( LƒÖ`) Grandpa (1019)

1 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4299 18:22 [no]

( LƒÖ`) hello kids!

2 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4299 18:23 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, what was life like before the internet?

3 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4299 20:00 [no]

( LƒÖ`) We used to read books! You know what a book is, right? It's a nonvolatile storage medium!

4 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4299 20:19 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, where do babies come from?

5 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4299 23:38 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Ask your mother.

6 Name: /iœjiœj 1993-09-4300 03:49 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, what is tanasinn?

7 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4300 06:48 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Don't think, feel. That's tanasinn.

8 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4300 07:09 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, what is "time"?

9 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4300 09:53 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, what happened to Grandma?

10 This post sucks.

11 Name: damn you, wakamark!8NBuQ4l6uQ 1993-09-4300 18:30 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Time is what happened to Grandma. sigh

12 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4300 18:43 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, just what is harbl anyways?

13 Name: moot!Ep8pui8Vw2 1993-09-4300 19:45 [no]

DNQ board with moderators = CRAP,SILLY,PATHETIC IDEA.

14 Name: 11 1993-09-4300 21:04 [no]

There's no moderation going on in this thread, I just failed at posting. Sorry.

15 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4300 21:05 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, how did you become DQN?

16 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4300 21:07 [no]

( LƒÖ`) It's that dogdorn Wakabamark!

17 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4300 21:41 [no]


18 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4300 22:30 [no]

( LƒÖ`) You first.

19 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4300 23:20 [no]

(EÍE) no u

20 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4300 23:29 [no]

( @OƒÖO) BU-N

21 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4301 01:31 [no]

(EÍE) what was that noise?

22 Name: /iœjiœj 1993-09-4301 04:04 [no]


It's his true identity.

23 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4301 08:36 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, can you fly?

24 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4301 14:32 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Only when the rainbowdragon sleeps.

25 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4301 15:06 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, how do I shot web?

26 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4301 17:27 [no]

( LƒÖ`) With your penis. You will know how in a few years.

27 Name: /iœjiœj 1993-09-4302 07:00 [no]

(EÍE) Hay, Grandpa...


28 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4302 07:51 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Ain't that cute. Kids today grow up so fast...

29 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4302 08:47 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, tell me a story!

30 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4302 11:14 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, is lolicon a disease?

31 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4302 11:21 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, would you hit Saaya Irie?

32 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4302 17:33 [no]

( LƒÖ`) zzzzZZZZzzzzzZZZzzzzzzZZzzz

33 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4302 19:22 [no]

( iœ)Īªª²(œj) duuuUUUUuuuuRRRrrrrrrRRrrr

34 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4302 19:43 [no]

ƒ°(LƒÖ` )

( LƒÖ`) What was that?

( LƒÖ`)

( LƒÖ`) zzzzZZZZzzzzzZZZzzzzzzZZzzz

35 Name: /iœjiœj 1993-09-4302 21:46 [no]

·À„ª„ª„ª„ª„ª„ª( iœ)Īªª²(œj )„ª„ª„ª„ª„ª„ª!!!!!

36 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4302 22:28 [no]

( LƒÖ`) rrrrRRRRrrrrrRRRrrrrrrRRrrr

37 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4303 09:14 [no]

( LƒÖ`) FART
ƒ°(LƒÖ` )
( LƒÖ`) What was that?
( LƒÖ`) zzzzZZZZzzzzzZZZzzzzzzZZzzz
( LƒÖ`) fffffffFAAAAARRRRRT!

38 Name: ( iœ)Īªª²(œj ) 1993-09-4303 21:06 [no]

@@@@@@@@@@@@@ iÜi@@@@@@@@@ iÜi
.@i R@@@@@@@@@@r]|@q@@@@@@ @@@|@q
.@ |@i@@@@@@@@@@|/ .ƒt. @@@@@@@@ / .ƒt
@@‚µ@R@@ÈQÈ@/@ | R@@ÈQÈ@ /@ |
@@ _@ _ ( LƒÖ`)/.@ É @ _ (EÍE ) /.@ É
@@@@_ @R@@@@i@@ | _@@R@@@@i@@ |
@@Q|PR @ _¿ƒm@@É |PR @ _.¿ƒm@@É
@@_PPPP(::)(::)P _PPPP(::)(::)P ._
@@@||_@@@@@@@@@@ _@@@@@@ @ @ @ _
@@@||@ ||PPPPPPP|| ||PPPPPPP||
@@@||@ ||PPPPPPP|| ||PPPPPPP||
@@@ @ .|| @ @ @ @ @ @ @|| || @ @ @ @ @ @ @||

39 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4303 21:57 [no]

(*LƒÖ`) ʧʧ

40 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4304 18:50 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Perhaps when she is old enough to be hit

41 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4304 20:06 [no]

@@ ◢░ @ ▄▅@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@▅▄@@░◣
@ ▐░::@ ▀@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@▀@@::░▍
@▐░::@@@@@ @▄▅▄@@@@▂ @ @ @▂ @ @▄▅▄@@@@ @:::░▍
@ ▌░:: ::@@@@@▀█▋@@@▐::@ @ ▄@ ▀▄@ ▀█▋@@@ @:: :::░▌
@▐▓░░:: @@@@@@@@ @ ▋:::@ ▅▀@::░▋@@@@@@@ @::::░▓▌
@ ▐▓▓░░:::: ::@@@@@ @@▊░:::▊ ▊:::░▊@@@@@@@ :: ::::░▓▋
@@ ▀█▓▓░░:::: ::@@@@@@ ▀▀@@▀▀@@@@@@@@:::░▓█▀

42 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4304 20:10 [no]

more liek

@@ ◢░ @ ▄▅@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@▅▄@@░◣
@ ▐░::@ ▀@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@▀@@::░▍
@▐░::@@@@@ @@@@@@@▂ @ @ @▂ @ @@@@@@@ @:::░▍
@ ▌░:: ::@@@@@@@@@@▐::@ @ ▄@ ▀▄@ @@@@@ @:: :::░▌
@▐▓░░:: @@@@@@@@ @ ▋:::@ ▅▀@::░▋@@@@@@@ @::::░▓▌
@ ▐▓▓░░:::: ::@@@@@ @@▊░:::▊ ▊:::░▊@@@@@@@ :: ::::░▓▋
@@ ▀█▓▓░░:::: ::@@@@@@ ▀▀@@▀▀@@@@@@@@:::░▓█▀

43 Name: moot!Ep8pui8Vw2 1993-09-4304 22:00 [no]

@ _ @¿
(@ßÍß)œc@Oppai! Oppai!

44 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4304 23:00 [no]

( LƒÖ`) You will enjoy Oppai more when you are older

45 Name: ( iœ)Īªª²(œj ) 1993-09-4305 06:51 [no]

(EÍE) Hey Grandpa, I've been feeling weird lately..

@@@@@@@@|@@@ / @@@@@@Lately, my body has been morphing
@@@@ @@@ i@Rƒm @@@@@into this weird body, and I've got
@@@@@@@@ ƒm>ƒm@ @@@@@an incredible urge to say BU-N more..
@@@@ ŽO@@ƒŒƒŒ

@@@@@@@@|@@@ / @@@@@@Oh... oh SHI-
@@@@ @@@ i@Rƒm
@@@@@@@@ ƒm>ƒm@
@@@@ ŽO@@ƒŒƒŒ

@@@@@@@@|@@@ / @@@@@@BU-------------N
@@@@ @@@ i@Rƒm
@@@@@@@@ ƒm>ƒm@
@@@@ ŽO@@ƒŒƒŒ

46 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4308 05:41 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Becoming BU-N just means you're growing up, and adapting to the garden of DQN, boy.

47 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4308 12:22 [no]

@@@¼“ñ“ñ“ñi@LƒÖ` j“ñ½
@@@@@@@@|@@@ / @@@@@@Let's BU-N together
@@@@ @@@ i@Rƒm @@@@@
@@@@@@@@ ƒm>ƒm@ @@@@@
@@@@ ŽO@@ƒŒƒŒ

48 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4308 13:41 [no]

@@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ¿
@@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ | |
@@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ | |
@@@ @ @ ÈQÈ @ | |@@@ ^PPPPPPPPPPPP
@@@@ @ i@LƒÖ` j^/@@ƒ Sensei, I suddenly feel old
@@@@@ ^ @ @ @ /@@@@ _QQQQQQQQQQQQQ
@@@@ / /|@@@@/
@ QQ| | .|@@@@|
@@||_@@@@@@@@@@ @ _
@@||@ ||PPPPPPP||
@@ @ .||@ @ @ @ @ @ @ ||

49 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4313 15:18 [no]

(EÍE) Hey grandpa, I am just a pillow head.. Will I ever grow a body?

50 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4314 09:50 [no]

@@ ◢░ @ ▄▅@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@▅▄@@░◣
@ ▐░::@ ▀@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@▀@@::░▍
@▐░::@@@@@ @@@@@@@▂ @ @ @▂ @ @@@@@@@@@ @:::░▍
@ ▌░:: ::@@@@@@@@@@▐::@ @ ▄@ ▀▄@ @@@@@@@ @:: :::░▌
@▐▓░░:: @@@@@@@@ @ ▋:::@ ▅▀@::░▋@@@@@@@ @::::░▓▌
@ ▐▓▓░░:::: ::@@@@@ @@▊░:::▊ ▊:::░▊@@@@@@@ :: ::::░▓▋
@@ ▀█▓▓░░:::: ::@@@@@@ ▀▀@@▀▀@@@@@@@@:::░▓█▀

51 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4314 15:48 [no]

(EÍE) Hey grandpa, what did you use for masturbation?

52 Name: !Tubx6TB5O. 1993-09-4316 06:13 [no]

( LƒÖ`)“Ê What do you think? Fuckmitten.

53 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4317 21:41 [no]

(EÍE) Hey grandpa, what does it mean to be DQN?

54 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4317 22:42 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, which direction is north?

55 Name: blanket!m3QOFIfoN2 1993-09-4318 01:39 [no]

( LƒÖ`) One at a time, kids!

56 Name: !tg6Q...... 1993-09-4318 09:13 [no]

(EÍE) Hey grandpa, wadatah Imma tippy tah on ya capitown

57 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4318 21:13 [no]

( LƒÖ`) What you say?

58 Name: !.38tuXtuXs 1993-09-4319 14:09 [no]

(EÍE) Main screen turn on!

59 This post sucks.

60 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4319 15:48 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Yhbtyhlhandmumblemumble

61 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4319 17:09 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, I'm thirstyyyyy!

62 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4319 19:32 [no]

( LƒÖ`) And I have to take a wizz! Now that's serendipity!

63 Name: Anonymous 1993-09-4320 21:27 [no]

And here I am, breaking the chain ^_^

64 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4320 23:47 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Listen up, kiddies! >>63 here is what we called a "DQN" back in my day.

65 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4320 23:48 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, I want to grow up to be a NEET!

66 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4321 15:08 [no]

( LƒÖ`) NEET is a noble goal! You shall post in legendary threads just as I did when I was young!

67 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4321 15:54 [no]

(EÍE) Smoooooke on the waaaater

68 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4321 21:35 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Fire in the skahay

69 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4322 06:02 [no]

(EÍE) Hey grandpa, how come my balls are sweaty?

70 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4322 07:34 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Because you touch yourself at night!

71 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4322 13:21 [no]

(EÍE) Hey grandpa, how come there is a G-spot up my ass?

72 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4322 15:02 [no]

@üi LÍM jü ƒ Kouyama Mitsuki-chan!!

73 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4322 15:38 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Back in my day, we called her "Kamiyama Mangetsu-chan"!

74 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4322 20:52 [no]

(EÍE) Hey grandpa, were you there when 4chan died for the first time?

75 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4323 05:04 [no]

( LƒÖ`) I slept through the whole thing.

76 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4323 12:49 [no]

(EÍE) Hey Grandpa, can your mouth make any shape other than ƒÖ?

77 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4323 12:50 [no]

( LƒÖ`) no

78 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4323 16:23 [no]

( LƒÖ`) ƒÖƒÖƒÖƒÖƒÖarota

79 Name: !.38tuXtuXs 1993-09-4324 04:06 [no]

(LÍ`) Hey Grandpa, I'm imitating you!!

80 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4324 05:21 [no]

( LƒÖ`) You fool! This is the face you should make! (EƒÖE)

81 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4324 05:35 [no]

(EÍE) Where da white women at?

82 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4324 06:47 [no]

( LƒÖ`) In the chlorine bleach. Stick your penis in and they'll suck you off.

83 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4324 07:24 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, why does the abyss gaze into me when I gaze into it for a really long time?

84 Name: !.38tuXtuXs 1993-09-4324 08:58 [no]

(LƒÖ`) Because it wants to fuck you.

85 Name: !.38tuXtuXs 1993-09-4324 09:00 [no]

(LEƒÖE`) >>80 -jii, I tried and tried, but it didn't work.

86 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4324 15:23 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, what is u‚‚‚…v?

87 Name: !.38tuXtuXs 1993-09-4325 04:00 [no]

(LƒÖ`) It's not [moe], that's for sure.

88 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4326 05:04 [no]

(EÍE) ?

89 Name: - 1993-09-4326 05:27 [no]


Mo \Mo\, a., adv., & n. [Written also moe.] [AS. m[=a]. See More.] More; -- usually, more in number. [Obs.]

An hundred thousand mo. --Chaucer.

Likely to find mo to commend than to imitate it. --Fuller.

Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.


\Moe\, n. A wry face or mouth; a mow. [Obs.]

Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.


\Moe\, a., adv., & n. [AS. m[=a] See More.] More. See Mo. [Obs.] ``Sing no more ditties, sing no moe.'' --Shak.

Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.


\Moe\, v. i. To make faces; to mow. [Obs.]

Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.


Mow \Mow\, n. [Written also moe and mowe.] [F. moue pouting, a wry face; cf. OD. mouwe the protruded lip.] A wry face. ``Make mows at him.'' --Shak.

Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.

90 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4328 04:19 [no]

(EÍE) !!

91 Name: !.38tuXtuXs 1993-09-4328 08:41 [no]

(LƒÖ`) ƒnƒ@ƒnƒ@

92 Name: - 1993-09-4328 13:54 [no]


93 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4328 20:38 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, give me some advice on women. How do I meet them? Why do I say to a woman if I really like her and I want to spend time with her? How did you meet grandma?

94 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4328 21:29 [no]

(LƒÖ`) I was always fond of "Hey there good-lookin'. Have you met my friend, Mr. Chloroform?"

95 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4329 15:24 [no]

(EÍE) Hey grandpa, how old are you?

96 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4329 16:11 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Next question!

97 Name: Cyber Okama!jvqKLPB9Fc 1993-09-4329 18:21 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, does your generation know how to please the radies?

98 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4329 18:22 [no]

( LƒÖ`) what

99 Name: Cyber Okama!jvqKLPB9Fc 1993-09-4329 20:19 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, do you like Protoss Females?

