Games you regret buying. (308)

1 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-09-06 00:11 ID:7/m+bbGu

Discuss all of the games you regret buying.

Currently, I regret buying Dungeons and Dragons Tactics for the PSP. The multiplayer is lame, which is the very core of D&D. It's basically a watered down version of the game that you play on your own. Wow. Amazing.

2 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-09-06 00:29 ID:lpDgSG9p

Zombie Zone, or The Oneechanbara if you like. Absolutely terrible game. It's a bit like Dynasty Warriors, if Dynasty Warriors had zombies and was shit.

3 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-09-06 02:13 ID:ccP9MJqQ

Counter strike for the original Xbox, horrible fps, no good gameplay, and noone was online...

4 Name: Verg : 2007-09-06 03:09 ID:VOKvj9Oa

You mean Dynasty Warriors isn't a button-mashing piece of garbage?

Anyway, a game I regret buying is Killzone for the PS2. The story was uninteresting, the Helghast design was stolen from Jin-Roh, and I find it frustrating as fuck when I run up behind a guy, blast him in the back of the head with a shotgun at point blank, and die because he somehow turns around and shoots me.

Another game I regret buying is Pokemon Diamond. It was fun until after the second badge, when I realized that I didn't suck at Pokemon all those years when I was younger; it just didn't interest me.

Finally, the last game I'll mention that I regret buying would probably be Max Payne. People raved about that game, but it was a mediocre shooter with bullet-time and the storyline of a detective novel. Whoopee.

5 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-09-06 04:28 ID:0JbLyErT

Contact, for the DS. Thought it would be a pleasant and interesting alternative RPG, but it turned out to be just a complete grindfest – I mean, even more so than most JRPGs.

Also, it was way too short and there was no good endgame content – none that didn't require several more days of stat-grinding, in any case.

6 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-09-06 14:50 ID:JaObhWbe


I was thinking on buying that not too long ago.

I also regret buying WoW. Yes, I said it. I regret buying WoW.

7 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-09-06 15:32 ID:JaObhWbe

Resident Evil DS.

WORST game I have ever played. Seriously, the game had horrible controls, boring gameplay, and I'm pretty sure it didn't have multiplayer.

8 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-09-06 17:45 ID:JHFI8Yp8

Tribes: Vengeance. Not only did I buy it, I bought it for 50 dollars. After that moment, I never pre-ordered another game in my life.

9 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-09-06 23:30 ID:7/m+bbGu

>>8 I usually never buy a game until I research up on some reviews.

10 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-09-06 23:49 ID:K5FtLew1

>>8 haha somehow i feel your pain

11 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-09-07 05:49 ID:WMe+55Lo

Magna Carta: Tears of blood.....I actually did cry tears of blood when I played it...

12 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-09-07 16:16 ID:Heaven

I should have been tipped off by finding it in the bargain bin a week after it's release.

Divine Divinity
I should have been tipped off when it was 'endorsed' by a 'fan' of Diablo II.

Commandos: Strike Force

Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura
Just awesome. But I lost a few years of my life playing it over 20+ times with different characters.

13 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-09-08 19:49 ID:Heaven

Nethack. No, wait...

14 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-09-09 05:38 ID:of8oFBi2

I regret getting Nippon Ichi games. What a waste of money.

15 Name: Random Otaku : 2007-09-10 14:48 ID:KtdGu14E

Oh, there are several games I regret...

  • Whirl Tour: OK, this game is officially the worst I've ever played. You pretty much just go around rescuing a band, collecting music CDs, and crashing into things with a motor scooter. Yep, boooo-ring.
  • Unison: It's a cute game with really great graphics and stuff, but it's no DDR. The gameplay is weird, the story is way too short and fast-paced, and there are only 11 or 12 songs.
  • Cooking Mama: It's fun for a while, but it gets a little old.
  • Perfect Dark (GameBoy Color): The N64 Perfect Dark is MAGICAL KICK-ASS IN A CARTRIDGE, but this one just SUCKS! The controls are tough to master, and the voice acting blows. It's worse than what little voice acting there is in Dynasty Warriors Advance.

