"Weeds is an American dark comedy television series about a fictional California suburb and its residents, a handful of whom are involved in the distribution and consumption of marijuana. It was the highest rated series for Showtime in 2005.[1] The second season started broadcasting on August 14, 2006,[2] and its finale aired on October 30, 2006. On November 16th 2006, Showtime announced a third season consisting of 15 episodes to premiere in the summer of 2007." - Wiki'd
Anyone else addicted to Weeds? And wanting to die because of the second season finale?
Better being addicted to Weeds than weed methinks.
Weed isn't addictive, though!
Well it's not like I'm an expert on drugs...
it's a good show
I can't afford showtime...i spent all my money on weed
i heard it was pretty good, should i torrent it?
Absolutely amazing. Do it.
Is this about black potheads or white stoners? (or both?)
Couch Potato can you please stop talking to your self!
Couch potato is the default name if you don't put one in. Essentially, it means "anonymous". If you look at the ID codes next to the date and time you can still identify individual anons within a thread. They don't carry over between threads though.
No shit sherlock!