Valentines Day (135)

117 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-15 00:57 ID:SIeL3QmX


"European countries like Amsterdam" LOL!

Thats because in Amsterdam people are too busy getting high on grass to get laid.

Seriously, just because people use preventives, condoms and commit to abortions without remorse doesn't mean they have healthy sexual habits. You're kind of ignoring the psychological risks here, focusing on the physical ones. But the physical risks aren't nearly as alarming as the psychological ones. A physically disabled individual is a burden to a limited amount of people, a mentally disabled individual bears the potential to not only burden but also harm countless.

I want to draw a paralell to Nazi germany. The german people at that time were no different from anyone of us, but they were going through psychologically challenging times which put their common sense out of order. See the problem with us humans is that no matter how smart we are, our emotions will after breaching a sertain threshold, put our morals out of order and cause us to act according to emotions instead. And God help us if our emotions then are embedded in some kind of sick mental structure, and thats exactly what happened in Nazi germany: The people were fed with lies, sick ideals and ideas, pleading to their rampant emotional cravings for social security and human dignity.

Now, malinformation is being fed into us through our desperate need for sexual satisfaction, a desperation highly increased by the intense exposure to sex and theory concerning sexual practice we recieve already from early years. Through this we are being taught uncompromising tolerance towards sertain things, while we at the same time develop zero tolerance towards anything that challanges this, even if it rightly does.

We are being brainwashed on a grand fucking scale, and regrettably it's tied to something we can't possibly rise to battle because it's too important to us. The worst thing is that this brainwashing isn't some evil sheme orchestrated by a demonic group of people or something, it's just the way things have turned out. In the name of our constant strife to enrichen our lifes, and our ever-present lack of true compassion or love, both for ourselves and others. So we can't really fight this because it's up to each individual to first fight him/herself, and we know everyone will never do this. Because we don't love ourselves, we only struggle to feed our desires. Thats instinct, not love. Our brains turned our instincts into our worst enemy. It's so fucking hilarious.

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