100 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4329 21:35 [no]

( LƒÖ`) YES! My life for Aiur!

101 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4330 01:54 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, you did 100GET! You win the internet!!

102 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4330 05:28 [no]

( LƒÖ`) A winnar is me!

103 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4330 10:39 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Grandchild, have you seen my walking cane?

104 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4330 11:10 [no]


105 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4330 11:10 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, let's go to the zoo and scare the monkeys!

106 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4330 18:09 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Whatever for? I can do that at home!

( LƒÖ`) Boo!

107 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4330 19:57 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, what does "faggot" mean?

108 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4330 23:59 [no]

( LƒÖ`) I believe it has something to do with the magentic poles switching.

109 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4331 01:34 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa... I love you chuu

110 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4331 03:03 [no]

( LƒÖ`) ......

111 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4331 07:48 [no]

(EAE) Grandpa, you don't love me chucchu?

112 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4331 20:50 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Chuu? Choo? Chew? I haven't been able to do that since I lost my dentures.

113 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4331 21:27 [no]

They went to the zoo after all!

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@( LƒÖ`)@@@@yay!
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(@@ )_@(EÍE)
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@„  |@@b (@)S
@ @@ @QQQQ
@@@ ^æˆæˆ_
@@ /æˆæˆæˆ_@@@QQQQQQQ
@@|ææ^@@ ›@_|. @ |
@@|æ /@@ŽO@|@ŽO@|@@|@@FUCKING MONKEYSI
@@|æ |@ _Q_|Q^ |@ƒ @
@@|æ |@@ |„¨„¨|@@ |@@_QQQQQQ
@@|æ |@@ |@@@|@@/
@@ _|@@@_Q/@/
@@@ @_QQQ_^
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(@@ )_@(ÍE )
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@„  |@@b (@)S

114 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4334 05:42 [no]

@@@V¿ ÈQÈ
@@@¼Üi @EƒÖEj@@Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say, Grandpa.
@@@@ MR_‚ÁÜ/Ü‚ƒ

115 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4335 03:01 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Mind your elders! You never know what wisdom we can share with our years of experience.

( LƒÖ`) ....

( LƒÖ`) Has anyone found my copy of TV Guide?

116 Name: Dokyun 1993-09-4335 08:43 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, why do you touch my pee pee place?

117 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4335 08:49 [no]

( LƒÖ`) LIES!

118 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4335 18:01 [no]

(EAE) Grandpa, you did it to me again last night. It really feels funny.. Why can't I tell Mom and dad?

119 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4335 19:10 [no]

i=E‚ÂEj Mr. Saturn is just passing through.

120 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4335 22:50 [no]

Misuta~ Sata~n!

121 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4335 23:30 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, where does the Moon go during the day?

122 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4336 03:33 [no]

( LƒÖ`) It travels to Uranus.

123 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4336 03:43 [no]

(EÍE) It travels to my anus!?

124 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4336 09:34 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Hurrrrrrrrryes

125 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4336 09:35 [no]


126 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4336 10:48 [no]

( LƒÖ`) GA!

127 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4336 12:45 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, did you touch Grandma's pee pee place a lot too?

128 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4337 13:26 [no]

( LƒÖ`) I'd touch yours if you like.

129 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4337 13:56 [no]

( LƒÖ`)‚Â(EÍE ;)

130 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4338 01:54 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, my powers have doubled since last we met.

( LƒÖ`) Twice the pride, double the fall!

131 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4338 02:28 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, pregnant 16-year-olds are moe

132 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4338 04:33 [no]

( LƒÖ`)

133 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4338 07:35 [no]


134 Name: 1993-09-4338 09:38 [no]

what about 15-year-olds? that's how old my girlfriend is...

135 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4338 13:58 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Also very moe. Ninshin-moe. Mmmmm, moe.

136 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4339 10:37 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, what does the "W.T." in W.T. Snacks stand for?

137 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4339 18:17 [no]

( LƒÖ`) William Taft.

138 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4340 12:30 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, do you have any other expressions?

139 Name: !wTGaYFxpWk 1993-09-4340 14:26 [no]

( EƒÖE)

140 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4340 17:44 [no]


141 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4340 21:06 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, did you post on 4-ch when you were younger?

142 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4341 02:55 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Of course. But back in my days, we posted by telegraph and 4-ch was known as Oriental Mimeographic Communication Express. Our posts would be published in monthly installments on onion paper. I'll never forget the laugh I got when someone posted in issue #44 the first catchphrase: "Crazier than a Chinese Opium Den Whore!" Good times, good times.

143 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4343 17:08 [no]

i@ß„Dß);; You knew wheeker?!

144 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4343 17:35 [no]

( LƒÖ`) A good an honest man! He is of Japanese ancestry but raised by an African American couple. I know this because I asked him and he explained to his philosophy, and me - where he came from on life. I was born in Nairobi, Kenya and always proud that I was born in Africa. We two could have a dialog with few words - I guess he understood me as I did him.

145 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4344 05:24 [no]

i@E„DE);; ...Grandpa, are you sure you're not lying to me about anything? I'm a little scared of you after you started touching my pee-pee place.

146 Name: Cyber Okama!jvqKLPB9Fc 1993-09-4344 17:09 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Do not worry, Gregor. It's perfectly normal.

147 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4344 19:06 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, what is the meaning of life and the universe?

148 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4345 03:18 [no]

( LƒÖ`) I can't tell you, child, but let me tell you it is not 42. Definitely not. Doug Adams is a liar!

149 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4345 04:23 [no]

(E„DE) Blasphemy!

150 Name: - 1993-09-4346 03:15 [no]

(OÍO) In the beginning, G-dpa created this thread!

151 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4346 07:35 [no]

@@@@@@@@@^“V _
@@@@@@@@@iMƒnL@j ƒ Hmph. An old fool is still a fool.
@@@@@@ .QƒÓ@@ ¼)
@@@@@^’U^ŽO^ ^|
@@@@@| @Master @|^

152 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4346 08:03 [no]

@@@@@@ .QQQQQ
@@@@@^’U^ŽO^ ^|
@@@.a@| @Master @|^ is out.

153 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4346 09:34 [no]

@@@@@@.Q( LƒÖ`) Let's see...
@@@@@^’U^ŽO^ ^|
@@@@@| @Master @|^

154 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4346 13:39 [no]

@@@@@@@@@ È_È
@@@@@@@@@(LƒÖ` ) ƒ Things to do today: Brush teeth, buy milk, forget Poland
@@@@@@ .QƒÓ@@¼)
@@@@@^’U^ŽO^ ^|
@@@@@| @Master @|^

155 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4346 15:23 [no]

@@@@@@@@@@((@¼ ))
@@@@@@@@@(LƒÖ` )
@@@@@@ .QƒÓ@@@|
@@@@@^’U^ŽO^ ^|
@@@@@| @Master @|^

@@@@@@@@@(LƒÖ` ) Much better
@@@@@@ .QƒÓ@¼ )
@@@@@^’U^ŽO^ ^|
@@@@@| @Master @|^

156 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4347 04:28 [no]

(EÍE) Hey Grandpa, do you believe in God?

157 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4347 11:34 [no]

@@@@@@@@@(LƒÖ` ) God believes in me.
@@@@@@ .QƒÓ@¼ )
@@@@@^’U^ŽO^ ^|
@@@@@| @Master @|^

158 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4348 02:39 [no]

(;-;) I am so glad... my thread continues forever
Go thread go! beyond 1000!

159 Name: Lain!swQsw.nsVg 1993-09-4348 09:06 [no]

there, there ( LƒÖ`)‚Â(;-;)

160 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4348 11:42 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa is always so nice to me. I'll forgive the pee-pee place thing!! Oshiete ojii-san

161 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4349 09:27 [no]

( LƒÖ`)? nani wo

162 Name: Lain!swQsw.nsVg 1993-09-4349 10:27 [no]

( LƒÖ`) ‚“VŒ´Ž¢_—¯¿{ _˜RŠò _˜R”ü”T–½ˆÈ’mŽ
ce_ˆÉŽ×“ߊò”T‘å_ ’}Ž‡“úŒü”T‹k”T ¬–å”T
ˆ¢”gŠòŒ´Ž¢ âSâP”ä‹‹•zŽžŽ¢ ¶¿¢—¯âPŒË”T‘å_“™
”S’…~–[gJuniorh”V ”X‰ÐŽ– ßâqŒÁ
âP•Â‹‹”ä ´•Ä‹‹•z“o \{Ž–”T—RŒÁ
“V’Ã_ ’n’Ã_ ”ª•S–œ_“™‹¤Ž¢ “V”T”Á‹î”T Ž¨U—§Ž
•·H¢“o ˆØ”üˆØ”ü•ê”’{@u•³ Junior À—ÇIv

163 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4349 11:15 [no]

(EÍE) Please don't chant at me! Although I rouhgly know what you're saying.

164 Name: Lain!swQsw.nsVg 1993-09-4350 14:22 [no]

( LƒÖ`) If you put "sage" in your E-mail, it means that you are wise through reflection and experience. Please don't do that, Junior!

165 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4350 15:28 [no]

(EAE) I humbly apologize, O Grandpa. Please forgive my foolishness! I have changed my terrible E-mail accordingly. Your poor, worthless Junior seeks your reconcilation!

166 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4351 07:30 [no]


167 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4351 13:46 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Sausages are great. I remember that was all we got to suck on in the army, cos all the girls were gone..

168 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4352 22:45 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, what did you do during the army?

169 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4353 10:25 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Dawww, you gotta ask that question chuckle Lemme tell you Junior, it was a loooong and crazy war out there... What with this hell of a major called Major Major Major Major and this dead man in my tent. Ain't got enough pages to write about what happened in there, son! But I sure spent quite a bit of time in the hospital.

170 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4353 15:24 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, did you have lots of morphine???

171 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4353 18:36 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Sure. I was the inspiration for the Pink Floyd song "Comfortably Numb."

172 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4353 18:52 [no]


173 Name: ( LƒÖ`) 1993-09-4354 11:29 [no]

(EÍE) (EÍE) ( LƒÖ`) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE)
(EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) ( LƒÖ`) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE)
(EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) ( LƒÖ`)
(E ÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE)
(EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (LƒÖ`) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE)
(EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) ( LƒÖ`) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE) (EÍE)

174 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4354 11:59 [no]


175 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4354 17:33 [no]

( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)( LƒÖ)v

176 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4354 17:46 [no]

( EÍE)
(@@ E)
( @ @ )
(`@ @)

177 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4354 18:35 [no]

>>176 ( EÍE) WOW how did I do that???

178 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4354 19:03 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Easy, just sit there for some decades.

179 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4355 07:20 [no]

( EÍE) Grandpa, I have a golden ticket and I can go on a tour of Willy Wonka's candy factory. Do you want to come with me?

180 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4356 06:47 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Sorry, kid, I'm... busy... tonight.

181 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4356 08:13 [no]

( EÍE) You can take her along too, Grandpa.

182 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4357 11:41 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Well, if the tour ends in under a hour, maybe she'll come along. It shouldn't cost extra.

183 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4361 02:28 [no]

( EÍE) Peter Jennings died today, Grandpa. Are you ever afraid of dying?

184 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4361 06:23 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Old DQNs never die, they just get permasaged.

185 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4361 15:00 [no]

( EÍE) Hey Grandpa, do you think we can get to 1000??

186 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4362 08:47 [no]

( LƒÖ`) By then, you'll be a Grandpa yourself, sonny.

187 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4362 21:44 [no]

( EÍE) Grandpa, where do babies come from?

188 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4363 01:05 [no]

( LƒÖ`) When a man and woman love each other very much, the woman secretes eggs from her anus.

189 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4363 05:25 [no]

>>187-188 have not been paying attention to >>4-5

190 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4363 05:26 [no]

( EÍE) Mommy, when did you turn into Grandpa?

191 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4363 08:52 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Don't tease us old folks, sonny. We can't help that the older you get, the less there is to distinguish from men and women.

192 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4363 10:10 [no]

( EÍE) Grandpa, do you believe in URUSE- HAGE?

193 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4363 17:32 [no]

( LƒÖ`) NO U!

194 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4363 18:13 [no]

( EÍE) Hey Grandpa, wahts going on in this thread?

195 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4363 18:38 [no]

( LƒÖ`) It's the ol' kopipe shebang just like back in 1992!

196 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4364 00:36 [no]

( EÍE) Grandpa, what is "emo"?

197 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4364 03:17 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Elmo after Sesame Street was canceled.

198 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4364 13:54 [no]

( EÍE) Grandpa, your nose looks like balls har har har harbl

199 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4364 13:57 [no]

( LƒÖ`)

200 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4364 14:11 [no]

(;; EÍE) 200GET

201 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4364 17:25 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Young man, did you know that you just said "200 goat" in Swedish?

202 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4364 19:04 [no]

( EÍE) Suomi perkele!

203 Name: Gym Otoko 1993-09-4364 21:00 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Devils are bad things to invoke. Except succubi. Or incubi, if your tail swings that way.

204 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4364 22:03 [no]

( EÍE) If I fuck a goat and it gets pregnant, is it a sin to try and baptise the offspring?

205 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4364 22:07 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Why do you say such silly things? All children should be baptized. Don't be foolish.

206 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4364 22:25 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Hey now, I usually troll SA goons whenever I get the chance but this thread is pretty "sugoi" as you youngsters say, so check it out:

207 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4365 00:06 [no]

^EÍE) That was a pretty rad thread, Gramps! I salute you!

208 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4365 00:11 [no]

( EÍE) My other Grandpa fought for the Wehrmacht. Got sent home with a grenade splinter in his foot. I believed for a long time that he had been fighting in France then two years ago got told he had actually been fighting at the Eastern front. Never really talked to him about it. He died this week.

209 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4365 00:12 [no]

( E„DE) I think I should have talked to him. Well, maybe I can find some stuff at Grandma's place now...

210 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4365 06:39 [no]

( LƒÖ`)ƒmƒV Hey, I'm not dead!
( ßÍß)??? (LƒÖ`)
Impostor! (ß„Dß)ƒm'ƒÖ) R<M„DL>É

211 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4365 10:34 [no]

( EÍE) My grandpa would have walked on mines in the forest hadn't they been triggered by falling snow right in front of him. Serious business, ne?

212 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4365 10:40 [no]

b@War is always very serious business!