16 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-09-11 01:02 ID:ybX9E0rl

>>14 I like Disgaea. I haven't played any of their other games, however.

>>15 I wouldn't have even touched PD for the GameBoy Color.

17 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-09-11 14:41 ID:/oWhvQw4

I regret buying my entire Xbox console.

18 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-09-11 15:12 ID:6UXUdtrO

ORPHEN for the PS2.

19 Name: Random Otaku : 2007-09-11 16:02 ID:eQGwApc9

Haha Go you! ^______^ Perfect Dark on GameBoy Color is made of EPIC FAIL!

And >>17, you're right to regret the Xbox. I once had a chance to get one, but instead I went for PS2 and I'm glad I did. PS2 has all the anime games and cool RPGs... and Final Fantasy, which Xbox doesn't have. ^^

20 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-09-11 16:50 ID:WJwrQ6bP

Final Fantasy XII. I can still remember the plot and characters from 10, seven years on. But a few months after playing a random game full of one-dimensional characters, random fights and a completley sterotypical and forgettable plot, I can only remember Basch. And only because he's a poor man's Auron.
Also I regret ever buying any of the Pro Evolution Soccer games, as I have lost days, literally, playing that game.

21 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-09-11 23:57 ID:lpDgSG9p

this thread just reminded me, I bought Perfect Dark for the GBC as well. Piece of shit, it was.

22 Name: Random Otaku : 2007-09-12 14:13 ID:kUUQFgpZ

Oooh, sports games are definitely something to regret. I found NBA Street 2 for Gamecube in a bargain bin at a local used book/anime/gaming store, and I randomly bought it because I needed a new video game and I figured it was worth a try. Wrong-o. It's NOT worth it.

23 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-09-12 20:28 ID:ETJUOLhi


Good god, that game made me hate playing video games for the longest time.

24 Name: Heretic Yojimbo : 2007-09-13 02:47 ID:zJzCvD2K


^Really? Too bad. I thought Xenosaga was pretty cool. Episode 1 was fun, Episode 2 was a bit of a let down, and Episode 3 was fucking epic.

If you're talking from a stance of general dislike of jRPGs, then I can understand that. Since I don't like jRPGs in general myself, but Xenosaga just clicked with me some way.

25 Name: Heretic Yojimbo : 2007-09-13 02:49 ID:zJzCvD2K

As for the topic, every MoH game i've ever bought has been a massive waste of money with the exception of Frontline which I found pretty enjoyable. MOHAA is VERY over rated. PA and EA were flimsy to weak. Rising Sun was so bad human words can't begin to describe the agony that game put me in.

26 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-09-13 05:44 ID:ETJUOLhi


Yeah, all those cut scenes bored the shit outta me. I mean, I could have skipped them, but I'd probably miss out on important story elements.

27 Name: Heretic Yojimbo : 2007-09-14 00:32 ID:zJzCvD2K

I'll admit some of Xenosaga's scenes were kind of slow and points. Usually the "lol bad dudes being devious" and "technobable" dialouge was pointless. On the other hand, I thought the specifically character driven scenes were excellent.

28 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-09-14 01:21 ID:K5FtLew1

final fantasy 8 (hours of my life i wont get back)

>>20 couldnt agree more about final fantasy 12!

29 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-09-14 09:10 ID:wvoD5Jc/

i buy all pirated stuff so i never regret wasting 50 cent for each game lol

30 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-09-14 20:04 ID:ws1tNudw

I really loved Allied Assault for some reason. I don't know - the aesthetic feel of the missions really appealed to me. I've played the Holland mission over and over again. Maybe it's the music, maybe it's just a Europhilia, but I found the game really beautiful. (I also had a lot of fun messing around with the cheats.)

Then I bought Rising Sun because I had loved Allied Assault so much, and boy was I disappointed that I wasted all that money. As for other games I regret buying, Taiko Drum Master ended up not having very good songs. I was looking forward to traditional Japanese taiko music, like the Taiko Drum Master I played when I visited Japan! But instead it had shitty Western songs. It would have been worth it if it was cheaper, I think.

