55 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-03-05 04:20 ID:Heaven

This thread makes me not ever want to touch a woman, and no I won't turn gay either.

It's always about something, some stupid ass fucking bullshit, all those retarded on and off-buttons, think they can figure shit out but in the end they just lead themselves into trouble. I won't play the courting-game, I'm not trying to round up cattle here. But then I guess I will never find a woman either. You look at eachother like animals, it makes me want to puke you to death, motherfuckers. I hear you talking around me, I see what you write here, I see what you do to eachother, it's revolting, people are disgusting.

Yeah it's true, I am pissed off, judgemental, bitter if you will. Tired of all the bullshit.

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