@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ÈQÈ
@@@@ @@@@@ __,,T„©„Ÿ„©====„¢.@@@@@@@
@@@@ @@@@@ |@ |@@ .| |F|S“ñ“ñ“ñ“ñ“ñ(O
@@@@@ QQQ__|,|_;||Q,| |F|ƒm-„¦„Ÿ„£@@@@
@@@@@|ƒ~/^/@@ ^@@@~~|Ð|‹u•S~((==_QQ
@@@@@..T()()()() ()ƒmŽOÉ„Ÿ„ŸƒmŽOÉ;*;æ

213 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4365 18:12 [no]

@,,¤,¤,,,@/ _ZƒmT@¿ ƒ@Internet is always at warI@@@,,¤,¤,,,
@@@@/ŽO/(EÍE)œc@@ _QQQQQQQQQQQQ@@,,¤,¤,,,
@@ @@/ŽO/| ß¼œc@@@@@@,,¤,¤,,,@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@,,¤,¤,,,
@,,¤,¤,,,@‚t i:::::::::::j@@,,¤,¤,,,@@@@@@@@@_Yee[[[[[[[eahII^
@@@@@@¾@ ¾@@@@@@ i@@@@j@@@ i@@@@ j@@@i@@@@j@@@ j
@,,¤,¤,,,@@@@@@@,,¤,¤,,,@@ÈQÈÈQÈÈQÈ ÈQÈÈQÈÈQÈÈQÈ
@@@@@@,,¤,¤,,,@@@@@@ i@@@@j@@@ i@@@@j@@@ i@@@@j@@@ i@@@@j

214 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4366 00:55 [no]

( LƒÖ`) War is hell. Meaning hell is very fun.

215 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4366 08:17 [no]

( EÍE) When I grow up, I want to be a NEET!

216 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4367 05:09 [no]


217 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4367 05:10 [no]

@@( LƒÖ`) /PPPP/
Q_(__Æ‚Â/@>>216@ / (EÍE ) Hay Grandpa, what are you doing?
@@@ _/QQQQ/PPPP@

218 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4368 16:46 [no]

( LƒÖ) (;; EÍE ) (LƒÖ )

219 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4369 07:44 [no]

( LƒÖ` ) Well what do we have here. 500 pounds in a month... I ain't believin' this!

220 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4369 07:45 [no]

(@@ LƒÖ`@@@@ )

221 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4369 11:52 [no]

( LƒÖ` ) Haha, just kidding. Now youngsters, tell me your stories about being "hardcore" and I'll evaluate them.

222 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4370 08:30 [no]

( EÍE) Well er... gramps, don't tell mommy or daddy this, but I managed to stick an entire test tube up Katie's ass yesterday

223 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4370 09:22 [no]

@@@@@@( EÍE) ˜¤
@@@@@@( ‚Â=||“ñl=(Ü È È@aghI
@@@@@@‚Æ,,Q)_)@‚Æ ‚ƒ .(* ß„Dß)‚Á

224 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4370 13:42 [no]

@@@@@@( EÍE) ˜¤
@@@@@@( ‚Â =||“ñl(Ü È È@aGHII
@@@@@@‚Æ,,Q)_)@‚Æ ‚ƒ .(* ß„Dß)‚Á

@@@@@@( EÍE) ˜¤
@@@@@@( ‚Â =||(Ü È È@AGHH!!!
@@@@@@‚Æ,,Q)_)@‚Æ ‚ƒ .(* ß„Dß)‚Á

@@@@@@( EÍE)
@@@@@@( ‚‚Á =(Ü È È@
@@@@@@‚Æ,,Q)_)@‚Æ ‚ƒ .(* X_X)‚Áxx......

225 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4370 13:48 [no]

( LƒÖ` )b

226 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4370 15:53 [no]

( EÍE) I folded a frisbee up and swallowed it!

227 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4370 21:09 [no]


228 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4371 01:44 [no]

( LƒÖ` ) Nid-jah? Whatever is a nid-jah, Junior?

229 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4371 03:01 [no]

( EÍE) Robert Hamburger is a nid-jah!

230 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4371 05:37 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa are you really the blind swordsman? Because that cane was actually a sword. And I killed someone with it two. Two? I meant too.

231 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4371 07:08 [no]

(LC ` ) The CIA is coming to see if y'all are fine.

232 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4371 07:49 [no]

(@LƒÖ) (LC )

(@LƒÖ)½) )

(@LƒÖ) (L 3 ;;)

233 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4372 13:10 [no]

(E‚`E) Grandpa, why are you so violent?

234 Name: i-Q-j‚³‚ñ 1993-09-4372 15:25 [no]

Papa was a rolling stone!
( LƒÖ` ) (E‚`E)

( LƒÖ` )½)‚`E)

235 Name: !.38tuXtuXs 1993-09-4374 00:19 [no]

(LX‹) awuf gramfs fhaf's enuf

236 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4374 00:37 [no]

( LƒÖ` ) ...I felt like destroying something beautiful.

237 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4374 00:40 [no]

( LƒÖ` ) Let's go to IKEA! And let's go to the hardware store parking lot after that.

238 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4374 11:35 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, is your name Robert Paulson?

239 Name: i-Q-j‚³‚ñ 1993-09-4374 11:37 [no]

( LƒÖ` ) Shhhhh!!!!!!

240 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4374 13:32 [no]


241 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4374 14:42 [no]

(LÍM) Grandpa! Two righteous babes are headed your way!

242 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4374 14:45 [no]

(EÍE) Do you think sakuratann is "moe", Grandpa?

243 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4374 16:39 [no]

( LƒÖ` ) You were an accident.

244 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4374 17:32 [no]

(;Í;) Grandpa! How rude!

245 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4374 17:43 [no]

(EÍE) Wait! I meant to say "NO U!"

246 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4374 18:38 [no]

(EÍE) The hordes of nameless have many personalities!

247 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4374 18:53 [no]

why is your mouth looks like balls

248 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4374 21:07 [no]

(EÍE) This is getting incoherent! Grandpa, wake up!

249 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4374 21:17 [no]


250 Name: - 1993-09-4374 22:58 [no]

Kids you are making too much noise, leave Grandpa alone.
He's old, he needs his sleep.
Go play outside!

251 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4375 05:13 [no]

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@_@„ @^
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@„Ÿi EÍE jƒ@GRANDPA GRANDPA!
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@^@„ @_
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ¿ È@È@ ^PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
QQQQQQQQ^ b@@@ q@b@@@b
@@@@@@@@@@@@@ /@^__v@/@^_v
@@@@@@@@@@@@@ P@@@@ / ^

252 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4375 07:09 [no]

( LƒÖ` ) Okay, I'm back for more questions. By the way, tomoyo is more moe

253 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4375 14:27 [no]

(EÍE) Hey Grandpa, can we go to Saitama for my birthday?

254 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4375 14:36 [no]

( LƒÖ` ) Where?

255 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4375 19:43 [no]


256 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4375 19:43 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, what do you want to do to Koishi Herikawa?

257 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4376 04:51 [no]

( LƒÖ` ) Where did you learn such naughty things? I'll be telling your mother.

258 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4376 04:52 [no]

( LƒÖ` ) Little boy, did you make this thread?! http://human5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/honobono/1124732125/

259 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4376 11:07 [no]

(EÍE) I cannot tell a lie, Grandpa. It was I. I'm surprised I knew any Japanese!

260 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4377 07:50 [no]

( LƒÖ` ) Well now, thanks to you, the Japanese are going to go on about how much we suck. You got to learn to keep quiet, sonny! I'm grounding you for 3 days. In my room, yes.

261 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4377 08:49 [no]

(EÍE) ki ki ki ki ki ki

. . .


262 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4377 14:13 [no]

( LƒÖ` ) Nurupo

263 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4377 14:30 [no]


264 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4377 17:15 [no]

(EÍE) ILm sorry, grandpa. How stupid I am.

265 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4377 20:15 [no]

( LƒÖ` ) Gotta have soy sauce on sunny-side up!

266 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4377 23:40 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, from the declining quality of your speech I fear you are going senile.

267 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4378 00:47 [no]

( LƒÖ` ) Nonsense.

268 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4378 07:43 [no]

(EÍE) I'm running away from home if you're going to start going on about random things.

269 Name: i-Q-j‚³‚ñ!aHikkyNoyo 1993-09-4378 08:28 [no]

( LƒÖ` ) Well, nevermind all that, Junior. Can you set this aside for a while and hear me out? It's not much related to this thread, but anyway. I visited a local Yoshinoya the other day. Yes, Yoshinoya. It was incredibly crowded, so crowded I couldn't find a seat.

270 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4378 09:19 [no]

(EÍE) Sounds like a great situation for groping. Yes, groping.

271 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4378 10:47 [no]

( LƒÖ` ) As opposed to roping?

272 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4378 11:50 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, did you read comic books when you were my age? Did you read any Japanese comic books?

273 Name: i-Q-j‚³‚ñ!aHikkyNoyo 1993-09-4378 12:15 [no]

( LƒÖ` ) I read Hadashi no Gen and followed the Sailor Moon series for a bit. Other than that, not much. Manga is for otaku loser nerds anyway!

274 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4378 15:06 [no]

( LƒÖ` ) I also found Card Captor Sakura rather enjoyable.

275 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4378 15:07 [no]

(EÍE) Today we read Gunslinger Girl and Tsukuyomi, grandpa!

276 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4378 15:45 [no]

@@@@@@@ @ÈQÈ@@@
@@@@@@ üi LÍM jü Don't forget Full Moon wo Sagashite!!

277 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4378 17:58 [no]

( LƒÖ` ) Even us old men love Kouyama Mitsuki-chan! 12 year old that turns into a 16 year old? yes please.... make Grandpa happy

278 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4378 22:32 [no]

(EÍE) Do you need me to leave the room, grandpa?

279 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4379 02:52 [no]

( LƒÖ` ) Only if Mitsuki-chan is coming in!

280 Name: i-Q-j‚³‚ñ!aHikkyNoyo 1993-09-4379 08:56 [no]

(EÍE) What is the spirit of DQN, grandpa?

281 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4379 10:00 [no]

@@@¼“ñ“ñ“ñ( LƒÖ` )“ñ½
@@@@@@@@|@@@ / @@@@@@BU-N

282 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4379 11:36 [no]

( LƒÖ` ) Foolish child. No one can be told what the spirit of DQN is.

283 Name: !dWx2j8B6V.!!2fmiyXjR 1993-09-4379 12:54 [no]


284 Name: !V0TM9/fIpo 1993-09-4379 12:55 [no]


285 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4379 21:52 [no]

(EÍE;) Who are these people in our thread, Grandpa?

286 Name: i-Q-j‚³‚ñ!aHikkyNoyo 1993-09-4379 21:52 [no]

i-Q-j i have no idea

287 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4380 00:03 [no]

( LƒÖ` ) In my time we hanged people like them. Then we raped them.

( LƒÖ` ) Those were truly glorious days.

288 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4380 03:26 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, who is your favorite anime character?

289 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4380 04:01 [no]

( LƒÖ` ) Don't toy with me, kid! Everyone knows it's Chihiro-chan.

( LƒÖ` ) Oh, those lucious lips...

290 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4380 05:01 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, have you ever been to 4chan?

291 Name: i-Q-j‚³‚ñ!aHikkyNoyo 1993-09-4380 07:09 [no]

( LƒÖ` ) No.

292 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4380 16:56 [no]

(EÍE) I think waka-tan is pretty, Grandpa!

293 Name: i-Q-j‚³‚ñ!aHikkyNoyo 1993-09-4380 18:27 [no]


294 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4380 18:49 [no]

( LƒÖ` ) Cheer up, hikikkomori kid!

295 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4380 22:52 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, what kind of girl should I look for when I'm ready to marry?

296 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4381 00:32 [no]

( LƒÖ` ) One with nice curvy hips!

297 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4381 08:43 [no]

('ÍE) Grandpa! What is LsageL?

298 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4381 08:43 [no]

(EÍE) You mean a fatty?

299 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4381 08:49 [no]

('Í.) what

300 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4381 09:03 [no]

(EÍE) >>295,296,298

(EÍE) PS: 300GET!

301 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4381 11:14 [no]

( LƒÖ` ) You are confusing me, stupid child. You are no grandson of mine. Now, change my diaper and then leave!

302 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4381 19:11 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, I'm sorry! Your fresh diaper is ready. I stole it from Baby.

303 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4381 20:01 [no]

( LƒÖ` ) hmmm it doesn't seem to fit

304 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4381 20:22 [no]

(EÍE) 303get! Aciiieed 4 lyfe, niggaz!

305 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4381 21:37 [no]

( LƒÖ` ) Everybody loves a 303.

306 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4381 22:36 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, did you know?

307 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4381 22:37 [no]

( LƒÖ` ) Yes.

308 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4382 06:25 [no]

(EÍE) ‚‘‚ ‚—‚¹‚„‚’‚†‚”‚‡‚™‚Ó‚¶‚±‚Œ‚

309 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4382 07:16 [no]

( LƒÖ` ) Kids these days and their weird moon language. I honestly donLt understand a word youLre saying.

310 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4382 16:11 [no]

>>308 (@ß„Dß)@/ƒANO U

311 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4382 17:13 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, do you remember the Kennedy assassination?

312 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4382 18:19 [no]

( LƒÖ` ) Like Zapruder on cocaine!

313 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4383 04:56 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, I accidentally overwrote your save in --

314 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4383 05:56 [no]

@i@EÍEj@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @@ ◢░ @ ▄▅@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@▅▄@@░◣
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ ▐░::@ ▀@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@▀@@::░▍
@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @@▐░::@@@@@ @@@@@@@▂ @ @ @▂ @ @@@@@@@@@ @:::░▍
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ▌░:: ::@@@@@@@@@@▐::@ @ ▄@ ▀▄@ @@@@@@@ @:: :::░▌
@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@▐▓░░:: @@@@@@@@ @ ▋:::@ ▅▀@::░▋@@@@@@@ @::::░▓▌
@i@EÍEj@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@ ▐▓▓░░:::: ::@@@@@ @@▊░:::▊ ▊:::░▊@@@@@@@ :: ::::░▓▋
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ▀█▓▓░░:::: ::@@@@@@ ▀▀@@▀▀@@@@@@@@:::░▓█▀
„grandpa@@@ @ . „Attack@@ .„«„«i@EÍEj@@@@@@@@@@@@@‚X‚X‚W‚W(„ª„ª„ª„ª„ª)„«
„« @ @ @ @ @@@@„«Defense @ .„«„«i@EÍEj@@@@@@@@@@@@@‚W‚W‚P‚R(„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ@ )„«
„« @ @ @ @ @@@@„«Special@@ .„«„«ABO-RN@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@0(„ª„ª„ª„ª„ª)„«
„« @ @ @ @ @ @ @„«Retreat@@..„«„«ABO-RN@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@0(„ª„ª„ª„ª„ª)„«

315 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4384 01:25 [no]

( LƒÖ` ) I'm going to have to kill you now, you know that?

316 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4384 11:08 [no]

(EÍE) I really wish people stop getting obnoxious personal ring tones for their cellphones. Don't you, Grandpa?

317 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4384 11:18 [no]

( LƒÖ` ) The best ringtones are the tunes from the good old veteran anime shows.
Why don't you upload some to http://humblefool.net/music/wakaba.html for me, junior?

318 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4384 13:19 [no]

(EÍE) You mean that piece of shit like Tobe! Gundam ? ... t.m. revolution pls kthx

319 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4384 15:08 [no]

( LƒÖ` ) Kids today.

