Post your dreams. (360)

1 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-01 21:55 ID:5PO+RaZw

I just found this in my diary from last year.

September 2005
I guess this dream took place in 2010 or so, the library was "modern" (like a book store) but also old, run-down, and overflowing with unsorted books. It was snowing outside and I was glad to come in. I looked around in the Japan section, and next to the usual travel guides and history books there was a phone-book sized guide: "Hikikomori (Revised Edition)". I started flipping through it, it talked about how you should find your Hermes to set a good example for other otaku, and how Key fans had petitioned to build a statue commemorating Ayu in central Tokyo. The book was huge and overflowing with everything that had been written about otaku and hikikomori. I started reading from the first chapter...

23 Name: 22 2006-01-11 12:55 ID:Heaven

I remember it a little. It had tentacle monsters which I tried to kill with a knife, and giraffes with heads on their necks.

24 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-11 16:20 ID:nZXNKoyy


I think I prefer the gothiloli vampires, personally. >_>

25 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-11 20:47 ID:Pdq1mJ/h

Don't be so "Koyy"! Ahahahaha. Hahahahahahaha.

26 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-12 04:56 ID:oy74Fe0s


You so funneh.

27 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-12 21:55 ID:aNGZJzCL

I dreamed some woman was in my house and walked by as I was masturbating. Then she asked my mom about if I masturbated and she said yes. Oh dear.

28 Name: (´-`).。oO(おっぱい (. Y .) ) 2006-01-13 14:10 ID:Heaven


29 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-13 14:44 ID:oy74Fe0s

Okay. I first dreamed that I was Pat Morita. o_o And I was going to meet the Pope... but not Darth Benedict that we have now. He was really old and in the hospital, and he had sheet music taped to the wall next to his bed - he could hear the music just by reading the notes. Then he died.

Next, I was in a casino, losing money playing blackjack with a dealer who looked like Jerry Garcia. The casino was haunted, and as you wandered around you would see pieces of the different ghosts' stories. I was hungry.

30 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-13 21:16 ID:EQ8Czi2E

i've been having a reoccuring dream of dropping stuff and breaking them in a million pieces

31 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-13 23:22 ID:Heaven

I dreamt that I was Mario and Bowser was ominously on the verge of molesting me

32 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-14 05:24 ID:Heaven


33 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-14 20:21 ID:LXNMLL2B

heh, I just had a weird dream earlier.

I was the commander of an Archangel class ship (it might have been the Archangel) and we were in the middle of space. Our main objective was to take down an enemy's assault ship, that for some odd reason we were currently in the middle of a ceasefire with.

I came up with the idea to send out two of our pilots in mobile suits, with a giant explosive device (about as big as both mobile suits put together) to go around the enemy's ship without being detected and position themselves so that then, once the ceasefire was over, on my command they could attack from behind, with my ship and the rest of the pilots attacking from the front.

I then also decided to send out one of my best pilots in our best mobile suit to distract the enemy by just standing in front of their ship. That way, the enemy would be too busy watching them, and also they could attack from that position once the ceasefire was over.

For some reason, I then had to leave to attend a meeting on earth. I took a while trying to figure out which mobile suit to take (I had sent out all of the good ones, and was only left with captured Zeon/Titan mobile suits and GMs. I thought the GMs sucked, so I didn't want to take one of those... and I thought friendly forces might mistake me for an enemy if I took out one of the Zeon ones...) until I decided on a relatively good, abnormally light blue painted Zeon/Titan mobile suit... although I can't remember which model it was.

After taking off in it I had two thoughts.

  1. Why didn't I disguise the bomb or the bomb and pilots inside dummy asteroids? I then remembered that we were in the Gundam Seed dimension, and they didn't exist here. (weird... I know.)

and 2. Because of sparse Minovsky particles in our current location, if I tried to contact my crew by radio the enemy would probably pick it up. How can I tell them when to commence the attack?

