37 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-16 17:07 ID:rCvuObLg

I had a girl tell me directly that she could never love me because I was too good. What the hell? She ended up with this emo nutcase and ended up attempting suicide when he broke up with her.

I'm confident and try very hard to be nice, I've never been shy or whiny but girls still prefer some jerk or freak to me.

The way I understand it is girls have this complete desire to "fix" someone so they end up with guys with problems they can't control. It's a motherly instinct and it sucks.

Go read Kodomo no Omocha, every girl's dream is to find some bad boy Akito and change him into a nice guy because it proves they love the girl enough to change. But guys that are ALREADY nice guys get totally screwed.

It's all a load of crap.

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