320 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4384 22:36 [no]

( EÍE ) Onigiri Whashoooi~I

321 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4384 22:45 [no]

( LƒÖ` ) Whashoooooooooi~I cough

322 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4385 06:55 [no]

( EÍE ) Grandpa, you should have a medical check-up before you try Onigiri Whashoooi~I

323 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4385 14:54 [no]

( LƒÖ` ) ILm too old for this shit.

324 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4385 17:17 [no]

( EÍE ) Gramps, don't you look like this sometimes: http://pya.cc/pyaimg/pimg.php?imgid=16812

325 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4385 18:49 [no]

ƒÖ(|ƒÖ|1) A few times in my life. I was going through some.... troubled times...

326 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4385 21:56 [no]

( EÍE ) Grandpa, do the "kita" for me!

327 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4385 23:08 [no]

( LƒÖ` ) Maybe. You got to mow Grandpa's lawn first and then run to the store and pick up my pills. And, if you're a good boy, I'll do "kita" for you.

328 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4385 23:10 [no]

(;; EÍE ) It's a trap!

329 This post sucks.

330 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4386 03:53 [no]

( EÍE ) I am the universal quantifier, gramps!!.... and you are omega!

331 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4386 06:57 [no]

ƒLƒ^„ª„ª„ª„ª( LƒÖ` )„ª„ª„ª„ª‚ÁI cough

332 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4386 11:47 [no]

( EÍE ) Grandpa, what was wetting yourself in Nekomimi ep 11 like?

333 Name: i-Q-j‚³‚ñ!aHikkyNoyo 1993-09-4386 11:59 [no]

( LƒÖ` ;;)

334 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4386 17:55 [no]

( LƒÖ` ) Mention that again and ILll wet YOU.

335 Name: i-Q-j‚³‚ñ!aHikkyNoyo 1993-09-4386 17:56 [no]

¡¥ß¥( LƒÖ` )¥ß¥¡

336 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4387 00:58 [no]

( EÍE ) It only happened because you were being such a player!

337 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4387 18:19 [no]

(* LƒÖ` *) Don't hate the player, hate the game!

338 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4387 23:59 [no]

( EÍE ) Why hate the game? Aren't you any good at the game?

339 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4388 00:07 [no]

( LƒÖ` ) Everything is allright now, I finally passed the 20 million mark in Warning Forever and am now smoking "leaves of grass".

340 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4388 00:59 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, I heard you and Rika Nishimura were a hot pick around '95.

341 Name: i-Q-j‚³‚ñ!aHikkyNoyo 1993-09-4388 08:18 [no]

( LƒÖ` ) There's been so many gals I've been a hot pick with, I don't really remember. I keep a collection of pictures of them in my stash, though, for whenever I need to "relive" those moments of past glory.

342 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4388 12:22 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, aren't you a little too old to be "re=living" like that?

343 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4388 19:48 [no]

( LƒÖ` ) Never.

344 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4388 21:15 [no]

(EÍE) Do you keep a picture of me in your stash?

345 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4389 02:34 [no]

( LƒÖ` ) yes, and so do a bunch of my friends, though theirs might be a little... dirty now, after a lot of... use.

346 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4389 03:25 [no]

(EÍE) ?

347 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4389 03:26 [no]

( LƒÖ`) !

348 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4389 09:44 [no]

(EÍE) ‽

349 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4389 10:15 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Cut it out already. „‚W

350 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4389 10:46 [no]

(EÍE) i love you grandpa

351 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4389 10:48 [no]

( LƒÖ`) You're not getting my bud, junior JR.

352 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4389 15:47 [no]

(EÍE) What was the internet like when you were young?

353 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4389 16:12 [no]

( LƒÖ`) It was made out of lead and was powered by steam! Back then, 56k looked like a godsend!

354 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4389 16:16 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Also, stop asking the same questions over and over again. You come off as even more senile than me!

355 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4389 18:34 [no]

(EÍE) Dokyun have short attention spans.

356 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4389 18:38 [no]

( LƒÖ`) That's the DQN Spiri... something shiny, ooOOoooh!

357 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4389 20:03 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, that Hikky person is kinda making me sad, what should I do?

358 Name: !aHikkyNoyo 1993-09-4389 20:05 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Leave him alone already!

359 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4390 01:35 [no]

(-__-) I wanna be a Hikky too, Gramps.

360 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4390 01:51 [no]

( LƒÖ`) But weren't you already a Hikky?

361 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4390 04:14 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, I can't tolerate niggers. One even stole my TV! Is it normal to feel this way?

362 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4390 04:24 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Depends. Are you George Bush?

363 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4390 05:26 [no]

(EÍE) Well, no, but I want to piss Jesse Jackson off

364 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4390 06:24 [no]

(EÍE) Hey, Grandpa, do you like Pokey the Penguin?

365 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4390 09:39 [no]

( LƒÖ`) POS!

366 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4390 13:11 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa! ILm losing my attention span! I fear ILm going senile. What should I do?

367 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4390 14:16 [no]

( LƒÖ`) I'm Grandpa? Wait, where am I again?

368 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4390 15:30 [no]

(EÍE) Don't worry Grandpa. You are still at DQN.

369 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4390 15:36 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Huzzah, sirrah!

370 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4391 17:13 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, how come every black person has the same hair style?

371 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4391 17:28 [no]

( LƒÖ`) I suspect it has something to do with the surprising mainstream success of the uproariously funny "Barbershop" starring Ice Cube. Peter Travers of Rolling Stone magazine called it a "laugh-a-minute film." Entertainment Weekly said, "A humorously and touching movie." Now out on DVD!

372 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4391 22:24 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, do you have commercial sponsors now, like PBS?

373 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4391 23:09 [no]

( LƒÖ`) PBS, MSNBC, WFMU, BSE, PMS, you name it.

374 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4391 23:28 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, if birds do it, bees do it, and even educated fleas do it; what the heck are they doing? And how does a flea become educated anyway?

375 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4392 02:05 [no]

( LƒÖ`) By doing it. Don't think, feel, and you'll be doing it.

376 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4392 09:09 [no]


377 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4392 11:47 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Oh. really. too bad.


( LƒÖ`) I'm just sad I lost all my hentai collection in the flood.


( LEƒÖE`) shoboon

378 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4392 11:54 [no]

(EÍE) WakabaMark does not become you, grandpa! And what is "hentai"?

379 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4392 12:52 [no]

( LƒÖ`) "Hentai" is to the otaku as "water" is to the normal human.

380 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4392 13:36 [no]

(EÍE) So otaku washes his face with hentai? It looks fun!

381 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4392 14:26 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Sigh. Junior, trust me; that isn't water and the young girl in the video is not washing her face. Just ask the dozens of men who have her cornered and kneeling.

382 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4392 19:51 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa! I heard bukkake is good for the skin. What is bukkake?

383 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4392 21:43 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Cold udon served with various toppings liberally sprinkled on top. It may include:
tororo | puree of yamaimo (a Japanese yam with a slimy texture)
oroshi | grated daikon radish
natto | sticky fermented soybeans
okra | fresh sliced okra

( LƒÖ`) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Udon

384 Name: 1993-09-4393 03:48 [no]

( LƒÖ`) "Bukkake" is when a daddy and a daddy and a daddy and a daddy and a daddy and a daddy and a daddy and a daddy think mommy needs new face moisturizer.

385 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4393 05:11 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, I heard you're auditioning to be on the 4-ch T-shirt!

386 Name: 1993-09-4393 08:11 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Nonsense!

387 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4393 13:36 [no]

(EÍE) Avast, ye old salt of the sea! I'm Captain Junior of the Queen Anne's Revenge, and I attack and board merchant vessels off the coast of the North Carolina colony and take me fill of the plunder and share the booty with me crew! Arr!

(EÍE) Does ye know any old sea chanty we can sing while we go a-piratin', Grandpa?

388 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4393 16:16 [no]


389 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4393 18:53 [no]

(EÍE) what

390 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4393 19:05 [no]

( LƒÖ`) I think I had a seizure. Get me to the hospital!

391 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4393 19:16 [no]

(EÍE)ƒmÜƒÆ I'm too lazy, just take a pill!

392 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4393 20:04 [no]

( xƒÖx)

393 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4393 20:55 [no]

394 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4393 21:00 [no]

( LƒÖ`)@@ŽOŽO@œ

395 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4393 21:23 [no]

ŽOŽO@œ (EÍE) Grandpa, I wanted to ask....

(œAE) AUGH! It's in my eye! Grandpa! Why!?

396 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4393 21:51 [no]

( LƒÖ`) It's the DQN spirit!

397 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4393 22:22 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa! What does Loriginal contentL mean?

398 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4393 22:29 [no]

Because DQN rarely tends to be self-concious, his affliction with shit-chan
has developed into bizarre co-depential relations. Here we see two DQNs
acting out a ritual that is rather common inside of /dqn/ but might be regarded as
"retarded" for the casual visitor:

@ @@@@¿@@@@ÈQÈ@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ƒmÜ@˜¦
@@@@@@ _RQi@@@@j @@@@@@@@@@Q^@@ ::i
@@@@@@@@@_Q@@ ƒm@@@@@@@@@@/@@@@@:::::::_
@¿Q@@@Q^@@@ ^@@@@@@@@ @@i@@@@@:::::::;;;;;;;j
@@@@@R@ |@|QQ/ |@@ @@@@@@@@ÉP@@@@@::::::::::::::::::::::j
@@|PPP_@@@@@É@Take this,@@@i@@@@@::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;ƒm
@@|@|Pu`|P (E‚`E)@grandpa!@ @ ^P\\\\\PP::::::::_
@@|@|@ |@|@@ÉPÉ@@@@@@@@i@@@@@@@@:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::j
@@ƒŒ'@@ƒŒ'@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ _QQ::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ƒm
10 Name: lolocaustŸrsvcwx6Axc 2004-08-13 10:48 @ RrzkGCbE

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@/@/.@@/ ___É
@@@@@@@ ‚Ö¿QQ ¤@@@@@@@@ÉP@@@@@::::::::::::::::::::::j
@ @ @/PPP@ ¤_____@@@@@@@i@@@@@::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;ƒm
@ @ / _/Pu`|_@QQ _@@@@@^P\\\\\PP::::::::_
@@@ƒŒ'@@ ƒŒ ‚Æ ÉÉPÉ@@@@@@_QQ::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ƒm

399 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4393 23:29 [no]

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ l
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ iQ_j
@@@@@@@@@@ @@@i LƒÖ` j I smell!

400 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4394 00:02 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa! Why do some people have a scat fetish?

401 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4394 02:19 [no]

i LƒÖ` j Shit if I know.

402 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4394 04:45 [no]

@ _ @¿
(@EÍE)œc@Grandpa! Grandpa!

403 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4394 20:23 [no]

@ _ @¿
( LƒÖ` )œc@Kiddo! Kiddo!

404 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4395 06:56 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, Cyber Okama is harassing me! What should I do?

405 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4395 07:51 [no]

@@@@@@@@|@@@ / @@@@@@BU-N
@@@@ @@@ i@Rƒm
@@@@@@@@ ƒm>ƒm@
@@@@ ŽO@@ƒŒƒŒ

406 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4395 18:27 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, I heard that if you say "Bloody Mary, where is your baby?" thirteen times into a mirror at midnight, you will see her appear and she'll try to murder you. Have you ever tried this? It sounds so creepy and scary!

407 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4395 23:19 [no]

iLƒÖ`j Here, watch this tape.

408 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4396 00:03 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, I heard you used to be a real ladies' man when you were younger. What's your secret?

409 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4396 02:52 [no]

iLƒÖ`jBeat up little punks like you, treat my women like shit, drink beer and get drunk of course! Chicks dig that stuff.

410 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4396 14:23 [no]

(@¥ิƒÖ¥ิ)Beat up little punks like you, treat my women like shit, drink beer and get drunk of course! Chicks dig that stuff.

411 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4396 15:22 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, do you like to fish? Do you have a story about "the one that got away?"

412 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4396 18:59 [no]

iLƒÖ`jI once took your Uncle Fredo "fishing." He liked it so much, he decided to take a permanent fishing vacation and no one has heard from him since.

iLƒÖ`j"I knew it was you, Fredo!"

413 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4397 06:26 [no]

(EÍE) You broke my heart grandpa!!!!

414 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4397 09:40 [no]

iLƒÖ`j Nevermind all that emo stuff, junior! Do something useful & cast your vote for the 4-ch t-shirt design: http://4-ch.net/req/kareha.pl/1125203564/39

415 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4397 12:01 [no]

(EÍE) Thanks, Grandpa!!!! I feel ever so enlightened.

416 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4397 13:22 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, in the future I plan on leaving The Vault and having an exciting adventure in a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by radiation and barbarism.

(EÍE) The will call me... THE VALUT DWELLER!

417 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4397 17:45 [no]

iLƒÖ`j Make sure you bring back some souvenirs. One of those biker helmets with spikes would be nice! They remind me of my hooligan days.

418 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4397 19:52 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Junior, what's this I hear about you using coarse language at school? I'm quite upset at this news!

419 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4397 22:29 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, get with it! Nothing's wrong with saying "fuck you" to a teacher every once in a while. It's refreshing!

420 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4398 00:00 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Do not say "fuck you" unless you intend to carry out your threat.

421 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4398 00:07 [no]

(EÍE) A jailbait or a man, it doesn't matter to this unequaled demon!

422 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4398 02:00 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, do you believe in U.F.O.'s?

423 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4398 02:14 [no]

( LƒÖ`) I just know that a master is out there.

424 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4398 03:33 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, what's the easiest way to be cool on the Internet? DQN-kun told me it's caps lock, but I think he's full of shit.

425 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4398 03:46 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Bah, who needs to be "cool"? You little whelp.

426 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4398 09:28 [no]

(EÍE) Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiina Ringo

427 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4399 19:53 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Ageeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeru?

428 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4399 21:45 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, do you think I am sexy?

429 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4400 00:28 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Junior, like I explained to the district attorney; those photos were for an art project.

430 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4400 00:55 [no]

(EÍE) ‚Ê‚é‚Û

431 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4400 00:55 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, I feel abused!

432 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4400 00:56 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Are there two of you now? GA!

433 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4400 01:23 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, I've been having these... weird feelings, lately.

434 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4400 02:05 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Like what?

435 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4400 08:13 [no]

(EÍE) It's kind of explicably. Y'see, I was talking to Mable the other day and ... tanasinn

436 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4400 08:14 [no]


437 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4400 09:19 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Junior, have you been taking my medication again? You know that isn't healthy for you.

438 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4400 09:29 [no]

(EÍE) But pills are fun and tasty! Plus, I feel ever so DQN!

439 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4400 15:36 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Junior, but those pills were for my erectile disfunction

440 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4400 15:37 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, will you have sex with me, this time in a new position, I think it is called DQN

441 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4400 17:38 [no]

( LƒÖ`) That's it, no more internet for you.

442 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4400 17:53 [no]

(E„DE) Yeah, that joke got pretty tired. I'm sorry.

443 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4400 20:37 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Not as tired as me, I'm surr... snore

444 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4400 20:38 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, was that a double entendre?

