What do the japanese think of someone who can speak english, japanese and a romance language (french, italian, etc)? Do they think it's "chic"?
I have a friend who's going to Japan to study and he happens to speak french (he took lessons), so I was just wondering if it'll make him more popular. He has that popularity idea stuck in his head and I'd like to tell him what it's really like before he leaves.
Thanks in advance for your replies.
He studied French and thinks that will make him popular? What kind of immature person he is?
For what's worth, there are lots of (Japanese-)Brazilians who speak Portugues natively.
Not necessarily, but you can use that to your advantage,... The more things you know, the more possibilities you have of favorably impressing the others.
At the end of the day, your personality will decide things, but it does not hurt to be able to display some skills
I wouldn't flaunt it at all. I'd just let it come up one day out of nowhere, and be a surprise.
Op here. Thanks for all the replies. I'll tell him not to be so cocky. He can be arrogant sometimes but overall he does have some tact.
My only hope is that he gets a reality check if he ever does try to flaunt it.
Deutsch wird als germanistische Sprache klassifiziert.
> a friend who's going to Japan to study and he happens to speak french... if it'll make him more popular.
Not really. Provided you let the subject of your language skill come up out of nowhere, people tend to respect it.
Sure, I agree with that. Problem is, that happens very rarely, so expecting it to make you more popular is a bit... eh...
Besides, while it might temporarily impress -- and I emphasize the temporarily bit -- if you're a dork nobody will care. It's just a very small footnote that gets appended to what people think about you overall.
In Japan you are already popular with English also German is quite popular for many Teenager girls. Fact.
Is it true that in Japan Deutsch means Deutsch or Deutsh or something like that? (From spelling the same?)
It would be romanized into something like
> do-i-tsu
English accents are popular and attractive. French suck because France sucks.