Just wondering but how many of 4ch users first used 4ch because of densha otoko?
Not me. I came from 4chan and 2ch before the Densha Otoko movie/series/whatever. I was away for a year and a half and just came back, though...
i am. I wouldn't even know about 2ch (and 2ch) if i haven't watched the jdoramas.
I am, I searched for Densha Otoko on Wikipedia, and found this website, haha.
I am here because of Densha Otoko... this j-dorama really moved me and I really liked it so I searched for some more info about it and came here...
i have to correct my entry at >>3, I wouldnt' even know about 2ch (and 4ch) if I haven't watched the jdoramas.
found this thing on google when i was browsing good and popular forums
i am, got this website from the wiki too ☻
i know this website from densha otoko's translated comic
and i love 4ch!
lol the same :D good to know that there are lots of densha otoko fans
elow to everyone im a fan of Densha Otoko
( ^ _ ^ )......
"they're such nice people aren't they?" <--- one of the best quote from Densha lol... i'm infected!!!
Densha Otoko rocks ^_^
well im reading the Manga of densha otoko and at the credits, it says that it was a true story and a link to this site.
you should read the english version of the real thread
where can you do that?
That was why I came here.
I watched the Tv version on youtube and it really hit a chord.
I'm a 'shut-in', I sort of 'lost it' a bit after I finished my PhD.
Haven't been out in a long time.
( ・ω・) love densha otoko すごい!!!!
lol i read it and am watch the drama.
_| ̄|O lol love this pic
I knew about 4ch but rarely posted, then I watched it and started posting more.
Damn you, Train Man.
I think an American remake should be more like Taxi Driver instead of some lame ass film about some pining dude.
I think that it should be gritty and disturbing. The Train Man should be a disaffected mercenary who has forgotten how to feel and how to love.
It should also show his dungeon/lair....where he has vices and gun racks and everything else. Like remember the opening to Punisher WAR ZONE? Like that. It should show him working on a Colt 1911 Series 70 and changing the gas tube on his Colt M4 and everything else.
Then he goes and sees this white girl get accosted by a bunch of black dudes on a train. And part of him is like "why should I care?" then he realizes she's good looking.
So he goes in and saves her in the most violent and extreme way ever.
Blah blah blah blah...
Movie ends with a gory shootout at Mr. Big's high rise penthouse.
Project Densha (link) is the English translation of the original thread. :)
>>17, you can also buy the novel in english (in its original thread form!). it makes for a unique reading experience, plus it's quick and fun.
. . . dang you caught me. Yes, I discovered this place because of that internet story, good story by the way.
First watched Densha b/c of 4ch
i'm just watching the TV series on youtube. really nice and it's somewhat good for curing internet addiction.
Just finished watching it. Inspiring.
>i'm just watching the TV series on youtube. really nice and it's somewhat good for curing internet addiction.
There is something fascinatingely paradoxal here.
I knew of 4-ch and 2ch before watching densha, however I got a lot more active after watching it. Now I also post sometimes, not only lurk in the shadows and I try to make my posts something more interesting than something along the "Lol gay" -line. Came here originally from 4chan (/wg/b/g/) but now I come here more.
I came here because of 4chan, I never heard about Densha Otoko before...
Im here because of Densha Otoko
Has anybody watched it recently? I've been searching for any dramas recently that was similar to the magic of it, any recommmendations?
Has anybody rewatched it recently? It holds up so well after so many years...
Please make sex-friends.
Let's talk a detailed thing with mail:)
I am Asian who lives in Britain.
Let's take a picture with me!
I watched Densha Otoko because of 4ch. A long time ago actually.
Does anybody know where I can find footage of the Densha Otoko TV trailer, note I asked for the TV trailer not the movie one (which is flying all over YouTube) might I add.
u could try d-addict.com
I read Densha Otoko as as I was getting into 4ch. I can't recall which came first, or if it was causal. I guess I'll watch the movie sometime soon.
Why was post 40 deleted? Wasn't it a link to a translation of the original posts on 2-ch? What's wrong with that?
Tell me.
Do it.
Tally me in for that. I just want to learn Japanese more than ever now.
what is the name of the song here?
It's called "Start Me @ Starting Love "
im trying to find a interesting forama like densha otoko uhmmm.. do u know something similar?