I will teach u how to attract girls (90)

82 Name: fart man : 2007-02-09 15:11 ID:m2o6Z+kK

>It much more honest and fun than just agreeing with girl

lady, ur example is one good way of giving her a good impression. because both of the people sound really involved in the conversation. u prefer that way. okay, thats fine. but id like to make sure that im not saying "just say yes".

what i want to say here is that u dont have to argue with her on such a small topic. being honest and saying whatever u think sometimes doesnt work well. Instead, the conversation like >>6 is so much better(or has less risks) than saying "i dont agree". u want to make the conversation go somywhere, not nowhere. u dont want risk that. and usually people find it refreshing to go driving when its beautiful, and where no cars around, especially when driving fast. so, lady, i think its another good way to develop the conversation. what do u think?

u dont have to be always honest. again, u r only talking about the weather(or whatever the small topic is). if u feel bad about ur lie, u cant tell the truth later. she wont slap u or anything, because its such a small lie.

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