1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-08 10:31 ID:kVGWhrDs

Densha Otoko isn't just a TV-show! Nothing wrong with taking some inspiration from something that happened!

Allthough, the TV-show added a bit more juice to it, but you get the point.

72 Name: Jstars : 2006-03-02 07:18 ID:/WQLCZCf

I've recently started watching Densha Otoko and god help me I ended up seeking out a discussion board like this just because of the show. Just out of curiosity if anything.

As far as the validity of the show is concerned, I really don't care. I'd much rather believe that it happened then that it didn't, and even if it didn't happen, the show is still fun to watch.

It inspires me really, not really romantically (My age dosen't equal my years being single, but I'm not that far ahead of Densha by any means. ^^; ) but as an aspring writer/artist, it does inspire me creatively. It makes me want to both be a better geek and to work hard at my goals in life.

If a mere television show can do that? Then I can't say anything bad about it.

73 Name: dreamerboy : 2006-03-02 09:52 ID:IOB8/KjS

i agree with jstars. i think this show changes peoples perspectives about the way otaku's are being portrayed for the past couple of years. i just hope this trend lasts long :-/

74 Name: Jstars : 2006-03-03 08:36 ID:/WQLCZCf

Two more eps and the "Special" left and I'll be finished with Densha, I want to watch more but It's so late... ^^

75 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-03-04 04:08 ID:ZU19Lgia

i'v seen the last epp but not the movie and the alternate ending, am i missing out??

76 Name: Jstars : 2006-03-04 08:19 ID:/WQLCZCf

The movie was done seperate from the tv show, so you can live without it

The alternate ending isn't an alternate ending, but rather deals with Yamada's friends and the Tigers' Fan. At the very end you get to see Yamada and Saori spending some time with each other on their vacation.

77 Name: CaliMike : 2006-03-11 04:20 ID:Wp3sXyJg and you type Densha Otoko. Enjoy watch!

78 Name: benson_2009 : 2006-03-11 06:16 ID:rv9gRocZ

Densha gives those people who cant get a gf the courage to try, one of my friend who has no luck with girls, he watched Densha and was so touched that he siad the show gave him courage to try one more time. although no one knowss if the story is true or not but i beleive its true, so all u OtaKus! go for it!! lol xD

79 Name: Jitensha Otoko : 2006-03-12 02:46 ID:BbLf9A0m

Lol, actually many people think that is actually true, and that densha is still with hermes. In a fansub as a joke they say that you should pay a drunken man to bug a nice lady in the train so you can play hero and say "SSsstop it...."LOL.

80 Name: benson_2009 : 2006-03-13 14:35 ID:rv9gRocZ

lol thats funny! xD be funny if someone realyl did that

81 Name: LonnDragon : 2006-08-16 21:06 ID:9wrEGM5J

I know this is an old thread and I probably shouldn't bump this but I have to say this.

I am/was exactly like Densha was. This was of course before the TV show however. I am/was a huge Otaku who had a ton of Anime, Games, and Toys, My room was like his room when I was 24 (I'm 31 now).

I always had a problem talking to girls because I was shy and feared rejection. I was always turned down by girls when I was in school and I was picked on all the time and got in a ton of fights. Not for being an Otaku but because I was a small kid and henceforth and easy target. But I digress.

I managed to somehow work up the stones to put out an on-line personal ad back when things like where new and more importantly completely free. I got a few replies but one girl kept replying to me and we E-mailed a lot. Then came the faithful day we met and yes he was exactly like “Hermes”. She was beautiful, refined, and just a very sweet person. I then because nervous because I knew at some point I would have to take her back to my place. And that she would see my wall scrolls, my anime toys on the bookshelf, the bookshelves full of anime and manga, the CD rack full of video games and all the game systems I had hooked to my TV.

I was scared that I would lose what was becoming the best relationship in my life however I also knew that I could/should not hide who and what I am/was. Needless to say she was a bit well… Shocked when she saw my room. I saw this and my heart sunk. So I just came out with it. “Umm I know my room is a bit much” she just looked back and said “I think it’s nice” and things went well from there. I wound up taking her to her first con later that year and she loved it. We got married a year later and we have been married ever since then (going on about 6 years now).

