69 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-03-30 01:39 ID:Heaven

I agree. I like guys in the nice chivalrous way, not the nice but boring yes-sayer way. I don't know if it's the case with other girls, but chivalry gets a huge tick from me.

For example, I was in the doctors waiting room the other day. It had been a long day, and everyone's appointment was 2 hours behind schedule. There were four of us left, an elderly, a very average looking guy, a mother and toddler, and myself (last on the list). The toddler had been getting restless and crying the whole time, and the mother kept anxiously looking at the clock. Upon seeing this, the very average looking guy offers up his position in the queue for the mother, even though he kept making calls to explain to his friend how late he was going to be. I had been waiting in line for about 2 hours, so I'd say he would've been waiting for at least 2.5 hours. Such an act caught attracted my attention, and I began noticing his smile, his voice etc.

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