Bleach, now its just ridculous. [Possible Spoilers] (44)

13 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-12-03 21:45 ID:KXNSXH7C

Dragonball Z and Bleach share alot of plot devices.

  1. Absurd "training"
  2. The main character improves very quickly and achieves and unbelievable power level.
  3. The rest of th good guys are stronger than normal people but far inferior to the main character.
  4. There is a bad guy equivelent of the good guy. (VERY strong, weakling friends, etc.)
  5. Extreme slowing/expansion in the passage of time. In DBZ Namek was going to explode but they got a half season or more episodes out it. In Bleach the portal to Soul Society was only supposed to stay open for a few days.
  6. Characters can always keep going. Severe lacerations, trauma to head, massive blood loss, none of these are lethal. If you do die its okay because you can be resurected.
  7. There are various powers levels and there is ALWAYS a higher power level.
  8. There is a secret super-attack that bad guy holds back because he wants to look cool.

I wouldn't be at all shocked if Bonkura (darn it!, Byakuya) joined forces with Ichigo and pals. It's just like when Vegita joined Goku's group.

Bleach ran out of new material around when Rukia got captured and the rest of the series was just phoned in. They should just change the name of the show to "Bleah".

P.S. ever notice -> DBZ OBZ ORZ OTZ orz

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