445 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4400 21:26 [no]

( LƒÖ`) It's the young that have tender meat, butthead.

446 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4400 23:17 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, wrinkly, Grandpa, stinky! `ô

447 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4401 00:01 [no]

( LƒÖ`)

448 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4401 03:09 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, I think I'm having my period.

449 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4401 03:20 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, what is love?

450 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4401 04:24 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Baby, don't hurt me. Don't hurt me. No more. `ô

451 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4401 04:28 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Love is a custom imported from overseas!

452 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4401 06:19 [no]

( 'ƒÖ') Love is over!

453 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4401 06:37 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, today in history class we learned about Joseph McCarthy and the Red Scare.

(EÍE) Are you, or have you ever been, a member of the Communist Party?

454 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4401 07:52 [no]

( LƒÖ`)
@@¼œc™))„DL) >>453

( LƒÖ`) McCarthy was a fag. He tried to rape me.

455 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4401 09:26 [no]

(EAE) Sigh, gramps... You guys were so lucky. I don't have any communist fags to rape me now...

456 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4401 12:19 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Soviet Russia rapes you!

457 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4401 12:22 [no]

(EAE) Look Grandpa, I can stand on my head!

458 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4401 18:10 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Your face will stick like that if you do it too long.

459 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4401 20:45 [no]

(EÍE) Can you stand on your head, Grandpa?

460 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4401 22:46 [no]

(?ƒÖ?) No, but I can stand on yours. C'mere and hold still, you.

461 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4401 23:25 [no]

(x„tx) Damn Grandpa, you weigh too much! You need to eat healthier!

462 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4401 23:36 [no]

( LƒÖ`) That's dense muscle, not fat! I was a beachside weight-lifter in my day. Let's see what your metabolism is when you're my age.

463 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4402 00:55 [no]

(EÍE) Whatever, you chubby old fart! You couldn't even lift the toilet seat up that one time.

464 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4402 01:25 [no]

( LƒÖ`) You little brat! I told you not to mention that!

465 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4402 02:21 [no]

(EÍE) ƒkƒkƒlƒlƒkƒkƒlƒmƒkƒkƒlƒlƒkƒkƒlƒmƒkƒkƒlƒlƒkƒkƒlƒmƒkƒkƒlƒlƒkƒkƒlƒm

466 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4402 02:29 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Junior, the only moon-language I ever learned was "how much for an hour?"

467 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4402 02:45 [no]

(EÍE) I would die for you, grampa!

468 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4402 03:07 [no]

( LƒÖ`) I would nullpo for you!

469 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4402 03:15 [no]

(EÍE) Gah!

470 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4402 03:33 [no]

( LƒÖ`) BLARG!

471 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4402 03:39 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, did you forget to take your meds again?

472 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4402 03:53 [no]


why are you talking to yourself?

473 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4402 04:01 [no]

( LƒÖ`) >>472 is DQN. Let that be a lesson to you, Junior!

474 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4402 06:39 [no]

™™™ T-SHIRT POST ™™™

( LƒÖ`) http://4-ch.net/

(EÍE) That's a severe Internet, Grandpa!

( LƒÖ`)

That's a severe Internet, Grandpa!

@@( LƒÖ`)

That's a severe Internet, Grandpa!

475 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4402 12:04 [no]

(EÍE) It's " International Talk Like a Pirate Day", Grandpa! Avast ye scurvy wrinkles etc! YARRR!

476 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4402 13:20 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Great, sonny. How about you swing around the yardarm and get me a goddamned beer?

477 This post sucks.

478 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4402 14:07 [no]

(EÍE) Cap'n Grandpa, even landlubbers know that REAL pirates only drink rum!

479 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4402 15:08 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Rum will put you on your bum.

( LƒÖ`) Um. Rather, "Arrr. Tis mighty stout spirit in this ye olde cask of sweetest Jamacian rum!"

480 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4402 17:19 [no]

(EÍE) Goo'jobu, cap'n! Arrr, I'll fetch ye a casket of rum on the dally!

481 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4402 17:30 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Smartly there, young Mister Junior.

482 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4402 19:12 [no]

( LƒÖ`) I believe I've run aground. Time to scrub my poop deck, sonny!

483 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4402 19:41 [no]

(EÍE) People, yfall ready to cruise on the poopship now, motherfucker?
Are yfall poopinf on the big doggy poopship, motherfucker?
You know what itfs about to be on the poopship, but
People down here in missouri cruisinf on the big poop log
Cruisinf on the poop ship, sector 6, warp 9 (haha)
Cruisinf on the big poop ship, folks!
Get with it, fucker!

484 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4402 20:25 [no]

( LƒÖ`) In my day, we listened to better music than that.

485 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4402 22:52 [no]

(EÍE) They had music in your day, Grandpa?

486 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4402 23:06 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Swiiiiing looow, sweeet chaaariot~

487 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4402 23:30 [no]

(EÍE) It's that old-timey gospel sound!

488 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4403 02:46 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, when in the Couse of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation.

489 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4403 03:15 [no]

( LƒÖ`) That was then, kiddo. This is now.

490 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4403 03:17 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, if there is internet, then how come there is no outternet?

491 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4403 03:26 [no]

( LƒÖ`) You might as well ask where love goes, or what sound yellow makes.

492 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4403 03:43 [no]

(EÍE) But the outternet!

493 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4403 03:49 [no]

( LƒÖ`) I hear there are rumors on the Internets.

494 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4403 03:55 [no]

(EÍE) There's even this cool thing called "porn"!

495 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4403 04:51 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Only people with horns were born to watch porn.

496 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4403 05:08 [no]

(EÍE) Don't we all have horns, then? I know you're hiding yours, Grandpa!

497 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4403 11:30 [no]

( LƒÖ`) At my age, porn isn't all that exciting. I'd prefer a good bowel movement!

498 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4403 11:48 [no]


499 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4403 12:31 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Uh oh. 472 showed up again.

500 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4403 12:32 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa! I did 500 GET! Do I win the internet?

501 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4403 12:37 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Just one. If you get too many, your mom will scold me for spoiling you.

502 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4403 13:43 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa! What really happened in killer7? I can't figure it out!

503 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4403 14:20 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Never got it either, was too busy re-watching the rather excellent movie 'Body Double'.

504 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4403 15:27 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, I'm strong to the finish because I eats me spinach.

(EÍE) I'm Popeye the Sailor Man! Toot toot!

505 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4403 16:37 [no]

( LƒÖ`) TLPD was yesterday, Junior.

506 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4403 21:09 [no]

(EÍE) 01010000011011110111000001100101011110010110010100100000011010010111001101101110001001110111010000100000011000010010000001110000011010010111001001100001011101000110010100100001

507 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4403 23:16 [no]

( LƒÖ`) And as far as I know, there's no such thing as a 'Talk in Binary Day'.

508 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4404 01:17 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, I wrecked the board's width by posting! What do I do now?

509 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4404 01:27 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Atone for your sins by committing seppuku. That's how we did it in the old days.

510 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4404 03:12 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa! Does IRC make you stupid?

511 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4404 03:14 [no]

( LƒÖ`) IIRC yup

512 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4404 18:38 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa! Does DQN make you stupid?

513 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4404 19:03 [no]

( LƒÖ`) No, it just reveals your inner idiot. Accepting and embracing it is what the DQN spirit is all about!

514 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4404 19:09 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, I've let loose the dogs of war! I didn't mean to! I just wanted to pet them and I didn't mean to leave the gate open -honest!

515 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4404 20:03 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Oh dear... I told your mother to get you some goldfish of pestilence, but she was always a dog person.

516 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4404 20:09 [no]

(EÍE) That bitch lol

517 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4404 23:48 [no]

J(`„DL)‚µ What did you say!? You are in a deep trouble young man!

518 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4404 23:50 [no]

( LƒÖ`) The prudent man watches his words, Junior. Take note!

519 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4405 00:04 [no]

(;E„DE) Oh Shit...

520 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4405 01:17 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, why is it "Skip to the loo, my darling?" Wouldn't some Imodium do the trick so he didn't have to skip around everywhere?

521 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4405 08:51 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Well, back then you needed to skip a bit to get it a-movin'. If it moved too much you wouldn't be having the time to sing that.

522 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4405 10:47 [no]

(EÍE) tl;dr

523 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4405 19:57 [no]

( LƒÖ`) qwerty

524 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4405 22:57 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa! I read the funniest article on somethingawful today!

525 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4405 23:56 [no]

( LƒÖ`) And what did those refined gentlemen have to say?

526 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4406 00:29 [no]

(EÍE) Um, actually I didn't read it. I just go there to look at the photoshops.

527 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4406 00:37 [no]

( LƒÖ`) o O ( ...and this is what we're leaving the future to. Heaven help us. )

528 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4406 01:36 [no]

(EÍE) o O ( ...I wonder if Grandpa tastes like tobacco... )

529 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4406 01:36 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, why is it England gets their tea time, but all we get is a lousy fifteen minutes to raid the lobby's vending machine?

530 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4406 09:14 [no]

( LƒÖ`) See, that's one of the reasons we split off from those idiots and formed our own nation. After all this time, they're still idiots. I mean, come on. Take a look at us and them, and tell me who's better off, eh?



531 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4406 09:18 [no]

(EÍE) ...eh?

532 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4406 12:34 [no]

( LƒÖ`) 999GET wins all

533 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4406 13:01 [no]

(EÍE) What about 533GET?

534 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4406 13:24 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Junior, >>533 is such a mediocre goal. Expand your horizons! Challenge yourself and others! 999GET is the ultimate goal and the Internet its prize!

( LƒÖ`) Though 1000GET isn't without its charms either.

535 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4406 13:28 [no]

(EÍE) 1000GET is meaningless. Threads won't close in Kareha (yet) with 1000th post.

536 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4406 19:53 [no]


537 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4406 19:59 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Who is >>536 , Junior? One of your friends?

538 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4406 20:03 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, Didja ever notice they sell hot dogs weiners in a twelve pack, but hot dog buns in packs of eight? What's up with that!?

(EÍE) And don't get me started on airline food! I rather eat those complimentary peanuts than their horrible dinners! And what's the deal on those peanuts anyway? Who's idea was it to hand those out as a pre-flight snack? Probably the same guys who thought up those half-cans of soda.

(EÍE) And how about the differences between men and women in this zany, rush-rush modern world of ours, huh? Can we be any different, ladies and gentlemen? Is it any wonder we have a hard time understaning each other and sharing the remote control!

(EÍE) Thanks, DQN; Y'all been a great audience! Enjoy Dave Attell later tonight! And don't forget to tip your waitress!

539 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4406 20:39 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Shut up Junior, I'm trying to watch Wheel of Fortune.

540 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4406 22:57 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, what is apology juice?

541 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4406 23:04 [no]

( LƒÖ`) The national beverage of Korea.

542 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4406 23:05 [no]

( LƒÖ`) It has something to do with the birds, the bees, that time of the month and Korea. You'll understand once you're older.

543 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4406 23:17 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, have you notice we tallk over ourselves and each other lately? It's like two or more people trying to speak at once, but it's just us two?

(EAE) Oh, man... Are we developing Multiple Personality Disorder?

544 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4406 23:23 [no]

( LƒÖ`) MPD has been proven to be a faux fad fraud illness, created by the psychiatric movement in order to gain more cash and political momentum as well as public media attention.

( LƒÖ`) You don't know the history of psychiatry, Junior. I do.

545 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4406 23:26 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, have you ever been though a hurricane?

546 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4406 23:27 [no]

( LƒÖ`) I think so, but then again all of my life has been some kind of hunkering down so far.

547 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4407 01:47 [no]

(A) Grandpa, have you ever drunk Jesus Juice?

(A) Grandpa, why does everyone think actors who are forgein sound better than Americans? Especially when the person in question rarely speaks the other Language?

548 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4407 01:49 [no]

( LƒÖ`) oh noes wakabamark killed >>547

( LƒÖ`) Should we have wakabamark turned off? it fuxes with our AA!

549 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4407 02:10 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, I had an icky girl give me a love letter in school today. GROSS! Um, anyway, who was your first girlfriend?

550 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4407 02:42 [no]

(*A*) Ohnoes

551 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4407 03:53 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Oh junior, you won't think all girls are icky one day. Only the fat ones obsessed with anime and furries are.

552 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4407 04:18 [no]

fat girls are icky, run away!...Y(EÍE ) Memo memo! Grandpa! Is there anything that you don't know?

553 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4407 06:29 [no]

( LƒÖ`) I don't know what I don't know, that's one thing.

554 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4407 16:31 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, did they have anime when you were young?

555 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4407 16:56 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Did they ever! Of course, we had to get it directly from Japan in those times and it required a six month journey by clipper ship to get a shipment.

( LƒÖ`) Many brave men were lost in those voyages. Many, many men....

556 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4407 16:59 [no]

(EÍE) Wow, they must have been really dedicated!

557 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4407 17:14 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Otakus were made of sterner stuff in those days, Junior. We didn't have "subtitles" or speciality mail order businesses. In fact, before women became anime fans, we had to multiply asexually and ensure a viable genetic population by kidnapping people from Star Trek conventions.

558 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4407 17:20 [no]

(EÍE) but I heard that woman where the first western anime fans... is this all just a clever atempt at brain washing?

559 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4407 17:29 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Otakus are above genders, m'boy. We sprang from the very stuff that anime is created from. We first appeared as small, furry balls with brown and white patches. We were called "mogwai" at one point, hiding in our homes, watching only anime and avoiding all natural light and could reproduce with only a few drops of water. This is why Otakus, even today, avoid taking baths and showers to avoid over-population,

( LƒÖ`) Then there was the night one of us ate something after midnight. I... I can't talk about it....

560 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4407 19:51 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, what was Halloween like when you were younger?

561 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4407 20:58 [no]

( LƒÖ`) We had cosprayoween where we made costumes out of sheep skin... There was no fabric available you see.

562 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4408 00:43 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, I need to poo-poo but someone is using the washroom already. What should I do??

563 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4408 00:45 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Hold it. Pain builds character!

564 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4408 00:49 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, do you think we should let the WTFux dudes in?

565 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4408 03:45 [no]

( LƒÖ`) They should keep the Fux out.

( LƒÖ`) And the WT, too.

566 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4408 04:04 [no]

(EÍE) What's so bad about the WT Grandpa? I heard W.T. Snacks is an admirable fellow!

567 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4408 05:26 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Junior, whoever told you that is full of aids.

568 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4408 11:33 [no]

( LƒÖ`) 566, congratulations on getting the joke.

569 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4408 11:34 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa! WhatLs wrong with the world?

570 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4408 12:13 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Well, Junior, you existing isn't helping matters.

571 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4408 12:16 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, do you like Yukorin?

572 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4408 14:00 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Truly a delicate orchid blossom of the East and easy to admire by any man. I have her perfume.

( LƒÖ`) Nabisco Vanilla Extract.

