27 Name: Otaku Hikki : 2006-09-11 06:49 ID:xMWh09SF

Women/girls are generally insecure. The reason is both tradition and biology. Generally, women has less physical strength than men. If they were to fight for survival, then the men would win out. The history of all part of the world, women plays the tradition of relying men. Men are always the owner and women has less opportunity. In addition, laws were made to give advantage to men. So this tradition passes down to generation, hence, women are insecure.

But nowadays, it has change alot, women play vital roles, and laws changed to equality for men and women. Also sexual harrassment and abusive laws. Feminism is fighting strong. Many women are owners and it will increased. I believe in the future, women will no longer be as insecure as before, they don't have to rely on men. I think it is fair.

So then women don't have to look for assholes which they perceive to have survival traits to protect her and the children, they can just rely on themselves.

Seeing how this trend is going, I think in the future, marriage and relationship will be tough. More people don't want children and women become more independant.

In the end, women can freely choose their mate without depending on conditions like survival traits in men. They can simply choose anyone they wish.

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