i love beer (31)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2009-05-23 02:43 ID:Wc0ZBXbO

When I'm sober = OH fuck you man, I'm a depressed hikikomori, fuck therapy what the fuck has it done for me
WHen I've had a 7 beers = Oh fuck I love you gusy, you're all so awesonme

No seriously 4-ch, I fuckign love you guys, man shit.

beer = fucking greatest invention of all time

2 Name: Anonymous : 2009-05-23 14:14 ID:Lv3YnnlB

Alcohol is like that the same way tobacco "calms" you down and a coffee wakes you up:

If you weren't drinking coffee, you wouldn't depend on a substance to "wake up"; if you weren't smoking, you wouldn't depend on a substance to "calm down"; if you weren't drinking, you wouldn't depend on a substance to have fun.

You're a hikikomori, or so you said. Since you spend so much time alone, why don't you read some history? Especially about alcohol (and tobacco - these two go together). Realize you're a tool for capitalism. Not necessary to do this though; you could simply take a look at all the alcohol advertisements and realize what they're promoting. Learn some Business 101, and you'll see through these advertisements, and even worse, you'll be disgusted at first.

Tl;dr you're drinking not because you want to, but because you're indirectly told to; you think alcohol is good not because it is for you, but because you're told it is. The way you were told these things may be direct or indirect, via advertisements, movies, music et al.

Want to stop being depressed? Start educating yourself. You can also try to find some Cannabis to smoke, it helps certain cases, but can worsen others, so if it doesn't work for you don't continue doing it.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2009-05-23 16:21 ID:Heaven

When I'm sober = i hate myself and i want to die
WHen I've had a 28 beers = ...

4 Name: Anonymous : 2009-05-23 23:38 ID:Wc0ZBXbO


When you've had 28 beers = "I want to jump up in the air and enjoy life!"

5 Name: Anonymous : 2009-05-23 23:40 ID:Wc0ZBXbO


What if I haven't been in school since the 5th grade and now I'm sadly 18?

*drunks some more

6 Name: Anonymous : 2009-05-25 17:05 ID:2d1z+epQ

It's not an excuse. You should be able to find the books used in your educational system online for free. You can study those. I know I've done this myself.

Then again, this has worked for me, but it might not work for you.

The problem with alcohol is that it affects your psyche. You might be depressed because you think, say, that your life sucks, but alcohol affects you in such way that you'd be depressed anyway. You will only realize this if you stop drinking, and then cure your depression.

You have an option to heal. Stop drinking alcohol, and find other activities that distract you enough from your desire to drink. As for depression, I can't help you with that, but cutting down on alcohol is a great improvement.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2009-05-27 17:10 ID:lH92ynsf


All I got from that post was "Don't drink, smoke pot instead."

8 Name: Anonymous : 2009-05-27 17:29 ID:I9nQLSJo

That doesn't mean that's all it said.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-05 00:38 ID:x4Vkc4KV

I hate people who think pot is panacea. Pot is not harmless. It can increase throat and lung cancer. In some cases, pot has increase social disorders like schizophrenia, depression and attention hyperactive disorder.

Pot and LSD is the only drug that lab animals have avoided because of its psychedelic qualities. Pot is not harmless stop thinking it is.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-07 09:04 ID:Heaven

and I hate people who are eager to label someone that if he says something positive about Cannabis.

> Pot is not harmless. It can increase throat and lung cancer.

Citation and methods of consumption. Studies that say such things usually talk about european joints, which are a mix of cannabis and tobbaco, consumed without a filter (just a roach, which doesn't filter anything). Because of this, the tobacco does a bigger damage than it would in a filtered cigarette.

I won't lie here, smoking DOES damage your respiratory system whatever it is that you're smoking. But you don't have to smoke it. There's various consumption methods such as eating, which are not harmful to you at all. Vaporizing can minimize the damage.

Lastly, Cannabis has never been linked to a cancer by a credible study. You don't get cancer by Cannabis.

No, it's not panacea. But one of its effects is to make an individual happier. I also warned the OP that it might worsen his case, which means it would make him more depressed. I'm aware of the psychological dangers of Cannabis, so I warned him.

> In some cases, pot has increase social disorders like schizophrenia, depression and attention hyperactive disorder.

I don't want to discuss with you if you're going to cite propaganda sources because I'm wondering who you are. Yes, depression. That is true, and it's what I WARNED the OP about. As for schizophrenia, nothing is proven, but you'd be eager to cite an unscientific source anyway wouldn't you? As for AHD, I don't know.


11 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-07 09:05 ID:Heaven

continuing from >>10

> Pot and LSD is the only drug that lab animals have avoided because of its psychedelic qualities.

WHAT? I don't think you realize how brainwashed you are.

First, why should it matter that lab animals avoid those drugs? Are you saying that they have a liking for all other drugs?

Second, where did you hear that they avoid those drugs, and what does it mean to avoid the drug? Don't you realize they're being injected with drugs directly in their bloodstream to control the exact dose, and there woudn't be a possible way to "avoid" this, or for the animal to know that it's going to be injected with Cannabis, or LSD or some other drug; so it's pretty fuckng impossible for lab animals to "avoid" those specific drugs. You're either lying or you heard this from someone who is lying.

