The 3rd Genshiken Thread (192)

98 Name: FUCK 2004-12-09 22:07 ID:Heaven [Del]


As some you might be already aware, Animesuki has received a notice from Mediafactory, Inc. It is a Japanese company which holds copyright to some of the series we've been subbing (Genshiken and Rahxephon). They requested Animesuki to remove the links to the series mentioned.
While we haven't received such a letter so far, it's clear that the company doesn't want their work distributed. So far fansubbers have been operating on a kind of unwritten agreement with the Japanese companies: sub the series, but only until it's licensed. However, this seems to be no longer the case, at least with Mediafactory. Thus we're removing our releases of Genshiken and Rahxephon OVA from BitTorrent and XDCC bots and ask you to stop distribution as well.

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