( LΦ`) hello kids!
( LΦ`) Well, Junior, you existing isn't helping matters.
(EΝE) Grandpa, do you like Yukorin?
( LΦ`) Truly a delicate orchid blossom of the East and easy to admire by any man. I have her perfume.
( LΦ`) Nabisco Vanilla Extract.
(EΝE) ΆΏαρBlAϊ{κΕΑΔΰ’’H
( LΦ`)@νκΝ»ρΘ±ΖΗίΘ’Ε·©ηBBB
( LΦ`) ͺ
(EΝE) waps..
(EΝE) Grandpa! You need subtitles!
( LΦ`) I have fansubs, go look for them kid.
(EΝE) you're otaku
(EΝE) Grandpa, have you ever met the King of all Cosmos?
(EΝE) Otoko no ko wa onna no ko no koto itsumo oikaketeru `♬
( LΦ`) Ichi-nichi-juu onna no ko no koto bakari kangaeteru `♫
(EΝE) Dakedo otoko no ko wa yappari sukoshi baka de `♬
( LΦ`) Zen zen onna no ko no kimochi nante hora wakaranai mitai `♫
(EΝE) Uu hontou ni dame yo ne obaka-san `τ
(EΝE) Oshiete hoshii no obakasan-san `τ
(EΝE) Sou kono yo de ichi-ban `τ
(EΝE) Taisetsuna koto wa `τ
(EΝE) Yappari taimingu dato omou kedo...nanchite na `τ
( LΦ`) Onna no ko mo otoko no ko no koto naze ka suki ni naru no `τ
( LΦ`) Hi-to-ban-juu nemurenai nante kurai muchuu ni naru `τ
(EΝE) Dakedo otoko no ko wa yappari itsumo baka de `τ
( LΦ`) Zen zen onna no ko no kokoro nante mada wakaranai mitai `τ
(EΝE) RaRa RaRaRaRa RaRaRaRaRaRaRaRaRaRaRa, Ra RaRaRaRa Ra
( LΦ`)RaRa RaRaRaRa RaRaRaRaRaRaRaRaRaRaRa, Ra RaRaRaRa Ra
(EΝE) ±κΝARθόΕ·©H
( LΦ`) This is Red Light District my son.
( LΦ`) What's that ching-chong crap, kid? In this thread, we're sticking to the Queen's English!
(EΝE) Granpa, it seems there is a time paradox here!
( LΦ`) hello kids!
( ( ((( LΦ`))) ) )
(EΝE) Oh no, a space-time distortion! Granpa, what will we do?
(EΝE) Oh no, a space-time distortion! Granpa, what will we do?
( LΦ`) hello kids!
(EΝE) Grandpa, what was life like before the internet?
( LΦ`) We had books I think. Something non-something.
(EΝE) Grandpa,I shot the sheriff! (Or is it I will shoot...)
( LΦ`) At least you didn't shoot the deputy sonny.
(EΝE) Grandpa, I want to learn to play like Petey Wheatstraw. Where's the nearest crossroads?
(EΝE) Grandpa?... Are you holding back answering because you want 600GET?
( LΦ`) At my age, 600 is nothing special.
( LΦ`) lol interweb
(EΝE) Grandpa, you fail got.
( LΦ`)m Pull my finger, Junior!
(EΝE) Grandpa, you like scat! ew.
( LΦ`) Take care, Junior. Given enough exposure to the internet, you'll come to like anything!
(EΝE) Grandpa, I want to be just like Densha Otoko!
( LΦ`) A true DQN strives to be Itoko Otoko.
( LΦ`) That's an admirable goal Junior! Back in my day, we created haiku poems about our idols:
Posting on 2ch,
even a nerd can find love,
Densha Otoko!
(EΝE) Is 2ch really 2 syllables? In any case, I wrote a haiku for you Grandpa-
Surprisingly wise,
packed with D.Q.N. spirit:
stinky old Grandpa!
(`DL) Geez Grandpa, I was trying to be nice!
( LΦ`) you just need to keep your mouth shut sometimes, sonny.