> Pot is not harmless stop thinking it is.

Cannabis is harmless actually. Here's various ways to consume Cannabis, from most harmful to least.

  • smoking joint with mixed tobacco: harmless because of the tobacco, harmless because you inhale smoke
  • smoking joints only with cannabis: harmless because of the plant matter, and because you smoke
  • water pipe: the plant matter is captured in water, but you still inhale smoke, so certain damage is done to the r. system
  • vaporizer: the plant is heated enough for the THC to leave in the atmosphere. 99% safe, because you inhale only THC and some other harmless chemicals, no plant matter, minimum smoke
  • eating: that's right, you can eat Cannabis and get stoned. It's far the most harmless way to get high, you can cook it, you can mix it with food, you can eat it as is.


12 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-07 09:05 ID:Heaven

continuing from >>11

Because eating is harmless, it renders all arguments "Cannabis is harmful physically" useless.

Let's take a look at the mental state now. Yes, Cannabis might lead to depression, after long use. It is not clear whether that is the effect of meditation or the drug use, or that simply the drug use enhances hte possibilities to be depressed.

I would ask you for a single drug that has no mental side effects if you consume it under a daily basis. You can probably answer none, but Cannabis is one of those drugs if you consume it responsibly. You don't get high if you're sad, because you'll only feel worse. It enhances feelings, it doesn't improve them.

It is also not clear whether schizophrenia and AHD are the result of the drug being illegal. You forgot to mention paranoia which is another infamous effect of Cannabis. Paranoia is such a suspect; it occurs because the drug is illegal, for if it were legal there wouldn't be much an individual would have to be paranoid about.

I noticed you mention "Pot", but please, do not call it pot. If you want to have a serious discussion, call it Cannabis (capitalization not required - I only capitalize because it's a name). That is the name of the plant. "Pot" is slang; "Marijuana" is a propaganda term.

I want to question, are you aware of the answers for the question "Why is Cannabis illegal?"? Have you followed the plant through history to find out what people used to think of it and what they think now?

Are you aware of the dangers that Cannabis set for the synthetic fiber industry back in 1930, prior to its illegalization, for example?


13 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-07 09:06 ID:Heaven

continuing from >>12

Back to the real discussion, Cannabis is only a drug, and quite a harmless one. I use it because it helps me, and because OP was in need of help, I suggested it. Then you came here, implying I'm someone who praises Cannabis like a God, then you spout some propaganda on us, and lying remarks.

It shows because you mentioned LSD even though I haven't mentioned LSD. Why it's a sign to mention both Cannabis and LSD as dangerous? BECAUSE THEY'RE OF THE FEW DRUGS, THAT ARE IN FACT, COMPLETELY HARMLESS.

That is right. LSD is harmless. Go read Hofmanns "My Problem Child", and you'll be quite informed, scientifically, from a scientist, who also happened to be the creator of LSD.

Hofmann in his book mentions an indifference to LSD for most lab animals, due to LSD functioning in the highest layers of the psyche, which lab animals do not have.


If these are your genuine and honest opinions, then PLEASE reconsider. Read what I said carefully and think. Post again with your thoughts and I'll answer any questions with honesty.

HOWEVER, if you're someone who wants to spread propaganda - fuck off. I'll counter-cite every citation of yours and reveal every propaganda research you're going to post. There's many of them. GO LEARN SOME HISTORY. 1937 is an interesting year; it's the year Cannabis was illegalized. 1943 was the first time Hofmann tried LSD. It's all described in his book.

He'll explain what LSD is made of; he'll explain the dangers, he'll explain the trips, he'll explain the psychological uses of LSD, and why certain tests that were conducted were unsuccessful while others succeeded.

(the end)

14 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-07 18:04 ID:Heaven


Holy crap man, chill the fuck out and smoke a joint already.

15 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-07 22:28 ID:lH92ynsf

I hate people like you. Trying to rationalize the use of mind-altering drugs.

16 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-08 03:46 ID:Heaven

> I noticed you mention "Pot", but please, do not call it pot. If you want to have a serious discussion, call it Cannabis (capitalization not required - I only capitalize because it's a name). That is the name of the plant. "Pot" is slang; "Marijuana" is a propaganda term.

"Cannabis" is a propaganda term, too.


Shouting something doesn't make it any less false.

> HOWEVER, if you're someone who wants to spread propaganda - fuck off.

Please follow your own advice.

17 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-08 05:41 ID:x4Vkc4KV

The posts above just prove my point. You just want to believe whatever you want to hear. Cannabis/Marijuana/Pot can and will damage the soft tissues of the throat if smoked. Paranoia, anxiety and depression are all linked to it. Personal smokers ingest more THC than what doctors would give out to there patients who use it.

18 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-08 05:45 ID:x4Vkc4KV

LSD and cannabis are both psychedelics. What I've read that psychedelics effect a very ancient part of the brain called the reptile brain. Try marijuana if you like continue it, but don't let people on the internet try to sway your opinion. Get both sides of the argument.

