I will teach u how to attract girls (90)

69 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-08 18:15 ID:Heaven

Good thing I got a good girlfriend (and married) before I found "dating advice" on the internet, which essentially boils down to
a) Placating them until they open their legs. fart man: You aren't "seeing eye to eye" with them, you are patronizing them. They are (hopefully) adults, with real thoughts. You're treating them like children with with terminal illnesses.
b) Being a "real man" which means ordering them around to show that you have the nerve to order someone around. - No, they just get bored with the disposable yes-men they encounter. This doesn't justify inflicting one's misogyny/excessive hostility on random strangers under the pretense that "they secretly want it".

ITT: We will never have real relationships because we see women as RealDolls that make you pass a verbally issued multiple choice quiz before use.

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