The thing is be who you are, Otaku or otherwise. If someone likes you they will stay by you no matter what (unless you are into illegal things that is) just be natural.

The funny thing is we started watching Densha Otoko and we are just finished Episode 8. My wife loves the show because “They are both like us”. So I see no reason for anyone not to derive inspiration from it. Is it a Bible to live by? Not quite. Is there some inspiration to be gathered from it? Yes there is.

82 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-08-17 00:55 ID:OYA0J6/W

Wow dude, congrats on your life.

83 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-08-17 01:45 ID:Heaven


84 Name: Welcome to the machine : 2006-08-17 05:35 ID:Heaven

What did you dream? It's alright we told you what to dream.

85 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-08-26 07:03 ID:3tH3VUVj

So, I feel like a goon for bumping this, but like alot of you here, I too, was and still am inspired by Densha Otoko. Thing is, I wasn't really looking for this place, but I'm glad I found it. I think its great that the tv show/movie/whatever it was, inspired this many people to get out here and support eachother.

It doesn't matter if the story is real or not (on a personal note, I do believe it could happen, weirder things have happend) it's the fact that it speaks to so many people, and it isnt speaking to them from so cheesed out macho fantasy angle, its speaking to them from the shy, never leave the house, anime guys. I think we should keep this whole thing going, and offer support to any of those who have the balls to put their personal life out in the open, and on the internet of all places. I know now that since I have found this place I will most definitely be lurking around offering what advice I can to my fellow geeks, and asking for help when I get stuck too.

If we want this to work for us like it did for Densha, we have to believe it will, and put our brains together when helping some one out. wow that sounded gay.

86 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-08-26 08:50 ID:iH8KjwLw

Outpost9 Editorials beat the heck out of 1000 single men screaming DO YOUR BEST!!!111one!

87 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-08-26 20:03 ID:OMYctpdN

it works with otaku because it's basically the same story as a magical girl anime.

88 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-08-26 20:03 ID:OMYctpdN

magical girlfriend, rather. whoops.

89 Name: TokyoJapan22 : 2006-09-06 23:32 ID:x8i6YMML

"1000 post.....your really giving it to me?"-Densha

90 Name: TokyoJapan22 : 2006-09-10 16:00 ID:x8i6YMML

Well.....I'm only 14 years old and Densha Otoko was the reason why I went on this forum site, not only that but it too gave me courage to live for tomorrow, to take action when needed, and know where to go in need of help. I have an aspiration of becoming a movie director and I have some projects I'd like to make.(please don't take these idea's away other aspiring directors! Please.) Love Hina, Rival Schools, Calvin & Hobbs, and Battle Royale(don't worry! It won't be based on the manga nor movie! It will have the same plot though.Different characters and what not. America had forseen the horror of the BR act and decided to put it to good use. So they announced that every Senior of a certain HighSchool class will go toe to toe against another in a fight of survival, teamwork, and trust. The class that wins will be offered 1,000,000 to every student(alive) so that they may start there new lives away from HighSchool and into the real world!)

91 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-10 16:31 ID:hNdhUxzc

LOL.. this is my 1st post. I also got here after watching densa otoko, and reading its wikipedia entry. At first I didn't know it was based on true story, I didn't know if such anonymous forum existed. But I liked the idea.

So btw.. Liked densa otoko, it's just sometimes I feel "What a waste, cute girl going with an otaku >.<".. But nice touching story anyway

92 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-10 16:31 ID:hNdhUxzc

LOL.. this is my 1st post. I also got here after watching densa otoko, and reading its wikipedia entry. At first I didn't know it was based on true story, I didn't know if such anonymous forum existed. But I liked the idea.

So btw.. Liked densa otoko, it's just sometimes I feel "What a waste, cute girl going with an otaku >.<".. But nice touching story anyway

93 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-10 16:34 ID:hNdhUxzc

Oops sorry for double posting above.. Still trying to workout 4ch

Does any1 have the real link to 'real' Densha Otoko thread in 2ch? Thanks

94 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-10 16:48 ID:V0PphysN

The actual threads on 2ch are long gone, but they've been archived and even translated into english. I got these from the bottom of the wikipedia article..

