how can the real otaku get to akiba (132)

79 Name: just go to japan fag : 2007-03-18 03:57 ID:TtCI2Aoy

i mean, there are japanese people living in japan that are obsessed with american culture, or some aspect of it. im quite sure that there are groups of japanese obsessed with rock 'n roll such as elvis, who dress like elvis, geek out about elvis and all that grease american grafitti type stuff. and they want to come here and eat cheeseburgers and malt shakes and wear leather jackets and smoke cigarettes and put their thumb in the air just like the fonz. and what do you think of them? yeah. and they might become bewildered as to why you arent obsessed with that classic american style, why you arent in love with elvis and the beach boys, and you might be tempted to answer, "that shit is totally uncool" and "no one likes that shit anymore". but you know what, a large part of america still loves elvis, the middle of america, the cheap trashy part of america, the cheesy part of america. and thats what you are to them, the cheesy part of japan. in germany david hasselhoff is god, because from a distance, he still has not become homogenized. john tesh and all that jazz. from a distance, things are always fun fun fun. the distance adds depth and when combined with something shallow, is a smooth blend.
and my other thought is that the american otaku was born from entertainment restrictions due to living in outlying areas, restricted to a book store like barnes and nobles, restricted to easy to swallow sugary fun with pictures entertainment that mom will buy without noticing the SEX young child.
i amuse myself.

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