Simple, yet philosophical question.
Are you Otaku?
No, I am Apaato.
Define "otaku".
This is a kind of person who are addicted to watch anime and read manga books.
Nah, not really. I occasionally find an anime or manga that catches my interest, but as a whole, no.
Otaku people are scary.
What's with all the kiddy threads all of a sudden?
I'm a minor Otaku...if my room had more posters, more doujinshi and would be an Otaku room.
Got PS2 games around, comics galore, some toys...and of course, my TV and computer all located in my room :p
Actually, otaku means a person who is so obsessed with anime/manga that he abducts and rapes little girls, because grown women fail to arouse him any longer.
Real girls are scary.
Isn't that Otaku is just a guy/girl that is fanatically addicted to something?
It can be Anime/Manga, Videogames, Music, Literature... even a Sports Otaku is possible.
I'm a basketball Otaku, then!!
i dunno, im proberly just obssessed lol
all my spare money goes on anime/manga/figures etc.. i watch anime all the time
The biggest part of being an Otaku that I think alot of people are missing is the need to collect and share information. That is a true Otaku. The more information and paraphenalia they have of their desire, the more comfortable they feel. Be it anime, manga, music, idols, what have you. Collecting is probably the biggest habit of the Otaku.
Personally, I don't collect anything inparticular. I've never seen the point of it. If I'm not going to enjoy it, I won't keep it. So, I'm not really into toys, I usually exchange games/movies when I'm done with them, and if I can't get to a book/movie/game right away, then I put it on the stack for later. I don't just put in on the stack for collecting purposes.
As for the definition that alot of the foreign community goes by for Otaku, being someone heavily into anime/manga, then no, I'm not in that category, either. There are a few anime/manga that I absolutely love to death, but like I said, only a few select series.
We are >>1's courtiers. We are sorry that our lord has opened such a stupid THREAD.
After the last war we had completely lost, our lord got mental illness. Everyday, he kidnaps girls from the village. Every night he gets drunk
and tries to chop courtiers with his katana.
Now the lady of the house is ill in bed. The people in our country are suffering badly from famine. The neighboring Daimyos is taking advantage of this situation, they try to pass across the border and take over our land.
Quite a few of our fellow courtiers have intention to rise in rebellion.
We are now in dire straits. Our clan would be destroyed.
But, don't worry. We arranged that our Lord become a Buddhist priest.
In his way to the temple, our skilled assassin should take his life.
That is arranged perfectly. After that we will hail Master Monaminokami, the nephew of our lord, as our new lord. We, all courtiers, would do our best to serve this new lord with faith.
We apologize for any inconvenience our lord may have caused you.
Pleas wait for a while. Pleas forgive the evil deeds done by our lord.
Man, they were retarded also!
All my spare money goes in my wallet. Does that make me a wallet otaku?
Yes. Instead of being scared of women, you're scared of banks!
I know I'm safe, because being Japanese is an absolute requirement for being a true otaku. That's why I can watch five anime episodes a day, and still beat off to drawings of 12 year olds, and still remain a normal person.
>>22 don't act like you don't expend half a box of cleenex every time you watch Koi Kaze.
I am otaku.
Yo estoy otaku.
If you are joking, that is fine. But the term otaku has a bad social stigma attached to it already due to misunderstanding, and the media of Japan sensationalised by attributing the crime of Miyazaki to the term. To add more fuel to fire isn't neccessary. I'm also an otaku and I don't go out and rape little girls and I'm not scared of women. This is just a media defined term that is wrong. There are otakus in Japan that are famous and contributed alot to the industry. To me otakus are enthusiastic in their interests and most pursue, contribute and refine them. Otaku in Japan are the main consumers in anime/manga/game markets who maintain the supply and demand. Otaku create your anime/manga/doujinshi, games,etc. They are a driven force in the market for virtual world. I have visions and inspiration that could draw from anime/manga, and these are works of otaku and represents the culture and vision of otaku. Otaku is a specialised modern sub-culture of Japan. This modern sub-culture is created with reasons, and it is formed to change the tradional world. A world where people are free to roam to different realities without having bound the physical reality. There are people who are unable to live with the current state of reality or cannot cope with it for their own reasons, and some legitimate, so a different reality would suit them. Not all people are the same who can cope with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air. I whistled for a cab and when it came near the license place said FRESH and there was dice in the mirror. If anything I thought that this cab was rare, but I thought man forget it, yo homes, to Bel Air. I pulled up to the house about seven or eight and I yelled to the cabbie "Yo homes, smell you later!" Looked at my kingdom, I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the prince of Bel Air.
if you need to be japanese to be a "true otaku", and wanabe japanese are called "Wapanese" or "weeaboo", then are wanabe Otaku called "Wotaku"?