31 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-09-14 20:06 ID:ws1tNudw

Oops, I just realized that when I said "Allied Assault" I actually meant "Frontline." And when I said "Holland" I meant the Netherlands. My bad!

32 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-09-15 15:58 ID:tbm+cCTp

>>30 I like some of the songs you can unlock on TDM, but other than that, yeah, I agree.

33 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-09-17 02:42 ID:8Xbi7wnd

Final Fantasy XII.

It TRIES to be an Action RPG, but fails miserably. It's like playing D&D with a console. It fucking sucks, the writers must have run out of great ideas (connection, anyone? And What the Fuck, Star Wars? Give me a fucking break.), the License System is about twice as broken as .hack//G.U.'s Ability System, and I would have rather voted for a Vagrant Story II. I would have LOVED that.

34 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-09-17 03:33 ID:OvmQeHYu

Final Fantasy III DS

Utter trash.

35 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-09-17 15:57 ID:JaObhWbe

>>34 It's fun at first, but gets old fast.

36 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-09-17 21:04 ID:ceUK2CKk

I liked it. Though I wish there was a save point somewhere in the final dungeon dammit. I don't feel like grindan ('A` )

37 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-09-21 20:49 ID:r+2/ta2T

My most foolish game purchase would have to be "Unlimited Saga". anyone else do this? it might have been a gift, actually, but regardless I wanted it at the time...

Only to be COMPLETELY and utterly dissapointed. I could barely stand playing ONE character, let alone the rest. It just seemed so pointless. First off, the graphics were utter trash for a PS2 game. They didn't even bother making any field maps, for christ sake. Traps occur for no reason, and you get tortured by a spinning "random" wheel to try and evade it, instead of having the computer randomly do that shit for you.
Life points and healthpoints. you can still play with 0 HP, as long as you have LP. hp is a "shield" for your LP though. only is doesn't work - enemies can STILL attack your LP, even with max hp. rubbish.
NO reasons to care for quests, or characters, and the stats and skills you get at the end of a quest have to be erased to make way for new ones after a few quests.
and, really, half the time I'm just wondering WTF was going on!?

Romancing saga's remake was MUCH better.

38 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-09-21 21:33 ID:r+2/ta2T

oh, and I almost forgot - in battles, you can't even pick what kind of attack you're going to do. WTF!?

39 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-09-23 18:19 ID:Ytm8DMNK

Back then I owned a N64 and i was buying original games. Ok ok don't shoot me yet. lol

Games I regret buying:

1) Mario Party 2
2) Bomberman 64
3) Yoshi's story <-- shoot me now please. (horrible game!)

40 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-09-24 15:25 ID:JaObhWbe


The funny thing is, I loved every one of those games.

I just remember how cartridges were so expensive. Regardless, the N64 is still probably my favorite console.

41 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-09-25 15:35 ID:r+2/ta2T


yeah, i loved bomberman 64 as well. I really liked the multiplayer and customization. And, sorry to say, I love Mischief Makers as well. "Shake Shake!"

42 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-09-26 01:14 ID:Vs9Nuqb3

Yeah guys, well I liked those games too or else i wouldn't buy them. I mean I had so much fun with bomberman 64 and mario party 2 in multiplayer. Maybe i should have put just yoshi story there.

But when i recall my past i realise how much time i lost playing the not-so-good single player of bomberman 64 and the time i lost playing mario party 2 all alone because strangely most of my friends never liked such games. Too kiddish for them. They don't have zombies and blood you see...

Anyway I beliebe N64 May not had so many and good games but I think the 4 multiplayer fun was the best i had, more than every console!


OMG!! Mischief Makers! I had completely forgotten about that! I had only rented that for a week and it was addicting and so fun!! "Shake shake!" Yes I still remember her voice. And that old guy, screaming "Heeeelp meeee Mariiinaaa!" Wow I think I am gonna download that game and play it again! Such games are the little diamonds only the few elite knows!

