Neo Genesis Evangelion the Movie ?? (8)

1 Name: Coyote 2005-11-27 22:24 ID:Heaven

Guy's i hav found some nice news prob. for the Neo Genesis Evangelion fan's among you.

On the site from WETA Workshop ( Makers of: the Lord of the rings ) stands that the are working on this movie...

2 Name: Couch Potato 2005-11-28 13:57 ID:Heaven

        Shitty thread Wasshoi!!
     \\ Shitty thread Wasshoi! //
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3 Name: newrobohead 2005-11-29 06:45 ID:Heaven

everyone whos into NGE n their mom have known about this forever ;p

4 Name: Couch Potato 2005-11-29 09:16 ID:eB1fpW0x

My mom definitely knows about it.

5 Name: Couch Potato 2005-11-29 13:47 ID:XxRhi3bn


6 Name: Couch Potato 2005-11-30 07:19 ID:Heaven

I'm not the OP, but everyone's responses made me feel behind the times.

7 Name: Couch Potato 2005-12-01 02:01 ID:3jIS4dkn

I'm into my mom and I never heard about it

8 Name: Couch Potato 2005-12-03 14:29 ID:pf6to6ma

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