So anyway, I land on earth and once the meeting is over, it's about time for them to attack. I try to figure out some way to tell them to start, but can't think of anything... until I come up with the idea to sing it out on TV, and hope they interpret my message.

So I start singing various songs on live TV with lyrics like "The time is now, go go go!" but my crew are too stupid to get the meaning behind it... after few songs I think "screw it, we'll probably win anyway" and practically just yell outloud "Start the attack!"

They finally figure it out, and start... and that was the end.

34 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-17 20:58 ID:Heaven

I woke up in the middle of the night with the intro to "Ace of Base - Waiting for magic" stuck in my head and I didn´t remember what I had dreamt, but I knew I had dreamt about Sofie.
Then I masturbated and fell asleep, again.

35 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-17 21:08 ID:Heaven

When I was a young child, like 8 or so, I had a dream where I walked through a tunnel of orange slime and emerged in an alternate world where things were dark and orange. It was just like the real world, here in this alternate world, except no one was there. I went to my house, but it was mostly empty. After being scared for awhile and some things I don't remember, I found the orange tunnel again and walked back out, eager to get back to the real world. I also remember eating a peanut just before I went through the tunnel so I wouldn't get too hot.

After leaving the alternate world, I was very happy to be back in the real world. Then I saw a sign advertising the "Nickelodeon" TV station, with its orange slime-ish logo, and that freaked me out because I was like, oh no, orange slime, that means it's not over yet! Maybe I am still in the alternate world or something! Then I woke up.

36 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-17 21:32 ID:EQ8Czi2E

I had a dream where I had to buy a girl a smoothie instead of watching/particpating with my friends beat the crap out of each other.

37 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-18 03:41 ID:j+PEZv9N

I had a dream where I was in a hotel, having sex with a loli. But I was always in fear that one of my parents would walk in. It was a great dream; I think it might have topped the dreams in which I'm dying as the best I've ever had.

38 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-18 04:15 ID:ythW5cEh

The best dreams I ever have are the ones where I realize I am dreaming (Lucid dreaming). It's great to have full control over your mind. >>37
I would love to have a dream like that during one of those nights.

39 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-18 04:16 ID:6Ac2tKtU

Our boat sank. Me and my dad had to swim to shore.

40 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-18 06:29 ID:Heaven

I dreamt that I got banned from a registration-only Internet forum. Then I cried about it.

Dreams are so unrealistic.

41 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-19 18:56 ID:Heaven

Last night I dreamt that I was Satan, and I took over the mind of a loli and forced her to pee on the ground. Mmm.

42 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-20 18:27 ID:Heaven

I dreamt that the RIAA was taking a lot of flak for discrimination, as they had sued a fat person who weighed more than ONE MEGABYTE.

It made perfect sense at the time...

43 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-23 14:40 ID:6Ac2tKtU

I dreamed that I was once again young (11-12), and that upon starting the new year, Nanoha(?!) was in my homeroom class. I was entranced, and wanted to sit next to her, but as I went to sit down, she got up and changed seats to sit next to someone else she knew. :(

44 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-20 10:10 ID:ddlG5Dm7

I had a dream that involved zombie porn and knowing the mother of Sadako from Ring. Somewhere in the middle of it I halfway woke up, but wanted to finish the dream and willed myself back to sleep to finish it.

I think it involved incest as well, but I really can't remember at all.

45 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-20 18:35 ID:imFPnxNA

I write down my dreams. Not as frequently as I would like. But I do it occasionally. After a while, I look back on my notebook (like right now) and seriously have difficulty remembering ever dreaming/writing a lot of this.

I must say this thread has valuable lol material.

Now for some of mine:
Two classmates from my old college, A and S, stayed over at my house. They kicked me out of my own damn room. They were lovers. They are not gay in real life, to my knowledge.

