Games you regret buying. (308)

216 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-07-14 22:38 ID:lmdeO8FM

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings (by Black Label Games) for the GBA. I do not regret buying it. I have LOATHED it.

Seriously, you'd have to play this game to believe what I am saying: Worse than ET for Atari. Worse than having a festering wound. Worse than anything the devil would put out. I'm not sure if this is worse than everything 4chan has ever produced, but I'm pretty sure it trumps 100% of /b/ in the epic failure category, but I'm sure if /b/ worked hard enough, it would someday beat this PoS.

Shit graphics that make navigating levels darkness in DOOM 3 easy as pie (DOOM 3: Can't see shit captain. LotR:FotR(BLG): I see something captain, I think it's a bunny rabbit... No, it's a pie... No, a dog... Oh shit, it's a spider... Nevermind, it's a baseball bat... Never mind, it's just grass...). Super slow turn-based battle system (characters who WALK TO and WALK FROM the enemies and vice versa, easily 5 seconds to and from... AND THEN MISS their attacks). Really, really, really, really, really, really, really buggy (more buggy than Advent Rising, but AR was actually fun to play).

I am not willing to sell this game, give it away for free, or toss it in the trash for the fear that it may maim some innocent gamer.

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