573 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4408 14:04 [no]

(EÍE) ‚¶‚¿‚á‚ñB–lA“ú–{Œê‚Å’‚Á‚Ä‚à‚¢‚¢H

574 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4408 14:39 [no]

( LƒÖ`)@‚í‚ê‚Í‚»‚ñ‚È‚±‚Æ“Ç‚ß‚È‚¢‚Å‚·‚©‚çBBB

575 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4408 14:46 [no]

(EÍE) ‚Ê‚é‚Û

576 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4408 15:22 [no]

( LƒÖ`) ‚ª

577 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4408 15:34 [no]

(EÍE) waps..

578 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4408 15:46 [no]

Relevant Translations:
>>573= (EÍE) Grandpa. Is it ok for me to chatter in Japanese too?
>>575= ( LƒÖ`) I'm unable to read that kind of thing though...

579 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4408 16:39 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa! You need subtitles!

580 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4408 16:43 [no]

( LƒÖ`) I have fansubs, go look for them kid.

581 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4408 17:14 [no]

(EÍE) you're otaku

582 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4408 17:15 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, have you ever met the King of all Cosmos?

583 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4408 17:43 [no]

(EÍE) Otoko no ko wa onna no ko no koto itsumo oikaketeru `♬

( LƒÖ`) Ichi-nichi-juu onna no ko no koto bakari kangaeteru `♫

(EÍE) Dakedo otoko no ko wa yappari sukoshi baka de `♬

( LƒÖ`) Zen zen onna no ko no kimochi nante hora wakaranai mitai `♫

(EÍE) Uu hontou ni dame yo ne obaka-san `ô
(EÍE) Oshiete hoshii no obakasan-san `ô
(EÍE) Sou kono yo de ichi-ban `ô
(EÍE) Taisetsuna koto wa `ô
(EÍE) Yappari taimingu dato omou kedo...nanchite na `ô

( LƒÖ`) Onna no ko mo otoko no ko no koto naze ka suki ni naru no `ô
( LƒÖ`) Hi-to-ban-juu nemurenai nante kurai muchuu ni naru `ô

(EÍE) Dakedo otoko no ko wa yappari itsumo baka de `ô
( LƒÖ`) Zen zen onna no ko no kokoro nante mada wakaranai mitai `ô

584 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4408 18:12 [no]

(EÍE) RaRa RaRaRaRa RaRaRaRaRaRaRaRaRaRaRa, Ra RaRaRaRa Ra
( LƒÖ`)RaRa RaRaRaRa RaRaRaRaRaRaRaRaRaRaRa, Ra RaRaRaRa Ra

585 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4408 19:37 [no]

(EÍE) ‚±‚ê‚ÍAŽRŽèü‚Å‚·‚©H

586 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4408 19:51 [no]

( LƒÖ`) This is Red Light District my son.

587 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4408 19:52 [no]

( LƒÖ`) What's that ching-chong crap, kid? In this thread, we're sticking to the Queen's English!

588 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4408 19:53 [no]

(EÍE) Granpa, it seems there is a time paradox here!

589 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4408 19:54 [no]

( LƒÖ`) hello kids!

590 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4408 19:56 [no]

( ( ((( LƒÖ`))) ) )

591 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4408 20:00 [no]

(EÍE) Oh no, a space-time distortion! Granpa, what will we do?

592 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4408 20:06 [no]

(EÍE) Oh no, a space-time distortion! Granpa, what will we do?

593 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4408 20:06 [no]

( LƒÖ`) hello kids!

594 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4408 20:10 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, what was life like before the internet?

595 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4408 20:12 [no]

( LƒÖ`) We had books I think. Something non-something.

596 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4408 20:38 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa,I shot the sheriff! (Or is it I will shoot...)

597 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4408 20:43 [no]

( LƒÖ`) At least you didn't shoot the deputy sonny.

598 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4408 21:19 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, I want to learn to play like Petey Wheatstraw. Where's the nearest crossroads?

599 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4408 21:21 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa?... Are you holding back answering because you want 600GET?

600 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4408 21:24 [no]

( LƒÖ`) At my age, 600 is nothing special.

601 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4408 21:25 [no]

( LƒÖ`) lol interweb

602 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4408 21:25 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, you fail got.

603 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4408 21:27 [no]

( LƒÖ`)ƒm Pull my finger, Junior!

604 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4408 21:34 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, you like scat! ew.

605 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4408 23:22 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Take care, Junior. Given enough exposure to the internet, you'll come to like anything!

606 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4409 01:36 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, I want to be just like Densha Otoko!

607 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4409 02:33 [no]

( LƒÖ`) A true DQN strives to be Itoko Otoko.

608 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4409 02:35 [no]

( LƒÖ`) That's an admirable goal Junior! Back in my day, we created haiku poems about our idols:
Posting on 2ch,
even a nerd can find love,
Densha Otoko!

609 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4409 02:42 [no]

(EÍE) Is 2ch really 2 syllables? In any case, I wrote a haiku for you Grandpa-
Surprisingly wise,
packed with D.Q.N. spirit:
stinky old Grandpa!

610 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4409 02:43 [no]

( LƒÖ`)

611 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4409 03:37 [no]

(`„DL) Geez Grandpa, I was trying to be nice!

612 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4409 07:48 [no]


613 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4409 07:48 [no]

( LƒÖ`) you just need to keep your mouth shut sometimes, sonny.

614 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4409 10:17 [no]


615 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4409 10:18 [no]

( LƒÖ`)

616 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4409 11:30 [no]


617 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4409 11:52 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Cheer up, emo Junior!

618 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4409 12:07 [no]

(EÍE) Gradpa! You say daddy me snow me gonna bleeeam. Ali key bu-n bu-n nea.

619 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4409 12:10 [no]

( LƒÖ`) OMG WTFBBQ LOLZ fgsfds or whatever you kids reply to garbage like that these days

620 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4409 12:17 [no]

(EÍE) Gradpa! what do you know about postmodern alienation?

621 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4409 12:19 [no]

( LƒÖ`) I know it's not as imporant as blowing your nose every once in a while when you cannot even pronounce "Grandpa" correctly.

622 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4409 12:33 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Sonny, I'm sorry if I didn't tell you this before, but... Gradpa is dead. He couldn't stand more than a year of being a PhD.

623 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4409 12:34 [no]


624 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4409 12:39 [no]

( LƒÖ`) lol what

625 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4409 13:30 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa! Have you heard about Bridget?

626 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4409 16:59 [no]

@@ @b.B‚P‡@‡A‡B‡C‡D‡E.@|
@ @@b‡F‡G‡H‡I‡J‡K‡L‡Mb
@ @@„¤\\\\\\\\„£
@@@@ „¡\\\„¦\\\„¢
@@@@@|@@@@@ |@@@@@ |„¡„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„¢
@@@@@|@@@@@ |@@@@@ |„ Out of service„ 
@@@@@|@@@@@ |@@@@@ |„¤„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„£
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@@¤ _@@@@j@| _QQQQQQ

627 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4409 17:06 [no]

(EÍE) Gradpa! I copy paste to say: Gradpa! What do you do?

628 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4409 17:11 [no]

( LƒÖ`) You. Come over here...

( LƒÖ`)ƒnƒAƒnƒA

629 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4409 17:13 [no]

( LƒÖ`) "vocabulary is teh rohd 2 win intarweb." So build it, sonny.

630 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4409 17:15 [no]

(EÍE) Gradpa! You tried to reply to your own post but failed!

631 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4409 19:20 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Somebody busted my interweb. You damn kids been screwing with it?

632 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4409 20:09 [no]

(EÍE) N, no way Grandpa! There... there was this one-armed man, you see....

633 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4409 20:12 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa! There's a young woman who's posing and prancing around seductively over her webcam, and something weird is going on in my pants! What should I do?

634 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4409 20:29 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Don't change the subject!

635 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4409 20:31 [no]

( LƒÖ`) But go prvt with her anyway. Always go pvt!

636 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4409 22:27 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Pvt. Johnson and Lt. Conrad in 3rd division! Follow me! We've got soviets at 3 o'clock!

637 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4409 22:37 [no]

(EAE) You've having flashbacks again, Grandpa! Snap out of it!

638 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4409 23:12 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, if you could have one super power what would it be?

639 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 00:27 [no]

( LƒÖ`) To bring back Grandma at age 25. sigh

640 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 01:47 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa! I beat tetris!

641 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 02:19 [no]

( LƒÖ`) The only way to win is not to play.

642 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 02:24 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa! I beat Super Mario Bros.!

643 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 06:04 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Congratulations, Junior. Of course, back in the day we would have saved the princess in real life instead of wasting our time behind a flickering screen for hours.

644 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 07:37 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa! You need more overlords.

645 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 07:47 [no]

@@@@------------ A___
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[/Q______.(ß//[n(ß„Dß )|| | <I hate overlord dayI_@_ @Ð@@Ð
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lO|--- lOKl l @ @ @@||_|ƒjƒjƒjƒjƒjƒj‚Œ|( LƒÖ ( LƒÖ) ( LƒÖ)
|_¸Œû¹P_l______‚ŒÜ ‚Œ.|QQQ__| ‚ŒÜ‚Œ_||( LƒÖ) ( LƒÖ ( LƒÖ) LƒÖ`)
„Ÿ„Ÿ`--'„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ`['„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ °' [' ]„¢( LƒÖ) ƒÖ) ( LƒÖ`)
@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ |@( LƒÖ) ( LƒÖ ( LƒÖ)
@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ |@@( LƒÖ ( LƒÖ) ( LƒÖ)
@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ |@@@( LƒÖ) ( LƒÖ)
@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ |@@ߤS ( LƒÖ) ƒÖ) ¡/¯ß

646 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 07:47 [no]

( LƒÖ`) This Garden needs less WakabaMark :(

647 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 10:35 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa! What should we do with the people who can't type your name right? Gradpa isn't cool

648 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 10:44 [no]

(EÍE) Gradpa! Disregard my last post. Because You Are Coolest!

649 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 11:56 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Why thank you child. Let me guess, disregard that anonymous sucks cocks?

650 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 12:02 [no]

(EÍE) Actually, it's "disregard that, I suck cocks". Note the added comma.

651 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 13:13 [no]

( LƒÖ`)Just because you are a dateless insecure geek, don't rag on inexperienced internet users

652 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 13:23 [no]

(EAE) c


653 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 13:31 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Did you even understand what I said son?

654 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 13:32 [no]

(EAE) c


655 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 13:39 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Son, you are losing coherence. I'm worried about you who will carry my name to future generations. Maybe you should attend the custody of a counsellor from tim 2 tim. OR I HAXOR TEH NET AND STEAL IDENTITY COZ I'M TEH NET HAXOR L33T &C0o1

656 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 13:50 [no]

(EAE) You've having flashbacks again, Grandpa! Snap out of it!

657 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 14:33 [no]

( LƒÖ`)You instead of bushing other people who are actually doing it,you better go out and start doing something with your life

658 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 14:44 [no]

(EÍE) Grammar, Grandpa, Grammar!

659 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 14:46 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Sonny, I'd like to ask some questions to you for a change. About what young people do these days.

660 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 14:54 [no]

(EÍE) Go right ahead, Gramps

661 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 14:58 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Sonny, how do I do posting? I hear you utter that phrase all the time.

662 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 15:01 [no]


(EÍE) Just sign your above. Do not attempt to literally sign your name, just stare at the blank line and think "Dallas".

663 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 15:04 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Sonny, how can I understand your sentences? We seem to have such a generation gap between us.

664 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 15:06 [no]


665 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 15:10 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Sonny, can you teach me some "catch-phrases" so I can relate to you?

666 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 15:42 [no]

(EÍE) Repeat: "lol internet"

667 This post sucks.

668 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 15:49 [no]

(EÍE) Gradpa, I don't know what happened with your post,
I hope that it don't happen again.

669 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 16:07 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Nevermind all that, Junior! Look, we're on T-shirts now! http://4-ch.net/general/kareha.pl/1127828102

670 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 16:16 [no]

(EÍE) Honors and recognition, yeah! We're famous!

671 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 16:18 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, did they have child labour back when you were young?

672 This post sucks.

673 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 17:17 [no]

( LƒÖ`) It wasn't "child labor." It was good, hard exercise for good money -- all 3 cents of it! And it toughened your immune system, put some muscle on your bones and black soot in your lungs. Didn't matter if you lost a limb or two, you could still... ZzZzZzZ

674 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 17:18 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Junior, what's with the "u" in labor? Why are you speaking the Queen's English?

675 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 17:48 [no]

(EÍE) Gradpa, will FBI catch me for my porn?

676 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 20:24 [no]

(EÍE) I'm a European no-good commie like all the other Brits, that's what's up with the 'u'! Europe = fascism!

677 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 20:24 [no]

( LƒÖ` ?

678 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 20:25 [no]

LƒÖ` ?!

679 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 20:25 [no]

L `

680 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 20:26 [no]


681 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 20:27 [no]


682 This post sucks.

683 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 20:27 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Was that a stroke?!

684 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 20:29 [no]

(EAE) R.I.P. Grandpa |^ ( LƒÖ`) _|

685 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 20:30 [no]


686 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 20:39 [no]

@@@@@@@@@@@ o
@R. |@@@@@@@ o
@P. |@@@@@@@@o
@@ |@@@@@@@ o
@G |@@@@@@@@ o@
@R |@@@@@@@ o
@A |@@@@@@@@ o@
@N |@@@@@@@ o
@D |@@@@@@@o@
@P |@@@@@@ß
@A |@@ˆ@@(EAE ) those were the days...
„Ÿ„Ÿ„¢@Í@@<< )

687 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 20:41 [no]

@@@@ @@ @ @@ @ @ @ @ @ @@ „¯0=============0„®
@@@ @ @ @ @@ @ _===========m_|||||||||||||_n===========^
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 0@„  |‡‡‡ |::|‡‡“c“c‡‡|::|‡‡‡ | ::|@ 0
@@@@@@@@@@@@m“ñn | ::| @ @ @ |::|„¬„ª„ª„ª„ª„­|::| @ @ @ | ::l m“ñn
›—¦›—¦. | |.„  |„¡„¦„¢ |::|„«^ >>1._„«|::| „¡„¦„¢| ::|. | |@›—¦›—¦
ii|iiii|iiii|iiii|iiii|iiii|iiii|iiii| M)ŽO(L| ::|„¥„©„§ |::|„« @ @ @@„«|::| „¥„©„§| ::|M)ŽO(Li‚Œ|iiii|iiii|iiii|iiii|iiii|iiii|iiii|
—¦›—¦›@| ::|@| ::|„¤„¨„£ |::|„«( LƒÖ`) „«|::| „¤„¨„£| ::|@| ::|@ —¦›—¦›
ii|iiii|iiii|iiii|iiii|iiii|iiii|iiii|‚Œi„¬„ª„ª„ª„ª„ª„­|::|„«i.@@@ ‚„«|::|„¬„ª„ª„ª„ª„ª„­ ‚Œi|iiii|iiii|iiii|iiii|iiii|iiii|iiii|‚Œ
›—iiii¦›— „°„±„±„±„±„±„²|::|„¯„ª„ª„ª„ª„®|::|„°„±„±„±„±„±„² ›—iiii¦›—
ii|iiii|iiii|iiii|iiii|iiii|iiii|iiii|‚Œ@›@ @@œ@ @ @ @ çèçè@ @ @ @ œ@@ @›@ii|iiii|iiii|iiii|iiii|iiii|iiii|iiii|‚Œi
@@@ @ @@ @ @ @ ››@@œœ@@@@@ iiiii iii ii iiii @@@ @ œœ@@››
@@@@@@@@@@@mPPn mPPn@@@iPPPPPj@ @ mPPn mPPn
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ |›_|@ .|›_|@@@@ |QQQQ_|@@@@ |›_|@ .|›_|

688 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 21:59 [no]

(EÍE) Don't worry about strokes! Neal Stephenson has taught us that you can dodge them by being cyber!

