( LƒΦ`) Grandpa (1019)

1 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4299 18:22 [no]

( LƒΦ`) hello kids!

701 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 02:03 [no]

( LƒΦ`) No thanks, Junior, every hundred GETs reminds me of my old age.

702 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 02:05 [no]

(E„DE) 'Koreans' kids have Grandpas too? (E„DE;)

703 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 04:42 [no]

(EΝE) holy shit, grandpa! 700 GET

704 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 04:48 [no]

( LƒΦ`) Sonny, it's about time you put some sense in your questions.

705 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 06:00 [no]

(EΝE) Grandpa, how do I get girls to like me?

706 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 06:52 [no]

(EΝE) Grandpa, why does work computer fails at japanese?

707 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 06:57 [no]

( LƒΦ`) Are you on Windows, Junior? Try http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Japanese:Computing_in_Japanese

708 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 07:00 [no]

(EΝE) Grandpa, do you like tea or coffee?

709 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 07:23 [no]

( LƒΦ`) @I like tea. Coffee makes me way too hyper.

710 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 08:57 [no]

(EΝE) Grandpa, do you like lipton?

711 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 09:00 [no]

@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ „‘„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ
@@@@@@ ό(@LƒΦ`@) ό ƒ For me, it's BENOI``ST!
@@@@@@@ _@@@ ^@@„€„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ
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@@@@@@@@ @@‚Œ‚Œ‚Œ

712 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 09:10 [no]

(EΝE) Grandpa, it's about time you put some sense in your answers.

713 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 09:10 [no]

( LƒΦ`) NO U

714 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 09:26 [no]

( LƒΦ`) >>710 really should try Twinings.

715 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 09:50 [no]

(L_½MjGrandpa, Want to tell me about Viet Nam?

716 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 10:23 [no]

( LƒΦ`) I collected quite a few purple hearts...

( LƒΦ`) ...from dead bodies

717 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 10:44 [no]

(EΝE) Grandpa... life is very stressful these days. Tell me something about the ol' days when life was easier.

718 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 13:37 [no]

( LƒΦ`) The sun does arise,
And make happy the skies.
The merry bells ring
To welcome the spring.
The skylark and thrush,
The birds of the bush,
Sing louder around,
To the bells' cheerful sound,
While our sports shall be seen
On the echoing green.

Old John with white hair
Does laugh away care,
Sitting under the oak,
Among the old folk.
They laugh at our play,
And soon they all say:
'Such, such were the joys
When we all, girls and boys,
In our youth-time were seen
On the echoing green.'

Till the little ones weary
No more can be merry;
The sun does descend,
And our sports have an end.
Round the laps of their mother
Many sisters and brothers,
Like birds in their nest,
Are ready for rest;
And sport no more seen
On the darkening green.

719 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 13:54 [no]

(EΝE) Grandpa, I tl,dr ed. Is that ok?

720 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 15:34 [no]

( LƒΦ`) It's okay but inner peace you shall find nevermore.

721 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 15:45 [no]

(EAE) c


722 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 15:50 [no]

(EΝE)<Grandpa! My friends are here (EΝE)(EΝE)(EΝE)

723 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 15:51 [no]

( LƒΦ`) uh oh

724 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 15:54 [no]

( LƒΦ`) Kids... Would you like something to eat?

725 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 16:09 [no]

(EΝE)(EΝE)(EΝE) Just a bag of Snacks's AIDS is fine, thanks!

726 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 16:24 [no]

( LƒΦ`) Dont TRY to be funny, just be yourself.

727 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 16:42 [no]


728 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 16:44 [no]

(EΝE)(EΝE)(EΝE) Please share more of your wisdom, master!

729 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 16:45 [no]


730 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 16:45 [no]

( LƒΦ`) Dont try to be too wise.

731 This post sucks.

732 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 16:52 [no]

iMƒnLj Let me tell you something, you whiny little snot

733 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 17:00 [no]

(EΝE) Grandpa! What happened to us?