An Italian-American gangster walked into our house through the front door. He intended to rob us and he had a gun. I tried to grab the weapon and that just got him angry. I said it was just a joke and he calmed down. He demanded we give him fifteen items of software. Me and my sister went upstairs to find some stuff for him. I threw two inflatable hammers at him and muttered "hammertime". He smiled.

46 Name: 1 : 2006-11-20 21:51 ID:5pTlEZbO

I still remember the dream in >>1. That was such an awesome dream, to come into a library with wooden shelves and big windows on a snowy day and find a book like that. It was a huge book, really like a phone book but full of otaku anecdotes from front to back. I should write that book.

47 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-21 11:05 ID:7mrBX464

I was chopping headcrab zombies in half with my gravity gun and saw blades, and fucking the freshly bisected unundead corpses.

I really don't 'like' zombies or corpses in real life. Really ;-;

48 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-21 16:32 ID:2RCovyR7


so you were playing half-life 2?

49 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-21 17:56 ID:7mrBX464

Yeah. In real life. Or waking life.

50 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-21 22:14 ID:t/RaZ/is

This past year, I've remembered four dreams where I make out with other guys, and three or maybe less dreams that didn't have to do with making out with guys.

I'm not gay D^=

51 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-23 02:44 ID:W1ECppCu

hah i never remember my dreams

52 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-23 11:40 ID:9hnAXXDQ

Last night I dreamt that I had a Nintendo Wii and my step-dad was beating me up.

53 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-24 04:54 ID:l+BIgJC3

i dreamt some weird stuff. i dunno. i think there was a changing room and some symbolism.

54 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-25 03:00 ID:CuiQq3YW

I had a dream that was about a man who was in a gang. He found out after some time, that his late father was in the gang opposing his own. Then he found out that his wife was robot, and later he found out that he was an alien. And the dream went by in my head like a movie, and when it showed the man's true form, his head was big, foot ball shaped (like arnold), green, and when he moved it looked like clay-mation.

55 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-25 17:36 ID:QqI6VafY

I dreamt I had just opened an IKEA store of mine, and suddenly this girl I've known for years comes to me and kisses me in the mouth.

And now I came to realize I do actually like her. FUCK YOU UNCONSCIOUS. FUCK YOU FREUD.

56 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-26 07:33 ID:uhyRrbLW

I dreamt that was playing a basketball game against the best school in the state. The first half we were losing but second half I lead the team back for a victory. Later I met this girl I use to have crush on but she moved away a few years ago. She was all over me but her jealous friend didn't like that and wanted to fight me for her. I told him that I don't deserve to have her and he doesn't deserve to have him too. So I left and I never looked back and he joins the army.

57 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-26 15:53 ID:OoSdEYQN

I dreamt that I woke up in a hospital after being unconscious for 7 days. I never found out what resulted in me being unconscious for 7 days, though, because the doctor I was talking to left the room for some reason.

58 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-26 19:30 ID:Heaven

Last night I dreamt that all the tuna in my cupboard had turned into kippers.
I fucking hate kippers.

59 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-27 03:33 ID:YxGIRVJl

I had a dream that i was in my old middle school. I had a master plan to commit a crime which the whole time I believed to be flawless.
I took every one in the class for hostage with an AK47, dressed up all the younger ones same clothing as my self ( khaki military uniform ) and gave them a toy AK47 with brown paper bags with happy faces on them and I wore one my self. Then I had the elderly on one corner (elderly in classroom? WTF) . I demanded a helicopter, but I had planned another escape route in my head and it was just a cover-up. Then as every thing was going flawless, I smiled in victory on how perfect my plan was as everything was going PERFECTLY.
1 second all went black
I saw back of my head in a sniper scope, then i saw the guy with a scoped gun ad a 100 M distance over a building.
1 second, again all goes black
I turne around and see that i had totaly forgot the windows. I think how stupid I am, one of the windows break and I die.