689 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 22:24 [no]

omg that was hilarious and sad too :( I don't know what to feel anymore!

690 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 22:49 [no]

no more grandpa :'(

691 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 23:22 [no]

(EÍE) I know, I'll use some spooky voodoo magic to bring Grandpa back from the dead!

692 Name: LƒÖ` 1993-09-4410 23:23 [no]

(`ÍL) Get yer ass back up, smelly Grandpa! You aren't allowed to die until we 1000GET!

693 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 23:30 [no]

(;LƒÖ`) W-w-w-wait a second, Junior!

( LƒÖ`) I'm not dead just yet! Snap out of that daydream!
@@¼œc™))„DL) >>686,687

( LƒÖ`)! I'd say I've got at least a good 300 posts or so!

694 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 23:45 [no]

<˜¤MÍL> hey, grandpa...

695 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 23:53 [no]

(EAE) Damn, I wanted to inherit your house.

696 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4410 23:58 [no]

<˜¤MƒÖL> What is it, Junior?

697 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 00:19 [no]

<˜¤MÍL> Margaret Cho is the greatest comedian ever, Grandpa!

698 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 01:27 [no]

(E„DE) Grandpa! What are these strange creatures in our thread?!

699 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 01:28 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Oh, those are just 'Koreans'. If you just leave out a bowl of apology juice, they'll be gone in the morning.

700 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 01:29 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa! Want to try some of my 700GET?

701 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 02:03 [no]

( LƒÖ`) No thanks, Junior, every hundred GETs reminds me of my old age.

702 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 02:05 [no]

(E„DE) 'Koreans' kids have Grandpas too? (E„DE;)

703 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 04:42 [no]

(EÍE) holy shit, grandpa! 700 GET

704 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 04:48 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Sonny, it's about time you put some sense in your questions.

705 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 06:00 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, how do I get girls to like me?

706 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 06:52 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, why does work computer fails at japanese?

707 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 06:57 [no]

708 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 07:00 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, do you like tea or coffee?

709 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 07:23 [no]

( LƒÖ`) @I like tea. Coffee makes me way too hyper.

710 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 08:57 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, do you like lipton?

711 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 09:00 [no]

@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ „¡„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ
@@@@@@ ü(@LƒÖ`@) ü ƒ For me, it's BENOI``ST!
@@@@@@@ _@@@ ^@@„¤„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ
@@@@@@@_^ QQ __
@@@@@@iQ^@@ _Qj
@@@@@@@@ @@‚Œ‚Œ‚Œ

712 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 09:10 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, it's about time you put some sense in your answers.

713 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 09:10 [no]

( LƒÖ`) NO U

714 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 09:26 [no]

( LƒÖ`) >>710 really should try Twinings.

715 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 09:50 [no]

(L_½MjGrandpa, Want to tell me about Viet Nam?

716 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 10:23 [no]

( LƒÖ`) I collected quite a few purple hearts...

( LƒÖ`) ...from dead bodies

717 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 10:44 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa... life is very stressful these days. Tell me something about the ol' days when life was easier.

718 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 13:37 [no]

( LƒÖ`) The sun does arise,
And make happy the skies.
The merry bells ring
To welcome the spring.
The skylark and thrush,
The birds of the bush,
Sing louder around,
To the bells' cheerful sound,
While our sports shall be seen
On the echoing green.

Old John with white hair
Does laugh away care,
Sitting under the oak,
Among the old folk.
They laugh at our play,
And soon they all say:
'Such, such were the joys
When we all, girls and boys,
In our youth-time were seen
On the echoing green.'

Till the little ones weary
No more can be merry;
The sun does descend,
And our sports have an end.
Round the laps of their mother
Many sisters and brothers,
Like birds in their nest,
Are ready for rest;
And sport no more seen
On the darkening green.

719 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 13:54 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, I tl,dr ed. Is that ok?

720 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 15:34 [no]

( LƒÖ`) It's okay but inner peace you shall find nevermore.

721 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 15:45 [no]

(EAE) c


722 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 15:50 [no]

(EÍE)<Grandpa! My friends are here (EÍE)(EÍE)(EÍE)

723 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 15:51 [no]

( LƒÖ`) uh oh

724 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 15:54 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Kids... Would you like something to eat?

725 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 16:09 [no]

(EÍE)(EÍE)(EÍE) Just a bag of Snacks's AIDS is fine, thanks!

726 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 16:24 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Dont TRY to be funny, just be yourself.

727 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 16:42 [no]


728 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 16:44 [no]

(EÍE)(EÍE)(EÍE) Please share more of your wisdom, master!

729 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 16:45 [no]


730 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 16:45 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Dont try to be too wise.

731 This post sucks.

732 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 16:52 [no]

iMƒnLj Let me tell you something, you whiny little snot

733 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 17:00 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa! What happened to us?

734 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 17:03 [no]

iMƒnLjgo to work, you lazy bum

735 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 17:18 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa! What happened to you during >>731 ???

736 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 17:29 [no]

iMƒnLjmind your own business! got it?

737 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 19:01 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa! What big teeth you have...

738 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 19:25 [no]

( ((iMƒnLj)) ))

( MƒnLjYou CANNOT TAKE CONTROL OF ME Grandpa! You chose the light side.

739 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 19:26 [no]

(EÍE) !... DARKpa! Where is Gradpa?

740 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 19:47 [no]

(MƒnL) Grandpa is dead! Don't question me!
@@¼œc™))Í;) >>739

741 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 22:24 [no]


_, -=''""PP""-\,.A
@@_,A @@@@@@@@@ P.A
@@ œc @@@@@@@@@@@@"" - ,
@@@ >@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ R
@@ :"@@.QQQQ@P.A @@_
@@/ @œcÜ@ |@|@@ P--,A@@@ R@@@@@@@.'@@C@D. ÈQÈ
@ /œc"@/~Æ |@j|ÈQÈ @ "R@@@ @R@@@@.ˆ@'@@@@@( ))ƒn L)
@^@@ (@/_/@ |( LƒÖ`) @@@ _@@@Ð@@@@ E,e@‚’Ü>@ _^ ^
@@@@@R@Ð@ .|R,- @ÜR. ,_@ @Ð@@@,i@@@@@@f|@‚™'Ü@@ Üi
@@@@@@P|@Ð@@@É|R Y|ŽOj @R@@.|@@@@@@@|@@^@@ƒm b
@@@@@@@|@ |@@ /@_Qƒm @@ |Ð@ ij@@@@@@@, [' @^LS_É
@@@@@@@R@R@ | @@@@@@@ |@@|i @ @@@@^@,@@ƒm
@@@@@@@ "[¤@ | @@@@@@@|@@ É@@@@ ^@^ ^
@@@@@@@@ @ R@R@@@@@ É /@/@ @@ ^@^@,'
@@@@@@@@@ @ R@R@@@@//@/@@@^ @ ^| @|
@@@@@@@@@ @@/ @ ) @@@/ ^@@ @!¤Q^ / @ r
@@@@@@@@@@ /@^@@@@^ @ @@@@@@@ |__^
@@@@@@@@@@|@ |

742 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 22:25 [no]

(EÍE) Sugoi sugoi!

743 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 22:52 [no]

(EÍE) You rock grandpa!

744 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 22:59 [no]

(EÍE) Good Grandpa, you look kind of cool!

745 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 00:44 [no]

( LƒÖ`) You didn't know your Gramps could do that, huh?

746 This post sucks.

747 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 00:56 [no]

(EÍE) I love you, grandpa!

748 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 01:36 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, did you cry at the end of Old Yeller?

749 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 01:49 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Wait, don't you want to know how I rose from the dead?

750 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 02:37 [no]

(EÍE) Oh, all right.

751 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 02:39 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, I just did 747GET and it wasn't even airplane related! Anyway, what kind of airplanes did you have back in your day?

752 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 02:43 [no]

( LƒÖ`) There was some bright light at the end of a dark tunnel ahead of me.... and it said...

753 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 02:50 [no]


754 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 02:57 [no]

( LƒÖ`) GA!

755 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 03:00 [no]

(EƒŸE)@Grandpa, who is this intruder in >>753 ? Should we hammer him anyways?

756 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 03:02 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Go right ahead, Junior.

757 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 03:08 [no]

@@@@ @@VV
@@ @ Q__V@
@@ @ |@@|@@(EÍE ) Eat this!
.GA!!!=|@@|==››=@ R
@ @˜¸|Q_|²¿ R@@¤(Ü)‚Á
@ i@M„DLj/@@ RQj

758 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 03:11 [no]

(EÍE) Fission mailed!

759 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 03:12 [no]

(EÍE) So, grandpa, continue your story on how you came back from the dead!

760 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 03:17 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Well, you know how at the end of Mother 3 you're just standing in a beam of light and someone says "Well Grandpa, you got your head handed to you"? It was something like that.

761 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 03:19 [no]


762 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 03:27 [no]

(EÍE) Wow! So where did you gather the strength to defeat DARKpa?

763 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 03:28 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Spinach

764 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 03:48 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, do you enjoy Yukorin?

765 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 03:57 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Her Royal Highness of Korin?

766 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 06:41 [no]

( ))ƒn L)
............................I'll be back!

767 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 10:00 [no]

(EÍE) Shuddup, 766. No, I'm talking about Vanilla Yukorin. But I realised you talked about that earlier. I think I'm getting senile, Grandpa!

768 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 10:04 [no]

( LƒÖ`) You have to grow pubes before you can get senile.

769 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 11:06 [no]

( LƒÖ`) And you should not be so rude... they do not forgive...

770 Name: !bhb.NJHtRg 1993-09-4412 11:43 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, I shaved all my pubic hair

771 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 12:05 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Is this some sort of hipster zen thing where you find out you can shave what isn't even there yet? Make me a sammich!

772 Name: !bhb.NJHtRg 1993-09-4412 12:22 [no]

(EÍE) I am hipster supreme!!! LOLOLOL

773 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 12:24 [no]

( LƒÖ`) You are also too young to be tripcodefag, sonny.

774 Name: !bhb.NJHtRg 1993-09-4412 12:38 [no]

(EAE) c
(EÍE) Grandpa, what does it mean to lose your virginity???

775 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 14:17 [no]

( LƒÖ`) You don't need to know, since you will never have to worry about that.

776 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 14:21 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa! Grandpa! Wait for it... waaaaaaaait for it...!

777 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 14:22 [no]

™+.¡. .¡.F+¥Kß(EÍE) 777GET!!! +.¡. .¡.F*¥Kß™

778 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 15:13 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Now now, cool down son. I still didn't tell you about my hemmoroids.

779 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 15:58 [no]

(EÍE) Say gramps, why are tripcode fags... fags?

780 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 16:02 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Because they tend to be much more individualistic. They don't want to sit there and anonymously post comments and never get recognized for them being theirs.

781 Name: !bhb.NJHtRg 1993-09-4412 16:27 [no]

(EÍE) postmodern identity crisis.. wow

782 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 17:34 [no]

(EAE) But... sometimes, when I say something really clever, I want other people to know it's me...

783 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 17:45 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Show it to your other family members, I am sure they care lots about how witty you are on the internet.

784 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 18:10 [no]

(EÍE) But grandpa I was planning on;

  1. Post witty remarks on the internet with tirpcode,
  2. ???????????
  3. PROFIT!!!

785 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 18:11 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Step 2 is why the new economy failed.

786 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 18:15 [no]

(EAE) the internet gives me inner strength

787 Name: 4 1993-09-4412 18:20 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Sonny, I think you should build more self-confidence doing other things.

788 This post sucks.

789 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 18:25 [no]

( LƒÖ`) >>788 was supposed to go after >>783. This thread is moving too fast, these days. In my days no one posted on 4-ch.

790 Name: !bhb.NJHtRg 1993-09-4412 18:26 [no]

@@ i( LƒÖ`)j@@ƒ @ SAGE
@@@_,@i -ƒCA@@@ |
@ R@ ~~܃ÁÜj@@
@ @R[\'^[-'@
@ @@r@@@ |
@@ /@@@@ |
@@{@@@@@ }
@@|@@@@@ |

791 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 18:26 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa! What is the best age for girls?

792 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 18:27 [no]

(EÍE) But grandpa you can still post your witty remarks!

793 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 18:27 [no]

( LƒÖ`) One at a time kids...

794 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 18:29 [no]

( LƒÖ`) ILm no rorikon, but...

795 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 18:32 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa! This conversation is turning into one of those kids shows where they put in a little of grown up humor to keep the parents watching too... But 90% kid stuff still...

796 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 19:35 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Hello, kids!

797 Name: !bhb.NJHtRg 1993-09-4412 19:44 [no]


799 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 19:47 [no]

(EÍE) It's a party!

800 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 19:54 [no]

(EÍE) R.I.P. !bhb.NJHtRg |^ i L_½Mj _|
@@@@@@@@@@@ o

               (EÍE) *sigh* If only!

801 Name: !bhb.NJHtRg 1993-09-4412 20:00 [no]

@@@@@@(L^ิƒÖ^ิM) <suck my dick, lick my ass In the mix we ..
@@@@@@ i½Ü*ܼ)
@@@@@ @@/ƒmƒÖRj

802 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 20:13 [no]

(EƒwE) Grandpa, make !bhb.NJHtRg stop fagging up our thread.

803 Name: !bhb.NJHtRg 1993-09-4412 20:17 [no]

@@@@ ,.¤,.¤,.¤
@@@,;:'Þ : " . ; Þ ";,.
@@,:'. ; . ÞÈ@È ; .';,.@@
@ .;: Þ . ; ": E@E . : '.:;@@^PPPPPPP
@ .;: " . : Þ. jœi . ":;@ƒ@Grandpa, make !bhb.NJHtRg stop fagging up our thread.
@@':;, Þ ; . " [ . Þ . :;@@_QQQQQQQ
@@@Þ : ¤,., ., ._., : "
@@^@@@ PP@_
@@|@|@@@@@@@ |@|
@@|@|@802@@ @|@|
|Ü_|@@@@@@@ |^Ü|
|@@@|@@@ |@@@ |@@@|
|@_ i@@@@@@@j ^@|
|@@|_Q__lQ___^| @ |

804 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 20:18 [no]

( LƒÖ`) It's ok sonny, there is always life after 1000.

