Valentines Day (135)

77 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-13 22:12 ID:SIeL3QmX

This is my 24th consecutive SAD, not that I give a flying rats ass about neither valentines nor SAD. I'm 24. I guess if I showed a little balls I could snag myself a cute little girl with ease, because after all I'm intelligent, handsome and nice(except on 4-ch). The problem is that I'm chicken shit.

It really sucks because I know what I should do so no good advice will ever jump up and bite me, I don't listen to myself, nor others. Heck, cute girls have been chasing me and made open advances on me, even though I seem like a scary motherfucker so most don't even dare to talk to me. I just don't ever aknowledge them, sometimes I even avoid them, even if I'm actually interested in the girl putting out signals/advances. I don't know why I do this, and I always regret it later.

One time I was even mistaken for a closet fag because I seem so disinterested in the opposite sex, even though I have no serious problem interacting with it on friendly terms.

I really want a girlfriend though. It's all so retarded....

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