( LΦ`)
( LΦ`) Cheer up, emo Junior!
(EΝE) Gradpa! You say daddy me snow me gonna bleeeam. Ali key bu-n bu-n nea.
( LΦ`) OMG WTFBBQ LOLZ fgsfds or whatever you kids reply to garbage like that these days
(EΝE) Gradpa! what do you know about postmodern alienation?
( LΦ`) I know it's not as imporant as blowing your nose every once in a while when you cannot even pronounce "Grandpa" correctly.
( LΦ`) Sonny, I'm sorry if I didn't tell you this before, but... Gradpa is dead. He couldn't stand more than a year of being a PhD.
( LΦ`) lol what
(EΝE) Grandpa! Have you heard about Bridget?
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(EΝE) Gradpa! I copy paste to say: Gradpa! What do you do?
( LΦ`) You. Come over here...
( LΦ`)nAnA
( LΦ`) "vocabulary is teh rohd 2 win intarweb." So build it, sonny.
(EΝE) Gradpa! You tried to reply to your own post but failed!
( LΦ`) Somebody busted my interweb. You damn kids been screwing with it?
(EΝE) N, no way Grandpa! There... there was this one-armed man, you see....
(EΝE) Grandpa! There's a young woman who's posing and prancing around seductively over her webcam, and something weird is going on in my pants! What should I do?
( LΦ`) Don't change the subject!
( LΦ`) But go prvt with her anyway. Always go pvt!
( LΦ`) Pvt. Johnson and Lt. Conrad in 3rd division! Follow me! We've got soviets at 3 o'clock!
(EAE) You've having flashbacks again, Grandpa! Snap out of it!
(EΝE) Grandpa, if you could have one super power what would it be?
( LΦ`) To bring back Grandma at age 25. sigh
(EΝE) Grandpa! I beat tetris!
( LΦ`) The only way to win is not to play.
(EΝE) Grandpa! I beat Super Mario Bros.!
( LΦ`) Congratulations, Junior. Of course, back in the day we would have saved the princess in real life instead of wasting our time behind a flickering screen for hours.
(EΝE) Grandpa! You need more overlords.
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( LΦ`) This Garden needs less WakabaMark :(
(EΝE) Grandpa! What should we do with the people who can't type your name right? Gradpa isn't cool
(EΝE) Gradpa! Disregard my last post. Because You Are Coolest!
( LΦ`) Why thank you child. Let me guess, disregard that anonymous sucks cocks?
(EΝE) Actually, it's "disregard that, I suck cocks". Note the added comma.
( LΦ`)Just because you are a dateless insecure geek, don't rag on inexperienced internet users
(EAE) c
( LΦ`) Did you even understand what I said son?
(EAE) c
( LΦ`) Son, you are losing coherence. I'm worried about you who will carry my name to future generations. Maybe you should attend the custody of a counsellor from tim 2 tim. OR I HAXOR TEH NET AND STEAL IDENTITY COZ I'M TEH NET HAXOR L33T &C0o1
(EAE) You've having flashbacks again, Grandpa! Snap out of it!
( LΦ`)You instead of bushing other people who are actually doing it,you better go out and start doing something with your life
(EΝE) Grammar, Grandpa, Grammar!
( LΦ`) Sonny, I'd like to ask some questions to you for a change. About what young people do these days.
(EΝE) Go right ahead, Gramps
( LΦ`) Sonny, how do I do posting? I hear you utter that phrase all the time.
(EΝE) Just sign your above. Do not attempt to literally sign your name, just stare at the blank line and think "Dallas".
( LΦ`) Sonny, how can I understand your sentences? We seem to have such a generation gap between us.
( LΦ`) Sonny, can you teach me some "catch-phrases" so I can relate to you?
(EΝE) Repeat: "lol internet"
(EΝE) Gradpa, I don't know what happened with your post,
I hope that it don't happen again.
( LΦ`) Nevermind all that, Junior! Look, we're on T-shirts now! http://4-ch.net/general/kareha.pl/1127828102