Indiana Jones 4 my honest opinion (8)

1 Name: Couch Potato : 2008-05-28 21:01 ID:Heaven

i just came home after seeing it
some questions
Why did the russians kidnap the woman[jonesjunior3smother]
they could have just taken random children off the road
if it was just to force him to help them

sure holy arcs,holy grails, aliens not very belivable any of them but WHY aliens... its not fun anymore

why are the russians refering to themselfes as evil?
its just stupid...haha we are red haha we are evil haha we gonna destroy your GOOD way of living...
[it was good to see the paranoid US FBI fuckups...kinda like today with arabs]

why was it so dark
allways nighttime
and not much light

why did the kid and his mother even have to be in the movie
it felt like they just took up screen time from Ford
the woman did NOTHING and Jones could have done all the fighting part junior now had to do

why did the alien[planeshifterthing]
destroy all the artifacts? that i guess he[they] had collected some 1000years ago?
why did the aliens collect these useless primitive objects that have no importans to them whatsoever...since they are human made

[sorry for my bad english]

2 Name: Couch Potato : 2008-05-28 21:44 ID:Heaven

more questions

why is the jungle so flat?
no up and downs no rocks
they can drive right trough like its a normal street.

why did jones junior play tarzan?and how did he manage catch up to the cars

why is army bases so poorly defended. if you keep evidence of aliens and other [more military] secrets you most likely have LOTS OF GUARDS and if some hostile troops show up SHOOTING their way in someone should and would call for backup

dont get me wrong here
i liked the movie
it had the same feeling that the other indiana movies had
the other 3 i grew up with lol and i havent seen them in a long time...i know they are full of questions too
this movie is just as ooverthetop with alienmystics
as the first and 3rd indiana movie was full of weird christianmyths

so in my opinion this movie is Not as good as Temple of doom[its my fav mostly bcoz it shows power hungry real badppl and not supereviljewburning nazis or russian and the Mystic stones was just that mystic stones...not gods [lost thing] not alien skulls but stones with some minor glowing,burning power and ppl beliving in them]

yes well...
it was a good movie
i liked it
it felt indiana

3 Name: Couch Potato : 2008-05-28 23:05 ID:Heaven

more questions

why is jones so old?

4 Name: Couch Potato : 2008-05-31 19:15 ID:Heaven

Are you serious?

5 Name: Couch Potato : 2008-06-01 06:13 ID:23vxx4/Y

it was a movie of Fail
i almost walked out when the russian took the army base in the very begining
then the Abomb survival not even a scratch

what a horrible movie

this is what i expect when i watch the mummy[movies]
coz its more comedy

6 Name: Couch Potato : 2008-06-01 17:25 ID:1e5u/pee

it's shit

7 Name: Couch Potato : 2008-06-02 17:07 ID:Heaven

Dont forget the lovelove feelings in this horrible movie?
he jumped ship 20years ago never spoke to her
and when they meet its LOVE again
wtf its just too stupid
and the ending with the church and more lovelove
worst movie ive spent money on

8 Name: Couch Potato : 2008-06-07 11:01 ID:Heaven

i was not impressed with IJ4 so i watched IJ1 today
[too se if it was any better]
lol if that one had been the movie that came this year i would have hated it even more than IJ4

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