60 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-27 15:45 ID:TI0ucr3y

Last night I woke from a dream and decided that I did not want to remember it. I attempted to forget. I failed. Or maybe I succeeded a bit. I still remember the bit about... argh. I shall not type it out. It involved incest. FUCK YOU FREUD ;_;

61 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-27 16:50 ID:Heaven

I had as team that we were playing some weird sort of tag game, in which one of us got a card or something (I was the one) with a number written on it that we couldn't let the bad guy know, and also he couldn't find out which of us had it, or else he could take if from us.

So we al went inside some tower, with the guy coming after us, and we split up. Luckily, he didn't assume that I was the one with it. Insted, he was going after some woman who was on my side.

I decided to save her, and to get the guy to go away while trying to give her the hint that he was the guy after us, I started making out with her. But it was in oe of those "play along with me" sort of ways.

I got excited and woke up about then. :(

62 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-28 14:23 ID:o+DkWJYM

I had a dream that I dropped my keyboard while I was on IRC, but when I grabbed it it somehow typed "lawl". Then I was amazed by this and explained to loads of people on IRC. I don't remember the rest.

...yeah. I am a loser. I normally have interesting dreams though, I swear.

63 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-29 00:12 ID:QY+MYoFM

I dreamed that in Australia, they played baseball... but instead of running to first when they hit the ball, they ran to 3rd... because, you know, they drive on the wrong side of the road, ahahaha :D

64 Name: Densha Otaku LOL!!ZYkjrp2f : 2006-11-29 07:23 ID:duKC8OPU

When I was a child, I dreamt that I killed my mom and poured a bucket of water on satan (I was in hell and was a child of a demon). I won't go onto the details though. Ugh.

65 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-29 20:33 ID:y9UEUMRh

Yeah, I had an incest dream once. (or twice.) Tried the hardest to forget it afterwards.


66 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-30 00:20 ID:lqDO3+5r

i had a dream where i watched this retarded animated movie with dog characters, and at the end the main character died. then, for some reason, kin (from naruto) asked why he died.

then i'm in a tiny-looking room with benches and glass dinnerware.

i wake up and i'm like "what the hell was that?".

67 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-30 13:24 ID:9hnAXXDQ

Last night I dreamt of shooting black, floating balloons with some laser weapon, which made them produce water. I was really thirsty and trying to drink the water. I woke up and went to get a drink.

68 Name: Anonymous : 2006-12-01 15:32 ID:G9Mt63vw

I remember having a dream last night ... but I can't remember what it was.

I need to start keeping a dream journal to improve recollection.

69 Name: Anonymous : 2006-12-02 01:41 ID:8uf52hTP

Last night I dreamed I found a 100 million (or so) dollar bill from another country. But it turned out it was fake. What, I can't even get that lucky in my dreams?!

70 Name: Anonymous : 2006-12-23 16:16 ID:6jxF5vDV

I had the weirdest dream last night. I dreamt I was accepted into the the University of Haruhi Suzumiya, alias "Haruko Suzumiya" although nobody believed that. The University was so cool that the dorms and classes were in a giant condo. I had a hotel-room key, but all the kids even from the high school laughed at me because it was only a L1 key two weeks into classes, whereas the other kids mostly had L6 and L8 keys that let them go to much cooler rooms. I felt like maybe I wasn't magic enough to go to this school, but I knew that I did have power because I had a spirit guide who came to assist me when I needed help. Unfortunately, this spirit guide was the Spirit of DQN, so when I asked him for textbooks because they were magic textbooks that I couldn't buy in stores and the other kids had already made their textbooks appear somehow, he gave me books... but they were all HOW TO VIPPER books. And the CDs he gave me when I wanted music were BEST OF DQN CDs. I didn't even try listening to them. I mean, the people at this school were so great that even the women in the nursing home could press the call button by accident and get something they needed.