Wotaku is a japanese word, not a portmanteau.
Lets change it to "Woataku"
Haha, this and that other thread are so fucking 2003. Seriously, I'm rubbing my eyes, dumbfounded by the fact that this was posted in August '06. Somehow, I'm sure, Marty McFly was involved here, tho Marty McFly is too damn fly to be an otaku.
So is "otaku" the japanese term for nerd?
The japanese word for a serious super nerd/fanboy ranging from anime to military to electronics.
We are fanboys. I can't seriously call myself Otaku without feeling like an idiot. Fanboy is our term.
Because somehow "fanboy" is so much more serious and intelligent-sounding than "otaku."
I'm otaku.
Anime, computers & videogaming are all my life.
I live in my parents basement, I have a stupid part time job, I'm incapable of decent social interaction, no one cares about me and I only care about anime characters.
And I have a hard time avoiding thinking about women. Anyway I'm so obsessed with cuteness, kindness, gentleness to the point that no real woman can be good enought for me.
This life style is ridiculous but there's nothing else I can do.
Real women will never be like an anime character. My standards are too high. Not like I would ever be able to talk to one anyway.
Uh, I forgot to say that I've been mildly depressed for many years, that's probably because of the lack of sex. Also I never masturbate... this is not likely to be good for my well being but I feel it's so.. uncute that I can't do it.
Can you be an otaku for non japanese stuff?
Cause I'm otaku od ST, Babylon 5, and Final Fantasy. If it has to be JP only, then obviously the first two don't count.
At least my hair comes in natural colors and I don't dress like I robbed a Hot Topic.
looks down at chest region But other than that, yeah, Tifa pwns me all over, and for that matter, so do most sci-fi women.
I phail at alot 'a things '-' oh well I'm a fujyoshi 0_0
A little bit. I don't think I'm obsessed enough to be considered a "full fledged otaku". I only watch anime about once or twice a week and in generally small doses (I'm currently following Welcome to The NHK!-- Great stuff.), the same for playing games. I think the only series I've bought merch/freaked out over stuff is Digi Charat. It seems the internet occupies the most of my spare time- So maybe I'm an "Internet otaku" haha. ( ゚ ヮ゚)
In all honesty though, the term is derogatory and it offends me a little bit when people use it nonchalantly when referring to anime fans in the west. Though since my interests are for the most part private (I'm a student, I don't think it's nessisary to tell anyone nor would they be interested) I guess it's a who gives a shit situation.
I think I'm a rare form of otaku who actuly stumbled across a otaku girlfriend. I'm still scratching my head how I was able to do that and keep her even after 3 years and still going.
No...I am not an otaku...I mean, I do not have any anime posters in my bedroom, I do not own heaps of anime goodness...I guess I like a little bit of everything....I can appreciate a geat anime or manga...or game...I guess you could say that my other friends are DEFINITELY Otakus...I still want to visit Japan though! ^.^
Not really. I'm just a loner with a few interests, but I'm not really so obsessed with anything that I could be considered otaku.
I would definately describe myself as an Otaku. >>19 certainly describes the term best, whereas many of the previous posters have been completely misinformed and ignorant.
I have anime posters, DVDs, manga, figures, whatever you care to name, and I spend a lot of time watching reading anime/manga. I would definately describe my relationship with these artforms as being obsessive, and I have a strong identity as such.
On the other hand, I'm not ugly, overweight, antisocial, or otherwise inept. I have a lot of friends, and go to parties all the time. I'm not sure how I manage to balance both a social life, and a life of addictive anime intake, but I manage. I guess you could say the reason I watch so much anime is not because I am drawn to it out of loneliness, but simply because I enjoy it so much.
considering the fact that I spend hours online, hours reading manga/anime, too much money on figures and manga... I would say yes I'm Otaku (but how does that 'I love to be outside' work then!?) So am I or not!?