43 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-09-26 01:32 ID:sxgeegPm

I regret buying Oblivion. Not because it's a bad game -- I actually enjoy it rather much.

Rather I regret buying it because it was between that or the preorder for the Bioshock CE. I've heard that Bioshock doesn't last very long for the money, but still, I have this blank spot on my desk that is longing to be filled by Big Daddy figurine...

Other than that, not really. I almost always buy only when I have researched the game and am certain that I will enjoy it. If there's a game that I don't think I will enjoy I download it. Almost always it is the case where I stop playing said game too early for it to have been worth buying.

44 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-09-26 02:14 ID:Vs9Nuqb3


That's a lame reason to regret it. You bought an great game, be proud of it.

45 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-09-27 14:36 ID:cvfwUcgE

Daikatana. 'Nuff said.

46 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-10-01 16:20 ID:JaObhWbe

>>45 "The game is known as one of the major commercial failures of the computer game industry." Ouch, Wikipedia. Ouch.

I've never heard of it, but it seems like a Doom knock off. It was made by one of the Doom developers, though.

47 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-10-09 06:35 ID:qvArGmDs

I regret buying any GBA game, save for a few Pokemon ones and Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.

48 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-10-09 14:45 ID:Uu0WPuCE

>>47 speaking of which...
I regret buying a bootleg GBA game called "Pokemon: Frigo Returns" off eBay. I made the mistake of thinking it would be a hilarious original pirate creation and/or hilarious original pirate hack of some other game (like the GBC "Pokemon Jade" game I bought in Turkey, which was actually a profanity-filled broken english translation of Telefang Speed Version). But as it turns out it was just some kid's shitty amateur rom hack that the pirates had downloaded off the internet and sold as a cartridge. Ah well.

49 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-10-10 21:57 ID:A6s1/VtK

I don't know anyone who actually bought and played Daikatana, but we all talk shit about it anyway.
The failure was in the extreme overhyping for what turned out to be a poor to abysmal game, the overspending on plush office space and other unnecessary staff perks, and celebrity treatment of developers.
John Romero made a bitch of himself.

50 Name: sdaf : 2007-10-13 08:33 ID:3SbpJXhv


51 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-10-19 05:51 ID:ta0nKBe6

two games
magna carta tears of blood ... linear,boring,the female chars are all retarded and seem to not be aware of their gigantic breasts and whoreoutfits coz they talk and behave like gods purest little lamb
Conan for ps2 why why why why why did i even look at it

52 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-10-21 00:17 ID:wy6+Codv



Even though I don't prefer RPGs in general Unlimited SaGa was the worst waste of $8 ever...

53 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-10-21 03:45 ID:Id08Xhnx

Def Jam Icon

54 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-10-21 04:50 ID:9I2yKsTP

Its a difficult choice. Overall I have to say Street Fighters 2, because I preferred MK, another is an all time stupid for me, Full Auto on the 360. Whats even worse is that I had to wait for my check to buy Disgaea 2, I had such high hopes for Full-Auto, I ACTUALLY CHOSE IT INSTEAD OF DISGAEA 2.

55 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-10-21 05:27 ID:M29YGp3/

Final Fantasy XI Online, without a doubt. To me it was the worst MMO I ever played, and in retrospect, I Really should have played a demo or somthing first....

56 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-10-22 02:23 ID:VPnfjeBC


shudder - i wish mine was 8 bucks, but i'm sure the people who got it for me paid full price...

57 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-10-22 03:51 ID:o9TRVJ/d

I'm completely with you on Magna Carta, I couldn't stand that game after 12 hours of play and I sold it without ever beating it.

58 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-10-22 04:55 ID:3Lhe4YP9

I've always regretted buying Morrowind. I just don't see how people ever enjoyed this. Maybe I need to try it using mods or something, but as it is it just feels like playing an myself.

Aside from that I have a good sized stack of crap I doubt I'll ever touch, but most of those were old and cheap impulse buys from used game stores, I doubt I spent $100 on the entire pile.

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