The kids made fun of my L1 key because it meant I didn't know the true identity of Haruhi. I asked my spirit guide what it was, but instead of initiating me he pointed me to Wikipedia, where the spoilers said that Haruhi's real name was Jesus Christ (spelled in some weird line language that I could read). Finally, I had acquired all my books through illicit methods except for two. I was worrying that I would be found out and expelled from school for not having Haruhi powers. I went outside to Starbucks and asked my spirit guide again. I felt reality being altered, but he had just given me a Vipper book again. Why did he go to all that trouble to give me such a worthless book? But suddenly, I understood, and I knew exactly what to do: I had to give the book to a random person on the street, and they would have the exact books I needed. So I walked past a couple of strangers-- I didn't want to give it to a stranger because if it didn't work they'd be weirded out-- then I saw Carol, a real life friend from college, on the street and I gave her the HOW TO VIPPER book. She looked at me, surprised, and said, "Thanks, I've been looking for this forever, take this," and gave me the exact textbook I needed. I dashed back to the Starbucks and showed my friends. Behold! I knew my Haruhi power! And what's more, I didn't even need the weirdd books my guide was giving me-- I could just give people any old random thing that was useless to me and they would exchange it for something I badly needed.

And that's how I became a true student of Haruhi University.

71 Name: Anonymous : 2006-12-23 19:01 ID:gUou82YI

I dreamt I got an offer as a 10 year old to visit India together with my friend (alone, no peeps). Was a bit worred but said "alright"

Then this stupidly annoying kid who used always to be very awkvard&silent(my cousin) shows up from nowhere and debunks the whole thing by setting the teacher giving me the offer on fire. wtf?

Later I get out of class and move around the corridor and just thought for some reason I maybe should visit the school basement boiler-room
Then suddenly it all turns to Unreal Tournament and I'm just standing there until someone blasts me from behind.
Some teammate comes over and fakes sadness over my death and tells me we should thread out of the basement and head over to the HQ and meet up with L.

Yes that L, alias Ryuuzaki from desu noto. I have no idea and suddenly gets put in jail until I figure I'm supposed to be Light. And then I remember my plan not quite working out just as planned, because I'm pretty stupid.
So then I die of starvation. Obviously L forgot all about me.
suddenly Santa lights up the pitch black darkness and asks me if I'm happy with the way I've lived my life, so I answer I wasn't in hopes of getting revived. but
I die once again by getting told to turn the gun on my head

72 Name: Anonymous : 2006-12-23 22:09 ID:CqdNsb+W

Last night, I dreamt I was a character in a 2d RPG (similar to FF4). My character was some sort of resistance fighter, and was about to be captured. So I took off my space suit (?) and started to glow, because I was being poisoned by nuclear waste or something. I was rushed to the hospital where I had to find room 109, which is where the radioactive elements treatment room was. I had one of those IV drips on wheels to hold on to until I got there.

When I finally found room 109, it wasn't me with the poisoning anymore, but rather some random female about my age. I sat down on the bench outside room 109, where there were two older women; one about 30 and one in her 40s. The 40-year-old (sitting next to me on the bench) started talking to the other woman (sitting across from her) about how cute I was. Then she started hitting on me, and I woke up.

73 Name: Anonymous : 2006-12-24 02:01 ID:yyri/pZv

>>70 ... dude, you've been playing too many video games and visit here far too often. Take a break from surreality.

74 Name: Anonymous : 2006-12-24 02:35 ID:zNdFTR3e

Too many people make shit up and post it in this thread.

75 Name: Anonymous : 2006-12-24 03:44 ID:6jxF5vDV

My dream really happened

76 Name: Anonymous : 2006-12-24 11:15 ID:xf95I+nf

I harikiri'd myself in a dream. I knew I wasn't actually going to damage myself, but I hesitated before sticking the sword in my belly. The blade effortlessly penetrated my flesh and came out the other side. I felt a slight stomach ache, and woke up.

