34 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-16 09:38 ID:gVHdE0Wh

All women do not like jerks, the same way all men do not like women that have the independency of a five year old girl.
Relationships are supposed to be even partnerships, a symbiotic relationship with team work. Not some sort of parasitic leeching nor charity work.

I shun jerks. My boyfriend is a sweet, cute and brainy language/physics geek.
My ex seemed like a really nice guy when we were just friend, once we were dating it turned out I was wrong, though. I am no longer with him, to state the obvious.
I don't want a spineless partner. The qualities I've always been on the lookout for in a guy are individualism, independency, intelligence, cuteness/decent looks, a lack of being too clingy and desperate, not a jerk, a logical person who has emotions yet isn't a slave under them.
My boyfriend matches my ideals perfectly, and has a lot awesome personality traits I don't even see as necessary.
To claim that most women like jerks is rather incorrect. It's just that they ones that do are amongst the most noticable females for desperate guys, due to the sheer stupidity of their actions :-p

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