48 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-29 10:46 ID:secDuCdr

I'm a girl and I don't date simply because all the men I find ARE jerks. Or they lie or they're freekin' touchy and over-sensitive.

As a girl I found when dating I

a)wasn't allowed my preferances. I was being bossy or pushy if I wanted to do something.

b)Wasn't allowed to be creative. I'm a painter, and generally very craft oriented person. I could easily spend days locked in my studio. Many men can't handle this because you aren't focused 100% on them. If you deman áll of a woman's time, be prepared to lose out. Short term it may work, but women are PEOPLE and have interests and hobbies that do not concern and revolve around you.

c)was Not Stupid. If I felt a guy was in it JUST for sex, then there was very little incentive to keep him around. I want someone interested in Me for the sake of being Interested in ME. If you're just pretending to be concerned when I'm unhappy because you think it'll be easier for you to be Laid... think again.
If you're not 100% ok with being Friends only, then we have every right to ditch you for someone who will be HAPPY that we're their friend. ANything else is just a diversion on our part. Also, we realize we're not going to be OMG HOT! forever, if we are to begin with. If we think you're the sort that will wander off when we stop being good looking, why should we bother with you except as a diversion?

In short... much of the time, it really IS you.

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