77 Name: Anonymous : 2006-12-24 15:33 ID:yyri/pZv

I had this freaky dream where I got this voice mail on my cell phone from the future, and it was my own voice saying "shit! I almost forgot" and then screaming in horror. Then a few minutes later I was waiting for an elevator, and this girl reminded me that I had to be somewhere, so I said "shit! I almost forgot" and stared at this girl who was with me in disbelief. Just then the elevator opened up to an empty shaft, and as I backed away, something from the ground pulled me down the shaft, and I fell...

78 Name: Anonymous : 2006-12-24 19:39 ID:Heaven

to Become a Diplomat

79 Name: Anonymous : 2006-12-27 16:36 ID:Heaven

In a few moments I will have a nap and attempt to initiate a lucid dream. I'll post the results in a few hours.

80 Name: Anonymous : 2006-12-27 16:59 ID:Heaven

Hey what we are not the same person. ID Heaven = ???

Er. Yeah. I am >>79 . Change of plan. No napping now. I'm not alone here and television is on being noisy and disturbing. You care.

81 Post deleted by moderator.

82 Name: Anonymous : 2006-12-28 21:08 ID:Heaven

Did you think we wouldn't notice this post in every thread on the front page?

Please take your spamming and kindly gtfo.

83 Name: Anonymous : 2006-12-28 21:08 ID:Heaven

Your ID is set to heaven when you sage a thread.

84 Name: Anonymous : 2006-12-28 21:40 ID:Heaven

Oh right, thanks.

I had an LD last night :D It didn't last long... I was waking up and tried to stop it by looking around. That didn't really work. But yay first LD in about a month :D :D

85 Name: Anonymous : 2006-12-29 05:26 ID:TuwHmfWM


Trying to draw attention to your post by replying to it under another identity?

86 Name: Anonymous : 2006-12-30 19:36 ID:gF/gShJw

Oh yes, if the topic of this thread is of any interest to you (and it probably is since you're reading this),
Have a look at this:

87 Name: Anonymous : 2006-12-31 04:13 ID:gvJWPhkF

I had a great dream last night, but I woke up suddenly with a nosebleed and don't remember all of it. During the part I do remember, I was riding down a road at night in the front seat of a school bus. There were lots of cats on the road, and I was pleading with the driver to make sure he didn't hit any of them. He told me not to worry, because he was a professional. We kept passing a cat with an eyepatch. It was really cute. THE END

88 Name: Anonymous : 2006-12-31 17:47 ID:WlNcLpCP

Last night I was dreaming of arguing with a loads of cats about theism. The night before that I went to the playground of my old school and pissed in the bushes. In a dream again, that was.

89 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-15 22:12 ID:Heaven

My stupid idiot landlady wanted me to leave because i said I'd leave in 2 months.

Oh yeah, irl, she had asked for the light bulbs. I'm not kidding, the light bulbs... as I was moving in.

90 Name: Newoz : 2007-01-17 04:46 ID:nA+YWFu+

I once dreamed that I was with somebody in my house. I can't remember who it was, but I know it was a girl of about my age and height.

We where laughing, and I held her wrist firmly as I guided - probably dragged - her into the bathroom.

I was then in 3rd person view. I saw myself walking into the bathroom, which had yellowish lightbulbs, dragging the girl. I began to take my clothes off: brown pants, a green shirt I like, and threw them to my companion. She began to put them on. I remained only with my boxers, which were red.

The house was pitch black, but there was daylight outside. I rushed out of the bathroom with her, and we hugged tightly, feeling our bodies vibrate with laughter. We rolled on the floor many times, and I saw the black walls being flashed by brown and white stripes.

Then, I was needed, or at least felt like somebody was calling me. We stopped rolling and got up. I walked away, saying goodbye to her, letting loose the hard grip of our hands. I was sad, suddenly. I walked downstairs, still black. I saw in the living room 3 guys with blurred faces talking to each other, watching a little blue television screen under a yellow light. I went through a corridor. I then stood before a window, which let me see the surrounding vegetation, green, GREEN AND ALIVE, big trees and a brick well encased beneath the leaves. I was holding a yellow telephone, felt the hard plastic against my fragile hands. I was waiting for a call, somebody. The phone never rang.