The original posts in japanese:

and the english translations:

it's a really fun read, you can really feel the excitement of it all.

95 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-10 18:42 ID:NZoDWa3z

My friend told me about densha otoko late last year. i started by reading up the half translated compilation from when i was in china for holiday.
>>91 I was brought to this site the same way you did XD

96 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-11 13:58 ID:K2DzUK+P

Just curious.. what does that _| ̄|○ they put at the end of post means?

97 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-11 14:49 ID:K2DzUK+P

My god >>94 thanks a lot for putting that site, I got addicted now. Reading his post was so funny!! ━(゚∀゚)━ !!

98 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-11 17:14 ID:ojZTxPmP


Watch the trailer for the movie and you will see :p

99 Name: Kriffix!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2006-11-13 22:47 ID:0i4ik6IJ

_| ̄|○=tired right?

100 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-14 00:59 ID:iF1LV4Co


I believe that's for failure.

101 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-14 04:18 ID:obbIlUm0

Also shame, depression, dejected, etc.

102 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-14 18:58 ID:YoPFR4mx

my volume one of the CMX Dencha Otoko Manga says it means tired o_O
does it mean all these things then?

103 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-14 19:05 ID:2jU3DR5g

mostly failure.

104 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-14 21:52 ID:vUQwJjr7

it's a guy that has fallen down on his knees. I finnished this yesterday and i was so inspired by it and connected lol. I got tears in my eyes at one point and screamed at the screen when he screwed up. Someone sent me here and said this board has a bit of that athmosphear lol.

105 Name: Merz : 2006-11-18 17:57 ID:9LDri8Py

love the the tv drama so much

106 Name: Mr. Anonymous : 2006-11-26 07:18 ID:q3Rxkv4U

I know that its been like ages, but...where is 28?
You're the bomb, man! Hope your marriage will last till death do you part.

107 Name: The Bear : 2006-11-26 07:49 ID:H41q8ym7

Being a fan of anime. I was really suprised when I first saw the series. It was shown on my local television channel and I knew nothing about it. But once the anime opening started, I was instantly hooked (either there was no subtitles and I knew very little Japanese). I saw the movie after I completed the series. Overall a great movie about how people can do anything with support from others.

108 Name: mr. k : 2006-11-28 22:59 ID:dRz914ur

after watching this show, i see why girls get so excited over drama's. I felt so inspired.

109 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-01 04:07 ID:K79N7h3y

There's Densha in us all.
Run towards glory!

110 Name: ND : 2007-07-23 01:07 ID:txHEHt47

You guys can actually find the translations of the original 2ch posts online. They're very entertaining.

111 Name: Dark Angel : 2008-01-11 18:03 ID:tOVapkiU

its a great show.
do u think it could happen in real life.
4 me i dont think so its too good to happen in real life.

112 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-11 18:48 ID:Heaven

i hate you so very, very much

113 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-11 19:40 ID:Heaven

What >>112 said.

114 Name: Dark Angel : 2008-01-11 20:31 ID:xP3iUa4P

i dont care what is ur feel
hate me or not u r just a fail

115 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-11 20:44 ID:Heaven

I hate you even more.

116 Name: Dark Angel : 2008-01-11 20:48 ID:xP3iUa4P

i don't care
i like the show and there is alot of people
like it too.

117 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-12 00:30 ID:Heaven



>Please stop making threads relating to Densha Otoko.



118 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-12 01:24 ID:Heaven

technically bumping is a loophole, but i still hate >>116 with the blackest part of my being

119 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-12 06:36 ID:Heaven

I've never read the threads where Densha Okoto wrote in, nor watched the drama (though I happened to know the storyline). Don't know why so many of you are/were interested in/enthusiastic about this.

120 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-02-06 03:05 ID:u0y+bYcA



121 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-02-06 14:59 ID:Heaven


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