I'm a Japanese.
An American TV drama, FULL HOUSE is very funny.
It had been broadcasted from 1993 to 1997 in Japan.
Was it a popular program in America?
It was popular, I think. But most people make fun of it.
I watched it when I was a kid (very young) but now I just laugh at it. It was pretty popular.
Full House was very popular in the West, although I think only one station broadcasts it now, once a week at 4AM.
It was very popular. I don't know any girls who didn't watch it as a kid.
I love love love that show. It was pretty popular, it got bad reviews from critics, but because it was so popular it stayed on the air. The first three seasons are now available on DVD.
I live in Canada, and were I live I went a few years without it on syndication(after TBS stopped showing it) then a new local channel started syndicating it just recently. It's really nice to see it again.
me too. Im from VIP
⊂二二二( ^ω^)二⊃ ブーン
Oh!me too.
tera warosu
OH!! VIP!! nullpo
Waffle Waffle
I'm sorry!!very sorry!!Please dont hit me!Please!
( ´・ω・) ∫ test
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I wanna be your VIP STAR
Are you vip??
∧∧ ∩
ハ_ハ ⊂ ノ ハ_ハ
('(・ω・`∩ (つ ノ ∩´・ω・)')
ハ_ハ ヽ 〈 (ノ 〉 / ハ_ハ
('(・ω・`∩ ヽヽ) (ノ ノ ∩´・ω・)')
O,_ 〈 〉 ,_O
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ハ_ハ S o w h a t ? ハ_ハ
⊂(・ω・⊂⌒`⊃ ⊂´⌒⊃・ω・) ⊃
what time is it now?
I'm from News Flash VIP!!!!
Fuck in korean!!!!11111111
I'm came from VIP
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Give me some erotic picture of Sakura tan.
And you people say that Koreans suck? Hmph ..
If it wasn't for Full House, there would be any Olsen Twins crap laying around..
...but it sure made ABC own Fridays, along with that Steve Urkel character.
Full House = Lame, lame, lame, lame, lame.
Get rid of Bob Saget and it'd be an ok show
Hey, Bob Saget's not a bad dude. He sucked dick for coke!
Full House was very popular, especially among families. It along with the rest of ABC's TGIF Friday lineup was part of one of the most family-friendly programming blocks at the time. Its saccharine nature drew a lot of criticism from more jaded people.
The baby in the show was actually played by a pair of twin sisters. This is a not uncommon practice because a child's maximum allowed work hours are strictly restricted by the labor laws. After the show ended, they built a small entertainment and merchandise empire on the pre-teen market.
Bob Saget, who played the father, is also a stand-up comedian with a reputation for using raunchy, adult material.
You know, I'm interested to know what the japanese translation was like. For example, what did catchphrases like "You got it dude" and "Cut it out" turn into?
jesse: what day is today?
kids: today is mother's day!