I woke up, only after 2 hours of sleep.

91 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-17 04:56 ID:Heaven

So... what drugs did you take last night?

j/k, j/k

92 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-17 05:07 ID:FCSnnHjA

i like you

93 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-17 08:58 ID:YxGIRVJl

I had this dream about 5 years ago. it's a bit sick, so don't read it if your a bit weak to this kinda stuff.

I was walking the the ally that i grew up in holding a wood chopping ax. I turned back and saw my mother walking on the other side. Then suddenly my body wasn't in my control any more and I started chasing her as she ran away. I started shouting to her to get away cause I can't control my body. she screamed and ran until i caught up to her. I was in tears trying to stop my own hand when i hit her neck and blood sprang out. It was one terrible feeling at that moment. After i done that I was again in control of my own body. I fell to the ground and my tears mixed with blood as they streamed into the cracks in the streets asphalt.

94 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-17 22:57 ID:uLhGEk6V

When I was little I had a recurring dream. In the dream my school class went to the community pool (for some reason). I remember I was wearing yellow swim trunks in this dream. Anyway, sharks and alligators suddenly appeared in the pool, and people were getting chomped in half as they were struggling to get out. The water turned red, and I was stuck on this weird platform in the middle of the deep end. My teachers kept screaming at me to dive in and swim for the side to get out, but I was too scared. Usually I lost my balance and started to fall, and then woke up. I probably had this dream 50-100 times from when I was 8 years old until I was 12 or 13.

95 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-17 23:42 ID:Heaven

last night i had a dream where my hands were tied behind my back and some guy was hitting me with a golf club.
and when i woke up i wished i hadn't because my life just sucks that much right now.

96 Name: Face : 2007-01-18 20:35 ID:zJZM7T5X

I dreamed I was a rocket man

97 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-18 20:37 ID:zJZM7T5X

I dreampt I was a rocket man

98 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-18 20:38 ID:zJZM7T5X

ahh annoyance for the double reply. Pls delete one

99 Name: Ramon : 2007-01-21 13:44 ID:8Z9iBxSM

It's a strange dream to be a rocket man...

100 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-21 14:59 ID:Heaven

I dreamt about... 100 GET

101 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-21 16:09 ID:G0hzMkoz

101 get
holy shit, that was easy

102 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-21 16:09 ID:G0hzMkoz

i'm going to get 111

103 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-21 16:10 ID:G0hzMkoz


104 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-21 16:10 ID:G0hzMkoz


105 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-21 16:10 ID:G0hzMkoz


106 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-21 16:10 ID:G0hzMkoz


107 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-21 16:10 ID:G0hzMkoz


108 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-21 16:10 ID:G0hzMkoz


109 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-21 16:11 ID:G0hzMkoz


110 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-21 16:11 ID:G0hzMkoz


111 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-21 16:11 ID:G0hzMkoz

111 get

112 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-21 16:15 ID:G0hzMkoz

mods = fags

113 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-21 17:43 ID:Heaven

What the fuck man? This isn't 4chan, leave this crap there.

114 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-22 16:36 ID:i7aRK4B2

Last night, I fell asleep with a school book open in front of me that I was reading.

I then dreamt that I was reading a porno mag while jacking off with my hands under the cover. I then fell asleep (I think... either that or temporarily lost consciousness) with the porn mag still open, and while still jacking off.

Next thing I know, my older sister had come into my room to tell me something, and I was awake again. I panicked, and my mind first went to the fact that I was masturbating. However, I then realized that she would probably just think I normally had my arm under the covers, since she couldn't see anything. My mind then turned to the open porno mag.

She pointed at the magazine and said "So, this is the girl?" and I responded "yeah," without looking. I thought to myself (Ah, she saw it. Now what?)

She was then one her way out, and I looked at the magazine. Somehow, it was turned to a page that didn't have any nude models, and just had a girl in an ad, with text on the other side. I was both puzzled by how it was turned there and by her question.

