[Quasi-IAA] How getting dumped hurts... (22)

12 Name: Sakurina : 2005-11-17 22:48 ID:2FxRylkr


Regarding the friends issue, I live in the province of Quebec and people here mainly speak French, which is a hard language for me to express myself in. Plus, even if I tell them about it, all they do is point, laugh, and call me a pedophile.

All my English-speaking friends go to an English school and we rarely speak to each other due to lack of time. When we do, we do so online and they seem to think what I mean is serious.

As for the whole stalking issue, I feel very guilty about doing so and I never should have in the first place. I only did it because I wanted to be in her presence as much as possible. Now that I've realised my mistake, does that mean I should forget about her?

If I know what I did was wrong and I regret it, I can admit it easily to her.

Next thing is the age problem. I do admit 12 years old is young for a relationship, same for 14. She's just so gorgeous and smart and kind, I don't want to let her go. I get attached so easily that letting go is a hard thing to do.

All I want out of this is someone to care for the same way I care for myself. Isn't that what life is all about?

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