35 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-16 10:17 ID:zD77qa/L

I for one like girls with fiery personalities, even if they might be bitches sometimes, just because once you dum them down and make them submit it's that much hotter. I could see this mindset working in a similiar fashion for women. So in that way it kindof makes sense.

As for what >>29 said, it's true. I am shy around girls, and my age = amount of time without a girl. But I am a serious martial artist that likes fighting as a hobby, and I have confidence in my abilities. I am also fiercely competitive, but these traits only manifest themselves around other men. In this way I believe you CAN be shy AND confident. That said it really depends what type of confidence you possess- confidence comes in many flavors, so people can't just be said to generally 'lack confidence.' They may have plenty of confidence, but just not have the kind of mentality that makes them confident with girls.

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