I just watched The Godfather Pt. 1 the other day, and it was great! The filmography has a way of making you know when bad things are about to happen. I learned after watching it that this was partly because of an 'orange theme' - they show orange things right before someone dies. I didn't notice this while watching, but I think it's pretty cool how I could kind of tell right before someone was about to die, thanks to this combined with other subtle cinematic techniques (some of them less subtle, like the music/ambient noise.)
But I digress. What is your take on The Godfather? I absolutely loved it.
I got really bored watching The Godfather. I saw all 3 of them about 5 - 6 years ago and my family is Italian. I'm not sure why people enjoy it that much. Maybe I was too young to fully appreciate it but I've heard a similar opinion from my friends who have seen it aswell.