Great teacher Onizuka (7)

1 Name: coolio : 2008-12-29 14:18 ID:6aQS+Mb9

Has anyone else seen this japanese drama? I recently watched it and I love it.

2 Name: asdasd!HOZlQYR1MY : 2008-12-30 18:29 ID:BwPYNSuE


3 Name: wangbu : 2008-12-31 02:31 ID:u52Obos/

yeah i did. including the specials. they're great.

4 Name: Couch Potato : 2008-12-31 09:29 ID:aGOlnQYG

I really liked the drama as well

5 Name: Couch Potato : 2009-01-03 17:38 ID:XxhPzD1O

oldie but a goodie

6 Name: ScaryKidScaringKids : 2009-02-21 06:25 ID:FfMl1JZB

good acting.good drama ever :D

7 Name: gen3 : 2009-03-25 13:58 ID:FLnPNHjU

i prefer this than Gokusen. I hope there is another season for this.

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