What are your least favorite commercials? Nobody likes commercials in general, but which just rub you the wrong way?
I hate car commercials. They always have the same stupid flashy fake cool design or the "Wow, there's a family in the car/van/truck! I have a family! We have so much in common!" format. And they always use this crappy music. My other disfavorite is the Sonic commercials. None are witty or well-done, just stupid and a waste of my attention.
I know of one for Tostitos. It had boys at a sleepover overacting over Tostitos (basically these snack thingies that supposedly taste like pizza, cheeseburgers, and tacos but I've never tried Tostitos so I wouldn't know) and they sneak downstairs. Then they taste the Tostitos and apparently they're so good that they have to shout out "My Tostitos taste like a cheeseburger!", "Mine taste like a taco!", etc., waking up all the neighbors like idiots. There's just something about that commercial that makes me think it's stupid.
Also, trhe Kids Bop commercials. They used to be okay, back when the backgrounds were swirly colors and I liked the music in them. Then, starting at Kids Bop 5, they made the backgrounds more detailed and added stupid lines like "Kids Bop scores every time!" to the commercials. Blech.
I also prefer the older McDonald's commercials to the "I'm lovin' it" ghetto junk they have nowadays. Do they think that kids nowadays will look at Grimace and say that he's gay or something? I mean, he may be but still...
The early "i'm lovin it" commercials were gross with all the closeups of lipsmacking and sesame seeds stuck on their face.
I hate commercials from any cell phone company, they try so hard to be clever but they fail so ridiculously that I can't stand watching them. The recent alltel commercials with the mascots from all the other companies became irritating as well when they put their little disclaimer on the front, really lame. At first I thought it was a joke but when it showed up again I was totally unimpressed.
I also hate the geico commercials with the talking gecko simply because the creators seem to think they've created something so humorous when in reality it's so boring I don't even know if some parts of the ads are supposed to be amusing at all.
Commercials are lies in a pretty package. There's no worst commercial, because that implies there would be a best commercial. They are all equally dishonest, and you should stop talking or thinking about them.
"SMS ●●● ON to ○○○○ to receive the latest ringtones/games/emoticons for your mobile phone!" type commercials rank pretty high on my list. Also, radio commericals in general.
You are suggesting that the quality of a commercial is rated by its honesty?
No. I am suggesting that assigning a "quality" to any commercial is giving it more respect than it deserves.
Every insurance advert ever made.
Also informercials, movie trailers (why do they insist on showing half the film in all 2 minutes? that shit could trigger epilepsy) and the jewel in the crown: advertisements for emo CDs, where all you hear is a discordant "guitar" line and some guy choking out his lungs.
That Qosmos laptop commercial they're showing during the World Cup bugs me as well as the ones playing on overused stereotypes and racism.
I think the worst commercial in history will always be that Quiznos commercial from like 2 years ago now? The one with the roadkill rat thing with the bug eyes? Didn't make me wanna go to Quiznos, made me wanna vomit.
You mean the Spongmonkeys? I liked that commercial. -______^
I really dislike any commercial that tries to sell men on their responsibility, to their significant other, in purchasing diamonds.
How else can two months salary last a lifetime? I don't know, perhaps through the purchase of a 50-year CD. If I worked two months, and all I had to show for it was an item with the mass of Chapstick cap, I think I'd probably use my next day's salary to eject an equally sized bullet into my head.
Buy your signifcant other a diamond ring AND Chapstick.
It's a hint...she better follow.
I hate those "The Truth" ads. I know cigarettes are bad for you and all, but seeing that smug hipster waging his little revolution against the Evil Brainwashing Tobacco Companies makes me wanna start smoking just to spite him.
Head-on! Apply directly to the forehead! Head-on! Apply directly to the forehead! Head-on! Apply directly to the forehead! Head-on! Apply directly to the forehead! Head-on! Apply directly to the forehead!
Nope. You're not doing it right. The Head-On mantra is only effective if repeated 3 times. Any more than that, it would be just plain annoying...at least that's what the focus groups said.
I hate commercials in canada. They're all either involve hockey or are dandruff shampoo commercials.
Loan commercials are the devil