I then yelled after her asking why she had came in in the first place, as I didn't hear it the first time she said it. She yelled back "Oh, I <inaudible> if I <inaudible> someone else would."

...I wonder what Freud would say about this.

115 Name: Freud : 2007-01-23 03:13 ID:kDIuEt4Z


Its normal you have urges of incest. (>_<)

116 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-23 03:45 ID:Heaven


I believe urges of incest is a NOT normal thing to have.

117 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-23 03:54 ID:yyri/pZv

I was thinking about posting the Dickgirl sister copypasta in response to >>115, but Wiki-chan is down.

118 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-23 21:31 ID:Heaven

119 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-24 01:47 ID:yyri/pZv's too long. By 12,948 characters it tells me. So...uh go read it yourself.

120 Name: Newoz : 2007-01-28 23:24 ID:Heaven

I had another dream lately. I just remember the ending of it.

I was in this court, like in a school, a playground of some sort, with people standing there. Most of them looked like teenagers, although a little bit older than me. They were fighting against some sort of being that created explosions on the other side of the court, smoke rose from the buildings. I couldn't make sense of what was happening because of all the people around me, I just could see guys throwing sticks and stuff at the "thing". Then this guy, older, tougher than me, grabbed hold of my body. He strongly held my torax and my legs and swung me around in circles. I could feel his hands almost tearing through my flesh, my guts screaming in pain. He let go of me and I flew away a few meters, then skid across the concrete floor. I stood up again, and saw only a bunch of girls and guys looking at the distance, like in a stance of readiness before an attack. The guy got me again, but grabbed my hand. He began to go in circles again, my feet rose from the ground. I put my other hand on his wrist. He let go. I flew, saw the girls and the guys about to start running towards the thing passing by me. I landed on the floor, but kept on going. I was going fast, my body got into a position in which a 90° angle was formed. My arms were open, lose from the speed. I saw the tiles forming the floor going past me, then patches of grass. WHAM!!!

I woke up, 6:17 AM.

121 Name: Googe : 2007-01-29 16:46 ID:YxGIRVJl

I had a Long dream, and i am sure in part of it i found out what DQN really stands for, i don't remember now :/

122 Name: fart man : 2007-01-29 23:16 ID:VEVgDQq6

i had a strange dream last night.

i was, for some reason, on a train which was thought to go back to my town. the train was about to start. i looked around and found that many pple from my cildhood were also on the train. actually we were together going back to our town.

the train started, and soon later, a girl tipped me off that on of the other girls loved me. i didnt love her, but it was good to hear someone loved me. sort of mixed feeling. confused but pleased.

and then, everybody was talking together. the topic was "love" and i said jokingly if i had known how to talk to girls better, i would held 2 or more girls in hand. for some reason, some of them, including the one who loved me, got so upset about what i said, and moved away from me but the pple who didnt get upset stayed with me.

but soon after, we realised we were on a wrong train, so we went back to the station where we started. on the way back, i told my friends i was just joking, and how stupid of the pple who left me to take my joke so seriously. i was so annoyed.

it seemed they felt sorry for me, but when we got back to the station, i found out that somebody told them what i said on the way back. i was so annoyed again, but i dicided not to worry too much about it.

by the way i and my friends changed trains and enjoyed talking about some stupid things. then i saw there was a different train from the window, and the annoying pple were on that train. yes. i took a wrong train again. i saw the girl who loved me was sitting alone, so i jumped over to the train from the window, and sat right next to her. i was still annoyed a bit, but i talked to her very gently to apologize. but she
didnt forgive me and said to that "it was sin to say such things. we have different religions, so u have to be careful of what u say. for some pple it can be so offensive".

i was so angry about what she had just said, so i said "what the fuck! i said i had been joking! watch ur fucking mouth, we have different religions..r u a comedian or something?"

then i woke up.

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