734 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 17:03 [no]

iMƒnLjgo to work, you lazy bum

735 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 17:18 [no]

(EΝE) Grandpa! What happened to you during >>731 ???

736 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 17:29 [no]

iMƒnLjmind your own business! got it?

737 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 19:01 [no]

(EΝE) Grandpa! What big teeth you have...

738 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 19:25 [no]

( ((iMƒnLj)) ))

( MƒnLjYou CANNOT TAKE CONTROL OF ME Grandpa! You chose the light side.

739 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 19:26 [no]

(EΝE) !... DARKpa! Where is Gradpa?

740 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 19:47 [no]

(MƒnL) Grandpa is dead! Don't question me!
@@Όœc™))Ν;) >>739

741 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 22:24 [no]


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@^@@ (@/_/@ |( LƒΦ`) @@@ _@@@Ё@@@@ E,e@‚’ά>@ _^ ^
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@@@@@@@@@@|@ |

742 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 22:25 [no]

(EΝE) Sugoi sugoi!

743 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 22:52 [no]

(EΝE) You rock grandpa!

744 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4411 22:59 [no]

(EΝE) Good Grandpa, you look kind of cool!

745 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 00:44 [no]

( LƒΦ`) You didn't know your Gramps could do that, huh?

746 This post sucks.

747 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 00:56 [no]

(EΝE) I love you, grandpa!

748 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 01:36 [no]

(EΝE) Grandpa, did you cry at the end of Old Yeller?

749 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 01:49 [no]

( LƒΦ`) Wait, don't you want to know how I rose from the dead?

750 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 02:37 [no]

(EΝE) Oh, all right.

751 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 02:39 [no]

(EΝE) Grandpa, I just did 747GET and it wasn't even airplane related! Anyway, what kind of airplanes did you have back in your day?

752 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 02:43 [no]

( LƒΦ`) There was some bright light at the end of a dark tunnel ahead of me.... and it said...

753 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 02:50 [no]


754 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 02:57 [no]

( LƒΦ`) GA!

755 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 03:00 [no]

(EƒŸE)@Grandpa, who is this intruder in >>753 ? Should we hammer him anyways?

756 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 03:02 [no]

( LƒΦ`) Go right ahead, Junior.

757 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 03:08 [no]

@@@@ @@VV
@@ @ Q__V@
@@ @ |@@|@@(EΝE ) Eat this!
.GA!!!=|@@|==››=@ R
@ @˜Έ|Q_|²Ώ R@@€(ά)‚Α
@ i@M„DLj/@@ RQj

758 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 03:11 [no]

(EΝE) Fission mailed!

759 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 03:12 [no]

(EΝE) So, grandpa, continue your story on how you came back from the dead!

760 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 03:17 [no]

( LƒΦ`) Well, you know how at the end of Mother 3 you're just standing in a beam of light and someone says "Well Grandpa, you got your head handed to you"? It was something like that.

761 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 03:19 [no]

( LƒΦ`) Except that it said: "SPECIAL OFFER ONLY TODAY CANNED BEANS FOR $1"

762 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 03:27 [no]

(EΝE) Wow! So where did you gather the strength to defeat DARKpa?

763 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 03:28 [no]

( LƒΦ`) Spinach

764 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 03:48 [no]

(EΝE) Grandpa, do you enjoy Yukorin?

765 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 03:57 [no]

( LƒΦ`) Her Royal Highness of Korin?

766 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 06:41 [no]

( ))ƒn L)
............................I'll be back!

767 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 10:00 [no]

(EΝE) Shuddup, 766. No, I'm talking about Vanilla Yukorin. But I realised you talked about that earlier. I think I'm getting senile, Grandpa!

768 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 10:04 [no]

( LƒΦ`) You have to grow pubes before you can get senile.

769 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 11:06 [no]

( LƒΦ`) And you should not be so rude... they do not forgive...

