.
I'd like to have some answer from japanese ppl.
Japanese people are not comfortable with conflict, they'll pay whatever the price is and shut up about it
You don't have to be Japanese to know that
isn't everything more expensive over there? they're probably used to that kind of cost.