805 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 20:21 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Also, it's common sense to pay no attention to thread ruiners.

806 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 20:23 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa! How come you don't have any hair?

807 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 20:23 [no]

( LƒÖ`) I do, it's hidden.

808 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 20:30 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, do I have hidden hair?

809 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 20:31 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa! So we speak in low voice now?

810 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 20:31 [no]

( LƒÖ`) I have to go to the loo. You keep guard.

811 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 20:32 [no]

(EÍE ) ( EÍE)

812 Name: !bhb.NJHtRg 1993-09-4412 20:36 [no]

( EÍE)Grandpa, what do you think about anonymous, meaningless sex?

813 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 20:37 [no]

(EÍE ) ( EÍE)

814 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 20:51 [no]



815 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 20:57 [no]

(EÍE) poopoodeedoo

816 Name: !bhb.NJHtRg 1993-09-4412 21:00 [no]

817 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 21:04 [no]

( LƒÖ`) I'm in the bathroom sonny, can't think about such things now.

Ehhehheh, excellent magazine... d[(EYE)]bLƒÖ` )

818 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 21:06 [no]

(EÍE) Me too! Me too!

819 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 22:30 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa... what's rorikon?

820 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 22:37 [no]

( LƒÖ`) I think it means "rolling computer"...

821 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 22:39 [no]

(EÍE) That's dumb. Computers don't have wheels!

822 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 22:44 [no]

( LƒÖ`) It sounds logical to me.

823 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 22:49 [no]

(EÍE) Hey grandpa, I heard you are personal friends with a bear named Kuma... is this true?

824 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 22:53 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Oh yeah, I know all the old vets. We used to hang out together on The WELL.

825 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 22:58 [no]

(EÍE) Hey grandpa... at school a classmate said you have a rorita komprexeru... is this true?

826 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 23:02 [no]

ƒjƒ_ „ª„ª„ª„ª„ª„ª<MÍL>„ª„ª„ª„ª„ª„ª !!

827 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 23:13 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Absolutely not. I have only a shota comprexeru.

828 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 23:19 [no]

(EÍE) . . .


829 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4413 00:10 [no]

(( (((E„tE;))) ))

830 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4413 00:28 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Does something strike your mind, son?

831 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4413 01:25 [no]

(EÍE) You're heeeeere, there's nothing I feeeeear,
And I knowwwww that my heart will go on
We'll stay forrrrever this wayyyyy
You are safeeee in my heart
And my heart will go on and on

832 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4413 02:37 [no]

( LƒÖ`) I love you Jack.

833 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4413 05:45 [no]

(EÍE) Hit the road, Jack.

834 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4413 06:13 [no]

( LƒÖ`) I'd hit it from orbit, sonny!

835 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4413 06:14 [no]


836 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4413 09:19 [no]

( LƒÖ`)

837 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4413 09:21 [no]

(EÍE) Pffff...

838 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4413 09:23 [no]

( LƒÖ`) sup, Junior?

839 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4413 09:23 [no]

(EÍE) gramps, would you have liked a granddaughter

840 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4413 09:27 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Wait, nobody told you about your sister?

841 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4413 11:41 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Your sister became the queen of DQN before the great genocide of the female race! That's why now there are no girls on the Internet.

842 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4413 11:47 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, my thoughts will not betray her to you or the dark side! That mind trick won't work on a Jedi like me -a Jedi like my father before me.

843 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4413 11:54 [no]

( LƒÖ`) You are mistaken, your mother was the Jedi, remember?

13 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-08-02 10:41 ID:6BgjPeB3 [Del]

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ::
@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@::@³Þ°Ý@@@@@@
@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@::@@@Q
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @::@ ^_:_@@@TAKESHI, I am your ka-chan
@@³Þ°Ý@@.(@'Í) @@@@@@@@ :: J('° )‚µ:/:|
@@@@@@‚ñ____Ø____U@@@@@@@@@l:: | :: | :: l:::T@@@@

@@@@@@@@@@@ @::: ·°Ý :::@@@@@@@@@
@@@@@@@@@@@ .@@:::l:::@@@@Q@@
@@@@@@@@@@@@@‚­@:::@„ ^_:::_@@@Join me, and together we can rule the 4-ch as ka-chan and son@
@@@@@@@@.(@'Í)@:::@@::: J('° p::/:|@@@@
@@@@@@ ‚ñ _____É‚•.U@@@@ R::_::_::R:T

844 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4413 11:54 [no]

( LƒÖ`) WakabaMark is DQN

845 Name: !bhb.NJHtRg 1993-09-4413 13:19 [no]

(*MwL)) Hello kids!

846 Name: !bhb.NJHtRg 1993-09-4413 13:20 [no]

@@ (R@)‚Ö
@@‚­ œ

@@ œ
@@(@ /)
@ ‚­ œ „

@ @œ@@œ
@@ (@@)
@@‚­ ƒÖ „

847 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4413 14:50 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, who dat?

848 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4413 14:52 [no]

V L^ิûu^ิM)‚™\„®

849 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4413 16:03 [no]

██▀██@ ▇▆▆▆▆▆▆▆@@@@ @▆▆▆▆▆▇▇ :█▃@
█ :▒@▉: @◤▀█▀█▀▆░░@@@ █▀█▀█▀◥: ▒▌ :▌@
▌ ◤◥▄▊:: @ @███@ ░▒░@@▐▓@ ██:@ @▓▌░▌@ Hello kids!
▌▒▌:::▉░:@▀▀▀▀▀░▒▒░: :: ▐▓▒▀▀▀▀ ::▓▌:░
▉▒▌:█░::@ @ @ @ ::░▒░::: : ▐▓▒: @:░▒▒▓▌░▌@
█ ▒◥@▒@@@ @ @ .:.:.::░::: @ ▐▒░::@@:▒▒▓▌:::▌@
█▅@@░:@@@@@..:.:::::░░▅▃▅▒▒::@ ::░▒▒█◤@
██▅█░@@@@.:.::::::::::::@▀▓◤▀▒▒:::░▒▒▒▌ @

850 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4413 16:15 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Who let all these vippers in here?

851 Name: !bhb.NJHtRg 1993-09-4413 16:21 [no]

(EÍE) how to avoid pain and/or damage during anal

852 Name: !bhb.NJHtRg 1993-09-4413 16:33 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, wtf is >>849?

853 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4413 16:38 [no]

854 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4413 17:06 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, what is the meaning of "‚â‚ç‚È‚¢‚©H"

855 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4413 17:10 [no]

( LƒÖ`) uWouldn't you fancy having a go at it?v

856 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4413 17:15 [no]

(GEÍE) Grandpa, whatever do you mean?

857 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4413 17:17 [no]

( LƒÖ`) You'll understand when you're older and gayer.

858 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4413 17:20 [no]

i L_½Mj I don't get this animu stuff.

859 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4413 17:22 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, who wa---

(E_½E) fuun...

860 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4413 17:23 [no]

(EÍE) Cocaine is one hell of a drug!

861 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4413 17:29 [no]

<˜¤MÍL> Fuck yo couch nida!

862 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4413 17:30 [no]


863 Name: !bhb.NJHtRg 1993-09-4413 17:34 [no]

lol your ass, moron

864 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4413 17:35 [no]

(EÍE) Hello, geezers!

865 Name: !bhb.NJHtRg 1993-09-4413 17:39 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, cock goes where??@„iK›Kj

866 Name: !bhb.NJHtRg 1993-09-4413 17:41 [no]

kore wa nani?
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@▄
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  @@▪  ▀█▂@@@@@@▐▪
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ███▆▅▄▆  ▪▎
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ▆███████◤
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ▂▂█████▀
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @ ▀▅▂
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ▀ ▂
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  ▆▂▎
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  ◢███▌
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @████
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@◢◤  ▂███▀
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ▐◤@ ▂▆████▌
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ▆▆███████▎
@@@@@@@ @▂▅███▆██▅████████▀█◤
@@@@@▄▅████▀▀▀▀███▍▀██▀◤ ▌@▀
@@▂▄▅▍▀¥ £▄▆▆ ◤ ███▎
▪@◤▌▀██ ▬██▀▀▶@ ¥◤
@@▪▅██▀@ ¥
@  @███
@@ ݝ

867 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4413 18:24 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, is >>866 an elitist tripcode wap?

868 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4413 19:50 [no]

( LƒÖ`) >>866 is the perfect example of DQN. Only follow in his example if you wish to obtain NEET status

869 Name: bhb.NJHtRg!273AcrZimE 1993-09-4413 21:41 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, Anonymous stole my tripcode! What should I do?

870 Name: lolocaust!rsvcwx6Axc 1993-09-4413 21:52 [no]

( LƒÖ`) I dunno, lol. Stop being such a fag.

871 Name: !bhb.NJHtRg 1993-09-4413 21:54 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Suicide

872 Name: bhb.NJHtRg!273AcrZimE 1993-09-4413 21:55 [no]


873 Name: bhb.NJHtRg!273AcrZimE 1993-09-4413 21:57 [no]

(EAE) Grandpa, someone stalks me everyday...

874 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4413 22:03 [no]

( LƒÖ`) ......( EAE)

875 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4413 22:36 [no]

( LƒÖ( EAE) !

876 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4413 22:51 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, are you sure this is the way of the DQN? It just seems retarded to me, especially the tripcoder.

877 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4413 22:54 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Well, as it goes in that old Rolling Stone song: "Nevermind the tripcodes, baby"

( LƒÖ`) so, sup? Anything new? How's school anyway? Shouldn't you be finished anytime soon?

878 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4413 23:17 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, what was life like before ASCII porn?

879 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4413 23:21 [no]

( LƒÖ`) It was better, of course! We only had pornographic stories to read... we had to use our imagination, and it was a lot better than the ridiculous ASCII porn you see nowadays!

880 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4414 00:06 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, is there a God?

881 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4414 03:16 [no]

(EÍE) Kami-sama nani?!

882 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4414 03:25 [no]

( LƒÖ`) no

883 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4414 03:27 [no]

( LƒÖ`) My favorite god is Yurie-sama.

884 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4414 07:08 [no]

(EÍE) For me, it's Kouyama Mitsuki-chan!

885 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4414 14:50 [no]

( LƒÖ`) By the way Junior, yaranaika?

886 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4414 14:55 [no]

(EÍE) We already had that in >>852-587

887 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4414 14:55 [no]

(EÍE) i mean >>852-857 lol

888 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4414 16:03 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, do you love Katamari?

889 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4414 16:07 [no]

( LƒÖ`)É› I sure do. Nanaaaaananananananaaanananananananaaaa`ô

890 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4414 17:26 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, how do I shot web?

891 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4414 18:54 [no]

( LƒÖ`) You kinda have to pull your knees in tight, and squint at the first star you see at night.

892 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4414 19:12 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, the internet is making me dizzy. I think I have to throw up a little.

893 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4414 19:22 [no]


894 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4414 19:24 [no]

@ ( LƒÖ`) Silly n00b
@@( ‚Â’UO

@ i@L`j
@@(@Þƒm S

@ @Q, ._
@ i@LƒÖ`j Wait, what...
@@( ‚Â’UO

@ @Q, ._
@ i@LƒÖ`j
@@( ‚Â@O. __
@@‚ÆQ)_) i__(j¤;.oFB

@ @@@ _ _@ ƒÌ
@@@ (L @ MRA@@ @ __
@@¼,_‚Æi@ @ j½@ i__(j¤;.oFBHAX
@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ ß*¥:.¡

895 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4414 19:58 [no]

(;;KÍK) GRANDPA! Grandpa, are you okay!? GRANDPAAAAAAAAAAA

896 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4414 20:19 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Haha, nevermind. Just a comedy stunt.

897 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4414 20:29 [no]

( LƒÖ`) I'm sure I told you about how I used to be a comedian when I was younger...

898 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4414 20:37 [no]

( LƒÖ`) "Knock knock!"

899 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4414 20:52 [no]

(EÍE) Oh, who is there?

900 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4414 21:39 [no]

( LƒÖ`) 900GET, that's who

901 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4414 21:56 [no]

(EÍE) oh lol i c wut u did thar

902 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4414 22:23 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Heh heh heh... people used to love that routine...

903 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4414 23:24 [no]

(EÍE) Granpa! Will our thread end if we 1000GET, or will it go on forever?

904 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4414 23:39 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Good DQN never die, they just get permasaged.

905 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4414 23:42 [no]

( LƒÖ`)It will go on forever if we sage all other threads so we stay near the top.

906 Name: bhb.NJHtRg!273AcrZimE 1993-09-4415 02:48 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, you will die soon LOL LOL LOL

907 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4415 02:50 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Oh don't worry son, you'll die someday too. Let us meet again in the next life!!

( LƒÖ`)ߥ:.¡.:¥ß

908 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4415 04:28 [no]

(EÍE) I was a North American Fall Webworm in my past life. Ah, those were the good old days.

909 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4415 04:51 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Junior, isn't it amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on Hari Kiri Rock?

( LƒÖ`) Kiddo, get me some scissors!61!

910 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4415 06:27 [no]

(EÍE) Fission Mailed!

911 Name: bhb.NJHtRg!273AcrZimE 1993-09-4415 06:59 [no]

@@@@@ (EÍE) @purezento
@@@@ /Ü@@ MR
@@@@/@/@@@ É._QM
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@@@@_ /@@@|@@ ^@ _
@@@ @ i@@ _É |@ / ³Ü§§Ý R
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@@@ @@|@ /@/@@Ri jƒm
@@@@ @(@ )@) @@@PPP
@@@@@ |@|@/
@@@@@ |@|@|.
@@@@@/@|_ _
@@ @ Ú^

912 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4415 08:42 [no]

( LƒÖ`) "Fission Mailed"? what

913 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4415 09:48 [no]

(EÍE) What about new threads?

914 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4415 12:44 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Sonny, I'll never answer your questions again.

915 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4415 13:39 [no]

(EƒŸE) Grandpa, why won't you answer my questions again?

916 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4415 13:48 [no]

( LƒÖ`) What a beautiful day.

917 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4415 14:32 [no]

(EƒŸE) Come on Grandpa, I need you to share more of your wisdom!

918 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4415 14:37 [no]

( iœ)Īªª²(œj) I am DQN. I order you, Grandpa, to continue answering questions.

919 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4415 15:23 [no]

( LƒÖ`) 12000 years ago, I loved you! Under the tree of life.

920 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4415 17:56 [no]

(EƒŸE) I don't like where this thread is going..

921 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4415 17:58 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Nurupo

922 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4415 18:12 [no]

(EƒŸE) Grandpa, what happen?

923 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4415 18:22 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Maybe I should nap a little.

924 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4415 19:40 [no]

( E„DE) Grandpa, my anus is bleeding...

925 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4415 21:04 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Always chew your food, Junior.

This thread has been closed. You cannot post in this thread any longer.