Hollywood star gone geek? (9)

1 Name: Couch Potato : 2007-05-19 00:14 ID:mxdcHQ9O


Seriously, this is totally epic. First, it's been done in a totally natural way, second, it may be a premiere, putting actors closer to those who watch/enjoy them.

It's not an interview, it's not a TV talk-show. It's not some private fanclub chat session. It's your big explosive blockbuster star chillin' with you all, out there on the interwebs.

You may or may not like Bruce Willis, but still, this shit is awesome. And makes me wonder if there wouldn't be some well-known people posting here or on other anonymous boards, just for the thrill of it.

2 Name: Couch Potato : 2007-05-19 10:00 ID:zxwWGdRb

Celebrities have lives outside of the movies they make. They are real humans, you know. Of course some of them roam about on the intarwebs, they just have less time to do that in than most others.

3 Name: Couch Potato : 2007-05-19 16:19 ID:mxdcHQ9O

I know they are, and I know they do. And that's exactly what I was saying: it's great that they "break the wall" and don't just update their news page, or lurk on forums, but actually participate.

Well, it shows they're human. And I bet it must be great for them to interact with their audience.

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6 Name: Couch Potato : 2007-05-20 21:56 ID:Heaven

Great? More of suck ass.
Trolls flock to celebrities.

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9 Name: Couch Potato : 2007-06-18 20:53 ID:Heaven

Celebrities are not human; I refuse to believe this propaganda.

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