19 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-08 22:27 ID:Heaven

> a very ancient part of the brain called the reptile brain.

something has obviously affected a very important part of your brain.

20 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-09 02:59 ID:x4Vkc4KV

21 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-09 10:44 ID:7glc41ak


> I hate people like you. Trying to rationalize the use of mind-altering drugs.

Why do you hate me and why do you think I was "trying" instead of providing solid arguments?


> "Cannabis" is a propaganda term, too.

You're delusional, Cannabis is an English term, a botanic name. Botanic names in English derive from ancient Greek and Latin. In this case, the name "cannabis" for this plant is found in a book by Dioscorides. Google Vienna Dioscorides.

Here's one page from Vienna Dioscorides:


It shows the name of the plant in many languages.

So, no, Cannabis is not a propaganda term. On the other side, MARIJUANA is. It became popular in 1930+ media propaganda to describe a "new drug", therefore a new danger.

> Shouting something doesn't make it any less false.

Assuming it is false. Provide reasoning.

> Please follow your own advice.

I'm trying to the best I can. If you think there was misinformation in my post, why not reveal it, instead of leaving only those "hints", which serve more to shun me rather to defeat my words in an argument. A shunner, then, you are.


> Personal smokers ingest more THC than what doctors would give out to there patients who use it.

False because patients usually are chronic users that make heavy use of the drug. (medical marijuana patients suffer from a lot of pain usually)

They above average use, so that which you said can't possibly be true. Moreover, THC is not dangerous, so you lack an argument.


> LSD and cannabis are both psychedelics.

True. Do you know what a psychedelic is? LSD is a phantasticum, to use a Lewin term. But what does this mean for our health? Absolutely nothing. The term is not related to the possible physical and mental damage a drug may cause.

> What I've read that psychedelics effect a very ancient part of the brain called the reptile brain.

Citation? Where did you read that LSD affects this particular part of the brain? The link you provided in >>20 doesn't make any mention of that, so you'll have to provide a new link for us to know WHERE you read what you read, and so that we can read the statement in its fullness. Also, why is it wrong for a drug to affect a part of your brain? You think the drugs you take from the doctor do not do this? You think eating food doesn't affect parts of your brain? This is not an argument against psychedelics.

Something else; this 'reptilian brain', if you read the link you provided, is one of the parts of a model to explain the brain a PROPOSED THEORY. It is not even proven that these things are true. To say that Cannabis affHofmannects the reptilian brain, you must surely mean that it affects the organs the reptilian brain describes; and not advocating MacLeans theory. These parts are the brain stem and the cerebellum. I have also read that it is thought the brain stem is affected by LSD. (I do not know about psychedelics in general) But it's nothing certain; and even if it were, I explained why it doesn't matter.

The only problem of LSD is ignorance. If you're ignorant, LSD may harm you. LSD provides mental flexibility; like all things flexible, it should be operated by experts. If you want to have experiences with LSD, you should also have a goal, and not do this recreationally. LSD is NOT a recreational drug. I would go as far as to say that the danger lies exactly there, without saying that you can't have a good time with LSD though. LSD has been used for psychology studies mainly, with unstable success; Hofmann in his book MPC (mentioned in other posts), explains the factors which were not considered, which rendered the studies useless because their results were unscientific.

22 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-09 22:13 ID:x4Vkc4KV

>>21 >Citation?

Your whole post needs citations

23 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-10 02:51 ID:lH92ynsf


If half the people who do pot are as annoying as you, I'll stick to alcohol.

24 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-10 09:13 ID:Heaven

That can't be; I provided names. You can do some research. Alternatively, you could ask me for the things you want cited, and I will cite them.

That's great logic. You should also avoid drinking water, because every annoying person that I know of drinks it. Also every traitor, child rapist, rapist, serial killer and all sorts of criminals drink water! Water should definitely be avoided because these people drink it.

25 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-10 21:45 ID:Wc0ZBXbO

OP here, I may be going to high school.

Oh and I stopped drinking alcohol.

Now if only I can turn my life around and make up for the six years of hikikomori.

26 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-11 07:15 ID:7glc41ak


> Now if only I can turn my life around and make up for the six years of hikikomori.

Don't worry about making up for that time. It was a phase in your life which you apparently had to go through. Good choice about alcohol and school. :-)

27 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-13 20:38 ID:Heaven


Are you sure you've been smoking weed?
Are you sure it's not METH?

28 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-14 20:14 ID:x4Vkc4KV

Now we are just trolling >>27

29 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-15 05:24 ID:Heaven

OP the best way to deal with ones problems is with no drugs at all.

30 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-15 08:47 ID:Heaven

Lie. If drugs aid in your particular case, why not use them? What fucked up logic is that? What mommy taught you? Or what 1937 posters taught you? Or what reefer madness taught you?

What are you trying to do, get a medal from your D.A.R.E. program? Go fuck yourself, scout boy.

31 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-15 22:34 ID:Heaven

>>30 troll

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