This is the REQUESTS thread. Use it to request reposts of certain AAs or provide a picture or an idea of something you want to see as an AA!
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| | _______
| .| /
==============、 (´Д`; ) < THE USA! USA! USB!
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Oh yeah: If you want to help out and be creative, see this thread for a short FAQ on AA editors:
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I've always loved that one
Anyone got any famous anime pose ones (I've seen the Gendo staring one)
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l f_j __ヽ、ゝ:::::ノ / .l tell me
ヽ/, -- 、ゞ, ー- ‐ ' l
l l ◎ .} ll l in hell,
,.! ゝ....ノ ll l.
/: :! !l , --- l >>4
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>>5 was manga
Here is famous eveil Touko peeking scene:
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Not really an anime pose, but here's a nice Death Note template (fill in the names or >> numbers of people you hate in the blanks):
!.メ| 〉ヽ!:|_!:.|:i.:N:.|
:.:.l!:l、.:.:l、:l`ヽ::ノ_, ' リ |i |.,.ィl、.|::!||:.メ:リ
、:.l!.N、:い!. !く:::ソ } |:.:|/:/
!:i、.i!リ ヽ! , `~ /|:ノ:/
:.i|:iN ` .: ノ /:!レ/′
:、l:|ハ 、____ /::i/'′
小| ヽ `''ー‐`'' /|/l
:.:トヽ \ / r‐-、r‐-、r‐-、r‐-、
N|`ヽ ヽ、 , '´ ┌───────┤ || || ||_..._|‐───────┐
``'''‐- ..,_ iT"´ | ー──────‐ |_...._|| ||_...._|ヽ_,ノ. ─────── .|
、_ ``''‐N、 | ヽ_,.ノ|.-‐.|ヽ_,ノ ..|
`ヽ、 i | ─────────. `ー' ー‐─────────‐ |
、 `ヽ、 | | |
、`ヽ、 \ | | ──────────―──────────‐. |
\ \ ヽ.|ヽ | |
ヽ ヽ | \ | ────────────────────―― ..|
.| .|
argh, fucked it up
i:.:| |:.:.|l:.:.l/ィ示ヽミ !.メ| 〉ヽ!:|_!:.|:i.:N:.|
:.:.l!:l、.:.:l、:l`ヽ::ノ_, ' リ |i |.,.ィl、.|::!||:.メ:リ
、:.l!.N、:い!. !く:::ソ } |:.:|/:/
!:i、.i!リ ヽ! , `~ /|:ノ:/
:.i|:iN ` .: ノ /:!レ/′
:、l:|ハ 、____ /::i/'′
小| ヽ `''ー‐`'' /|/l
:.:トヽ \ / r‐-、r‐-、r‐-、r‐-、
N|`ヽ ヽ、 , '´ ┌───────┤ || || ||_..._|‐───────┐
``'''‐- ..,_ iT"´ | ー──────‐ |_...._|| ||_...._|ヽ_,ノ. ─────── .|
、_ ``''‐N、 | ヽ_,.ノ|.-‐.|ヽ_,ノ ..|
`ヽ、 i | ─────────. `ー' ー‐─────────‐ |
、 `ヽ、 | | |
、`ヽ、 \ | | ──────────―──────────‐. |
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i:.:| |:.:.|l:.:.l/ィ示ヽミ !.メ| 〉ヽ!:|_!:.|:i.:N:.|
:.:.l!:l、.:.:l、:l`ヽ::ノ_, ' リ |i |.,.ィl、.|::!||:.メ:リ
、:.l!.N、:い!. !く:::ソ } |:.:|/:/
!:i、.i!リ ヽ! , `~ /|:ノ:/
:.i|:iN ` .: ノ /:!レ/′
:、l:|ハ 、____ /::i/'′
小| ヽ `''ー‐`'' /|/l
:.:トヽ \ / r‐-、r‐-、r‐-、r‐-、
N|`ヽ ヽ、 , '´ ┌───────┤ || || ||_..._|‐───────┐
``'''‐- ..,_ iT"´ | ー──────‐ |_...._|| ||_...._|ヽ_,ノ. ─────── |
、_ ``''‐N、 | DEATH NOTE .ヽ_,.ノ|.-‐.|ヽ_,ノ |
`ヽ、 i | ─────────. `ー' ー‐─────────‐ |
、 `ヽ、 | | >>9-10 : |
、`ヽ、 \ | | ──────────‐ :. ──────────‐ |
\ \ ヽ.|ヽ | : |
ヽ ヽ | \ | ──────────‐ :. ──────────‐ |
Could someone make AA out of this?:
I'd like to use it for a custom KITA!
Where's the AA of the guy holding up the shitty thread so everyone can escape?
some engrish
I've been looking for that one for quite some time, too.
Esp. that one 404 error AA I found with him in it.
Oh, no! Shitty posts are here!
I managed to stop it. Please escape to another thread.
Hurry! Hurry! Don't worry about me!
Oh, no! Shitty posts are here!
I managed to stop it. Please escape to another thread.
Hurry! Hurry! Don't worry about me!
I am looking for AA of KUMA dodging bullets, like in Matrix.
Please help! orz