[Quasi-IAA] How getting dumped hurts... (22)

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-15 17:25 ID:7l0Li7lW

Ditto >>2. You're going through screwy teenage hormone things. We all were there (well, those of us old enough to be over them, anyway). Just realize that that's what's happening and you're halfway on the way to conquering them.

As for the 12-year-old girl... I don't think you can really be a pedophile at age 14, but whatever. Just don't actually do anything sexual with her, okay? And talk to her; don't stalk her. After all, what would scare you more; some creepy stranger talking to you, or some creepy stranger silently following you and watching your every move? Besides, what's the worst that could happen, you'll get turned down again? Well, you already survived that once, right? You can do it again.

Have heart, young >>1!

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