could somebody spoil me?
I wanna know if it's worth to keep watching.
I'm on EP 5 now. I'm only slightly amused after my friend told me it rocks.
There was a boat, and it was quite nice.
Sekai kills Makoto then Kotonoha kills Sekai. There was lots of blood.
skidding tick dimples
And also, there was no baby. This is very important.
saw the ending now, was pretty nice...i loved the last angle out of the stomach of sekai, haha
BTW, both those girls are very similar to girls I have fallen for in the past. Right up to the holding a knife.
Anime ending sounds better than the manga ending. In the manga, Sekai and Makoto survive. ¬_¬ I need to watch the anime version just so I can have my satisfaction at the end when they die.
hi sen :D why dont you ever talk in my female otaku thread? :P