Valentines Day (135)

60 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-06 18:33 ID:uoilMyRD

I guess you can put it that way. Of someone specially caring about you would perhaps be a little more accurate, but you get the idea. And no, it's not like an everyday gift; because "this is the day everyone around the world do it", so it is special. To make a parallel - taking resolutions on January 1st is "more important" than a resolution taken randomly around the year. Because that day, many people do it.

I'm not saying that it's like being a dumb sheep. It's all about symbols and how powerful you think they are. Of course a gift from you to yourself is enjoyable; but it would be totally void from any feelings from another person. Which is more or less what Valentine's day is all about.

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