770 Name: !bhb.NJHtRg 1993-09-4412 11:43 [no]

(EΝE) Grandpa, I shaved all my pubic hair

771 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 12:05 [no]

( LƒΦ`) Is this some sort of hipster zen thing where you find out you can shave what isn't even there yet? Make me a sammich!

772 Name: !bhb.NJHtRg 1993-09-4412 12:22 [no]

(EΝE) I am hipster supreme!!! LOLOLOL

773 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 12:24 [no]

( LƒΦ`) You are also too young to be tripcodefag, sonny.

774 Name: !bhb.NJHtRg 1993-09-4412 12:38 [no]

(EAE) c
(EΝE) Grandpa, what does it mean to lose your virginity???

775 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 14:17 [no]

( LƒΦ`) You don't need to know, since you will never have to worry about that.

776 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 14:21 [no]

(EΝE) Grandpa! Grandpa! Wait for it... waaaaaaaait for it...!

777 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 14:22 [no]

™+.‘. .‘.F+₯Kί(EΝE) 777GET!!! +.‘. .‘.F*₯K߁™

778 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 15:13 [no]

( LƒΦ`) Now now, cool down son. I still didn't tell you about my hemmoroids.

779 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 15:58 [no]

(EΝE) Say gramps, why are tripcode fags... fags?

780 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 16:02 [no]

( LƒΦ`) Because they tend to be much more individualistic. They don't want to sit there and anonymously post comments and never get recognized for them being theirs.

781 Name: !bhb.NJHtRg 1993-09-4412 16:27 [no]

(EΝE) postmodern identity crisis.. wow

782 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 17:34 [no]

(EAE) But... sometimes, when I say something really clever, I want other people to know it's me...

783 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 17:45 [no]

( LƒΦ`) Show it to your other family members, I am sure they care lots about how witty you are on the internet.

784 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 18:10 [no]

(EΝE) But grandpa I was planning on;

  1. Post witty remarks on the internet with tirpcode,
  2. ???????????
  3. PROFIT!!!

785 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 18:11 [no]

( LƒΦ`) Step 2 is why the new economy failed.

786 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 18:15 [no]

(EAE) the internet gives me inner strength

787 Name: 4 1993-09-4412 18:20 [no]

( LƒΦ`) Sonny, I think you should build more self-confidence doing other things.

788 This post sucks.

789 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 18:25 [no]

( LƒΦ`) >>788 was supposed to go after >>783. This thread is moving too fast, these days. In my days no one posted on 4-ch.

790 Name: !bhb.NJHtRg 1993-09-4412 18:26 [no]

@@@ΘQΘ@ @@@^PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
@@ i( LƒΦ`)j@@ƒ @ SAGE
@@@_,@i -ƒCA@@@ |
@iά`@@@ άR @ _QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ
@ R@ ~~άƒΑάj@@
@ @R[\'^[-'@
@ @@r@@@ |
@@ /@@@@ |
@@{@@@@@ }
@@|@@@@@ |

791 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 18:26 [no]

(EΝE) Grandpa! What is the best age for girls?

792 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 18:27 [no]

(EΝE) But grandpa you can still post your witty remarks!

793 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 18:27 [no]

( LƒΦ`) One at a time kids...

794 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 18:29 [no]

( LƒΦ`) ILm no rorikon, but...

795 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 18:32 [no]

(EΝE) Grandpa! This conversation is turning into one of those kids shows where they put in a little of grown up humor to keep the parents watching too... But 90% kid stuff still...

796 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 19:35 [no]

( LƒΦ`) Hello, kids!

797 Name: !bhb.NJHtRg 1993-09-4412 19:44 [no]

i L_½MjBIX NOOD!

799 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 19:47 [no]

(EΝE) It's a party!

800 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4412 19:54 [no]

(EΝE) R.I.P. !bhb.NJHtRg |^ i L_½Mj _|
@@@@@@@@@@@ o

               (EΝE) *sigh* If only!
This thread has been closed. You cannot post in this thread any longer.